Uzys SMI Merge Tool

-얘기할 수 있어요?-


-지금 바빠, 좀 있다가-


-약을 하고 싶어요-


왓슨, 걱정스러운 대화가....


제...동거인인줄 알았습니다만...




난 게이에요


전 아닌데요


내 이름이요




난 셜록입니다




아..'게이'도 맞아요


시간 아까울까봐서요


참 효율적이시네요


저희 집에 오신 걸 환영합니다



게이 만났군요


잠깐 저희끼리 얘기 좀 할게요. 게이


랜디가 재발할 위험에 닥쳤나봐요


그래서 만나러 가야겠어요


오. 안됐네요


무슨 병인데요?


약물 중독자거든요


어, 내 미결 사건을




네. 시간있을 때
조사해보라고 했잖아요


더그 뉴버그 사건에서
발견한 게 있어요


그 사건 기억하죠?


리버데일의 자택에서 총에 맞았었죠


사건현장이 엉망이었고
범인의 DNA를 찾았지만


일치하는 사람은 못찾았어요


아, 그래요, 기억해요


어, 매우 잘. 희미하게


약을 한 상태였겠죠


당신 노트가 정말 엉망이었어요


뉴버그는 바람둥이였어요


그에게 여자를 뺏긴 상대에게 살해당했을


가능성을 두고 수사했었어요


뭘 찾아냈어요?


이거 기억해요?


네. 번역해달라고 하지 말아요


내가 썼지만


무슨 뜻인지는 모르겠어요


아. 이걸 표시해둔 걸 알아냈어요


잉크 자국 아래에 있는 게 뭔지 알고 싶어서


매니큐어 제거제로 지우고


블랙커피로 닦았어요


블랙커피로 얼룩을 지웠어?


네, 그럼요. 커피의 산이
마커를 지우니까요


화이트보드를 지워본 적이 없나봐요?


이 벽을 봐요


이 검은 돌을 제외하고 모두 회색이 됐어요


그게 눈에 띄길래


게이에게 연락을 했어요


뉴욕대 지질학 강사거든요


봐달라고 요청했죠




사진만으로 말하긴 어렵지만


내가 보기엔 이 돌에
줄무늬가 있는데 이건 아마도


지구 표면 아래에서 캐냈다는 뜻이죠


네, 직접 보지않고는
확언할 수 없으니까


리버데일에 아직 있으면
가보는 게 좋겠어요


매우 흥미롭군요. 나도 같이 가겠어요





당신은 내 스폰서이지
정신과의사는 아니죠


정식 모임 전에 20분만 시간을 줘요


무슨 일인지 말해도 될까요?




맞아요. 이건 치료가 아니죠


네 재활은 내게 중요해




이건 네 재활에 중요한 일이지 그러니까..


이브 때문이에요


우린 2년 정도 같이 살았어요


처음 제가 약을 했을 때, 같이 있었어요


마지막으로 약에 취했을 때도 같이 있었죠


이브가 떠날 때까지 난 약에서
벗어날 수 없었어요


근데 이제 돌아온대요


나더러 자기가 깨끗해지도록 도와달래요


그동안 나와 같이 지내자고 했어요




중독에서 벗어나는 노력을
너와 하고 싶다고?


별로긴 하죠


이거 왜 이렇게 스트레스죠?



미안, 너...내 충고를 원해?


모르겠어요. 정식 모임 전이니까요




나쁜 여자의 매력에 빠져있는 모습이


참 익숙하구나


네 인생에서 이브를 영원히
떼어버리라고 말해줘야겠어


그냥 등을 돌리라고요?


무엇보다도 중독에서 벗어나는 게 중요해


그 여자를 견뎌내기엔 너무 약해


당신 여자에게서 그렇게 했나봐요?


그게 최선이야


남의 집 마당을
이렇게 돌아다녀도 돼?


사람들이 살고 있잖아


아무도 없어


여기 살던 사람을 살해한
범인을 찾아주길 바라겠지


오, 아직 있어


이 흰 줄 보여?


해양 석회암이지. 아마도


엄청 오래됐다고 봐


얼마나 오래 됐는데?


백악은 백악기 시대의 퇴적물이야


6천5백만년 전이지


이 벽의 일부 같지 않아?


아니. 이 돌은 완전히 따로 있어


누군가 여기 가져다놨어


또 다른 게 있어


지층에서 절단되어


이송하기 위해 다듬어졌어


보통 고고학 자료가 그렇지


그럼 여기 다른 게 있단 말야?




이제 어쩌지?


-환상적이네요. 가져와요-


큰 돌을 가져올 줄 알았더니


CT 스캔을 할 사람을 찾았네요




훔치는 걸 도와달라고 했더니 파내줬어요




- 아직 맨정신이죠
- 당신은요?


내 인생은 조심스럽게 만들어와서


사람들에게 내 과거 연인에 대해


말하지 않아야했어요


그리고 우린 아직 여기 있네요




당신들 돌이요


와서 봐야할 것 같아요


전에 내린 회의론은 철회하겠어요


더그 뉴버그의 마당에 공룡이 있을 줄은


생각지도 못했어요


♪ Elementary 2x14 ♪
Dead Clade Walking
Original Air Date on January 30, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


참 아름답지 않아요?


윈드 리버 산맥에서 발굴했지요


아그네스는 세계 유일의


디메트로돈 골격의 완전체입니다


제리 토마스입니다


화석 전시실 큐레이터입니다


셜록 홈즈입니다


제 동업자인 조앤 왓슨이고요


제 비서 말로는 NYPD에서 일하시고


화석을 발견한 것 같다고 하셨다던데




이거 진짜입니까?


그렇다고 봅니다만




나노티라누스 같습니다


티라노사우르스의 축소형 같은 건데


극히 드물죠


이건 골격 전체가 다 있군요




어디서 왔을까요?


백악 줄무늬가 있는 돌 안에서


발견했다고 하셨죠?



해양 석회암이군요


미국 내에선 이런 화석이
발굴된 적이 없습니다


가장 최근에 몽골에서 수집됐어요


돌을 직접 봐야 확실하겠지만


몽골에서 발견되었다면
몽골 소유입니다


그럼 누군가 미국으로 밀수를 했군요


가치가 얼마나 될까요?




억대까지도 갈 겁니다


뉴버그를 살해한 범인은 집을 뒤졌어요


아마 이걸 찾고 있었나봐요


더그 뉴버그의 명예를 위해


새 콜라주를 만들었네요


벨 형사가 NYPD에 있던 자료를


모두 보내줬어요


내 원래 기록과 경찰 파일을 훑어봤어요


더그 뉴버그는 오히려 둔한 사람이라


밀수를 할만한 사람은 아니었어요


마당의 공룡을 빼면요


뉴버그의 인생에 날
대입해보려고 시도 중이에요


암시장이 아니라 지인과 얽혔겠죠


약을 했을 땐 어떻게 일을 했어요?




아직 내가 몰락하기 전일 때는


중독상태를 이용해서 사건을 해결했어요


뉴버그의 부모에게 댓가를 받았지만


당시 수사가 잘 이루어지진 않았어요


내 최선의 노력을 기울이지 못했고


지금도 좋은 기억은 아니죠


-이브가 왔어요. 헤어지지 못해요-






여자 문제가 계속 되고 있어요


내 앞에 한 남자가 앉아있어요


중독재활이 지속될지 여부가


내가 그의 대화를 받아주느냐에 달려 있어요


난 예의를 지켰고, 불쾌한 표정이긴 했지만


얘길 들어줬어요


돌아올 수 없는 길을 건넜죠


이제 절친이 됐어요


이제서야 그와 헤어지면


그의 재활이 잠정적으로
위태로워지지 않을까요?


뭐라고 보낼려고요?


"다음에 하는 게 좋겠어"


이 돌은 그냥 대충 숨겨놓은 게 아닐 겁니다


매우 신중하게 선택하고 매우..


-다시 약을 할까봐 걱정돼요.
만날 수 있어요?-


도대체 당신은 중독자들을
다루는 일을 어떻게 했어요?


늦은 시간이잖아요. 전화해요




그럼 나가있을 동안
내가 콜라주 작업을 할게요


콜라주가 아니에요


공작놀이 아니라고요


어제 언제 들어왔어요?


꽤 늦게까지 랜디와 있었어요


그게 필요할 거에요


아침 먹고 나서 아이스크림 사러 가요




왜 아이스크림을 먹어야해요?


바로 그거에요


디에고 살세도


더그 뉴버그는 그의 결혼식 들러리였어요


디에고는 전과가 있어요


자잘한 전과들이지만


8년 전에 장물 소지죄로


3건 기소됐었고


미결정심리로 끝났어요


지금 무슨 일을 하는지 조사해봤더니


뉴욕 전체에 깔린
아이스크림 트럭 부대를


운영하고 있었어요


시청에 확인해보니


아직도 영업을 하고 있어요


여기 뭔가 있는 것 같았군요




왜 아이스크림 부대를 운영하겠어요


겨울에는 대부분 회사에서 허가증 없이


영업한다고 들었어요


아이스크림을 팔지 않는다면
왜 영업을 할까요?


트럭 중 반은 쉬고
반은 같은 자리에 있어요


그리고 하나만 돌아다닌다면?


주로 공장지대를 돌아다니는


경로로 허가를 받았어요


이 공장지대에 항구도 있어요?



디에고 살세도가 밀수품을 옮기는데


아이스크림 트럭을 이용한 것 같다 이거죠?


더그가 마당에 화석을 둔
이유도 설명이 되잖아요




뉴버그의 살인에 관련된 놈이라고?




하지만 화석이 어디서 났는지 알고 있다면


지금보다는 답에 더 접근할 수 있겠죠


아직 나노타리우스 소유권을 주장하는 사람 없었어요?


아직. 왜?


집에 가져가고 싶어해요






보관하기 위해 가져갈 거야


진짜 몽골에서 가져왔다면 돌려줘야해


손님이 오셨구만


아이스크림 가격으론 너무 많은데


좋아, 모두 준비한다




모두 준비하라


좋아. 됐다.가자!


명령이다. 모든 유닛 출동하라!




무슨 일이세요?


배급업자에게 재고 돌려주는 것 뿐인데요


아, 그래?


세관 승인서도 없고




이해가 안 돼요


내 뒤를 밟아서


날 체포하고선


더그의 집에서
티라노사우르스가 발견됐으니까


그걸 물어보겠다고요?




네가 거기 뒀잖아


너한테 시가를 사려던 놈들이


네 화물에 대해 이미 다 말했어


혐의가 점점 쌓이는데


우린 널 더그 뉴버그 살인의


주요 용의자라고 생각해


보석금을 마련하느냐 마느냐의 차이 정도지


더그와 난 같이 자랐어요


내 들러리였고,
내가 안 죽였어요


알리바이 있어?


몰라요. 언젠더라?


3년 전?


방해해서 죄송합니다


이민세관국에서 나온 사람들이 도착했습니다


반장님께서 기다리실 거라고 하셔서요


잠깐 기다리시라고 해


더그의 집에 있는 화석은 어디서 났지?




더그가 죽기 바로 전에 돌을 배달했어요


난 거기 뭐가 있는지도 몰랐어요


하지만 손님이


마지막에 문제가 생겼어요


그래서 내 집은 감시당하고 있을 것 같으니까


집으로 가져갈 순 없어서


더그에게 부탁해서
며칠만 두겠다고 했어요


다음날 살해당했지만


두 일이 관련있을 줄 내가 알았냐고요?


네, 물론이죠. 미행당했으니까


하지만 범인이 돌도 가져갔을 줄 알았어요


뒷마당에 있는 줄 몰랐다고?


차고에 가져다뒀어요


그 놈이 직접 챙겨뒀나봐요


난 더그를 죽이지 않았어요


난 더그를 죽이지 않았어요
내 DNA가져가도 좋아요


거짓말 검사를 해보시든지


맘대로 해요


기꺼이 DNA를 내놓겠다는군요


범인은 화석을 원했지만 찾지 못했어요


- 우린 찾았죠
- 그래서요?


암시장에 올려놓고 누가
연락하는지 보고싶은 거죠


반장님, 이민세관국에서 온 사람이


내 책상을 맴돌면서


화석을 찾는데요


이 사람들 뭐야?


내가 기다리라고 했잖아


한 명 뿐이고


방금 왔어요


네. 그들이 와서 사인을 하고


글쎄요, 10분 전인가?


내가 올 때까지 기다렸어야지




그들이 어떻게 둘러싸는지 아시면서


신분증은 확인했나?




다른 이민국요원이 뒤에 와있고


벨 형사가 이미 신분확인을 했으니까




도둑에게 증거를


넘겨줬을 뿐만 아니라 엄청난 가치의


지질학 보물을 줘버렸어요


나노티라누스 화석을 갖고 가네요


참 대담한 행동이로군요


칭찬할 정도네요


이민세관국 담당자와
매우 긴 대화를 했어


도난 사건 조사를 도와주겠다는군


그들이 남겨둔 서류를
과학수사대에 넘기고


지명수배를 할 거야


범인이 누구든


비범한 지략을 가졌어요


먼저, 우리가 화석을 발견했다는 걸 알았어요


언론에 알려지지 않았고,


이민세관국 내부에서 정보를 얻었겠죠


멍청한 경찰을 속일 수 있는


서류를 위조하고 진짜 세관국 요원이


도착하기 전에 범행을 저질렀어요


훔친 공룡화석으로 뭘 하려는 걸까요?


뒷골목에서 거래될 물건도 아니잖아요


네, 잠재 구매자들의 유통망이


꽤 튼튼한 편이죠


불법 구매를 위해 수백만달러를 쓰려는 사람들이요


우리가 해야할 질문은 이겁니다
밀수 유물이 들어왔을 때


가장 큰 손은 누구일까요?


그 사람을 찾으면
도둑도 찾을 겁니다


더그 뉴버그 사건과도 연결된다는 데 걸겠어요


디에고가 화석을 옮기는 걸 알고 있던
사람들 명단을 만들어보지


그리고 항만관리 위원회에


고급 밀수업자들 명단도 받아오지


C의 의견을 물어봐야겠어요


C라고 알고 있지만


실제론 만난 적도 없는데
우릴 도와줄까요?


선택을 통해서 알게 됐고


알려고 했다면 실명도 알아냈겠지만


이니셜 쓰기는 우리 취미의


약속 중 하나니까요


그게 뭔데요?


C와 난 색정 편지를 주고받았어요


꽤 오랫동안이요


야한 편지를 썼다고요?


독특하게 안 밝히는 척 했지만


그래요. 그랬어요


외설서는 매력적인 문학장르죠


D.H.로렌스의 편지 분석에 전념한


게시판에서 처음 C를 알게됐어요


그녀가 그 게시판의 주인이었죠


그래서 당신의 특이한 펜팔이 우리에게


어떻게 도움이 된다는 거죠?


우린 사생활에 대해서 많이 쓰진 않았지만


C는 경매회사의 대표예요


대부분 고급경매회사는


들여오기로 한 상품이 항구에서 없어지면


문제가 되겠죠


그럼 우린 여기서 뭘 찾으면 돼요?


'O'표시를 하는 사람?


잘 모르겠어요


저 사람일까요?


편지에서 스카프에 대해 쓴 적이 있어요


당신이 상상한 모습인가요?


말하기 힘드네


내 상상 속에서 당신은 별로


옷을 입고 있지 않았거든


드문 재능을 갖추셨어요, 마담


알게 되어 영광입니다


직접 만나줘서 고마워


비서가 내 모든 통화를 들었는지 확신하진 못하지만


내가 도움이 될지 모르겠어


난 경매사지 밀수업자가 아니야


지인 중에 무역업을 하다


은퇴한 사람이 있을 겁니다


한 명 있지


아마 무역상 중엔 최고였을거야


신화적인 인물이지


우리 직원들이 항상 농담으로


진짜 돈을 벌고 싶으면


그에게 물건을 팔라고 하지


실제로 몇명은 그랬을 거야


이름 아세요?


좀 유치한데


자기를 "맥파이(까치)"라고 하고다녀


제가 그와 연락할 수 있을까요?


내 생각엔 그가 원하는 물건을
네가 갖고 있어야해


그럼 그가...찾아갈 거야




방해하지 말까요


물어볼 말이 있나봐요


맥파이가 관심을 보일만한 빛나는


가짜 보석이 필요해요


그래서 하나 만들고 있어요


1517년 마틴 루터가


비텐베르크 성 교회의 문에


95개 조 반박문을 걸었고 종교개혁이 시작되었죠


아, 네. 나도
대학에서 역사 배웠어요


같은 날 유명인사들에게 필사본을


보냈던 것도 알아요?


루터가 고심했던 여러 초고가


존재한다는 오랜 루머가 있어요


그 필사본이 얼마나 가치있겠어요


그래서 가짜 95개조를
만들고 있군요. 그래서요?


최근 유산으로 받았는데 가치를


모르겠다는 의문을 던지는 거죠


웹사이트에서 추적을 하는 데 유용해요


이베이를 항상 이용하는 편이죠


이거 영어로 쓰였네요?


첫 몇 장은 라틴어고


세밀히 조사하면 안 돼요


맥파이의 근처로 우릴
데려다주기만 하면 되니까


"42, 다대오(성 유다)는 최고의 사도임을 선언하고


동의하지 않는 자들은 심하게 간지럼을 태워야한다"


무슨 일인데요?


우리 랜디 문제의 해결책을 찾았어요


그래요? 속상한 일인가봐요?


어제 이브의 성을 말해줬거든요


1년 이상 도시를 떠나있었고


헤로인 중독자니까


행적을 추적하는 건 어렵지 않았고


안식기간동안 범법행위를 했을 거란


추측도 가능했어요


시카고의 지인에게 연락을 했더니


이브 헐리에게 발부된
영장이 여러 장 있다네요


관계당국에 알리기만 하면


짜잔~ 랜디의 문제가 해결돼요


그저 낚아채서 숨겨버리겠다고요?


당연히 아니죠


중독자니까. 내 피해자처럼
잘해줄 수는 없어요


연락한 다음에 일어날 일을
잘 마무리하지 못할 것 같아요


그래서 속상해요


완벽하게 좋은 해답은 ..




당신 표정. 무슨 뜻이죠?


아무 뜻 없어요


아니. 있어요. 말하지 않은 무언가 있어요


당신 생각이 뭔지 알 것 같아요


저녁 만들기 위해 자르는 거요?


랜디가 계속 재활을 하려면


스트레스인자를 다루는 방법을 배워야해요


외부에서 개입해서 없애주면


그런 능력을 계발하지 못하겠죠


이브를 떼어내야죠
누가봐도 뻔해요


그들의 관계를 다시 반복하려는


랜디의 욕구를 난 받아줬어요


이 말 싫어하는 거 알지만


이미 잘 하고 있어요


얘기 들어주러 가고
좋은 조언도 하고


그 얘긴 더 안하겠다고 말하면 안 돼요?


내가 엄격하게 하면
재발할까봐 두려우니까요


내 피후원자는 안 그러길 바라요




내 자신보다 랜디의 중독을
조절하지 못하는 게 당연하죠


좋은 토론이었어요. 고마워요


난 샬롯을 썰고 있었을 뿐인데




오랜만이란 건 아는데


어젯밤에 이브가 돈을 달라고 해서


랜달, 이제 그만 해!


알아요, 알아요, 난 단지 이해하려고




아무 것도 이해할 필요 없어


네 전 여자친구는 현재도
마약 중독자이고


네 인생에 절대 끌여들이면 안돼


너 혼자 이 결론에 도달할


자유를 주려고 했지만


이제 그런 일은 없을 거야


지금 상황에 대한 내 평가야. 알겠어?


이제 더이상 상의할 건 전혀 없어!






내 제안에 대해 고려해봐


너와 네 재활을 위해
위태로운 곳에선 벗어나야해




바로 돌아올게요


화장실 가야겠어요




무슨 일 있어요?


일어나보니까 없네요




전화 못받아요?


통화를 끝내야하면


그냥 끊겠죠




가짜 95조항을 위해 만들어둔


이메일 계정을 확인해봤는데


많은 사람들이 연락해왔어요


대부분은 일반 수집가 같은데


1명이 익명으로 연락했어요


세금을 물지 않는 은밀한 거래를 제안했어요


암시장 얘기 같아요


진짜 고급품 구매자들과 연결시켜줄


유일한 사람이 자기라고도 했어요


맥파이 같아요


답장해요. 만나고 싶다고 해요


알았어요. 그렉슨반장님께도 연락을...?




차 한잔 주시겠어요?


그럼요. 죄송해요. 두 분이


아무 주문도 안 할 줄 알았어요


왜 그렇게 생각했어요?


일행분이 방금 가셨거든요


그래서 그냥 갔어요?


허락을 청하는 말 따윈 없었어요


약간 불안하네요


당신 충고를 받아들이는 건 마지막이겠어요


충고요? 난 샬롯 썰고 있었어요




안 받아요


시간이 필요하나봐요


알았어요, 이제 여기서 우리 계획은 뭐죠?


들어가서 더그 뉴버그를
살해했는지 물어봐요?


정보를 모아야죠


그가 맥파이가 확실할까요?








이걸 봐요


백악 같아요




나노티라누스가 있던 돌이었어요


누군가 이걸 산산조각내서
화석을 없앴어요


맥파이라고 하고 다녔다지만


진짜 이름은 말콤 터너야


총에 맞아서 죽은 게 아니라


골프채 같은 걸로 뒷통수를 맞은 것 같지?


검시관이 터너의 등과


공룡 잔해에서 상피세포를 찾았으니


범인의 DNA가 나올 거야


말콤 터너를 살해한 범인은


수백만달러짜리 화석을
공들여 파손했어요


왜 그런 짓을 했을까요?


터너의 경쟁자였나봐요


시장의 보이지 않는 손이


가치를 파괴하고 없애는 걸


왜 익숙해하는지 알 수가 없네요


숨겨진 동기가 있어요


그걸 찾아내야해요




왜 게이가 우리 소파에서 자고 있어요?


힘든 작업이었어요


당신의 지질학자의 소유권은 걱정말아요, 왓슨


난 오늘 저녁이면 충분하니까


새벽 4시에 피가로의 결혼을 크게 튼 이유겠죠


오페라는 좋아하지도 않으면서


당연히 싫어하죠


전부 지루한 연극일 뿐이니까


계속 깨어있으려고 켰어요


왜 맥파이 살해범이 나노티라누스를 파손했는지 알겠어요


"데드 '클레이드' 워킹"


클레이드는 멸종위기에서 살아남은 동물들을 뜻해요


고생물학계에 널리 알려진 가설 중 하나는


공룡의 멸종은 66만년전


혜성의 지구 충돌 때문이라고 하죠


이 가설이 생긴 건 지구 표면 아래의 지층


"KT 경계"라고 하는 곳에


혜성과 운석을 이루는


희토류 금속이 풍부하기 때문이죠


네. 어디선가 본 적 있어요


KT 경계 아래에서만 공룡 화석이 발견됐죠?


극히 드문 예외를 제외하고는, 그렇죠


당연하죠, 공룡이 KT 경계를 만들 정도의


혜성에 의해 멸종되었다면


공룡 뼈가 그 위쪽엔 남아있을 수 없겠죠?


그렇죠... 그런가요?




KT경계 위의 신생대 지층에도


화석이 있는 걸로 봐선 혜성의 충돌에도


일부 공룡이 살아남았다는 말이죠


마틴 루터처럼


자신들의 생계가 달린 사회 통념에


도전을 받게 됐어요


"데드 클레이드 워킹"이라고 하는 이론이죠
(신생대 공룡 생존설?)


현장에선 엄청난 논란거리지만


공룡이 우리 생각보다 오래 살았을 수도 있죠


그게 왜 논란거리죠?


뭐든지 논란거리가 돼요


이 사람들은 떠들어댈 내용이 필요하고


"데드 클레이드 워킹"은 많은
말을 만들어내기 좋으니까


'새 별'만큼이나 좋은 주제 같기는한데


우리 수사에 도움이 되는지 모르겠어요


나노티라누스 바위가 발견됐어요


이 성분을 좀 더 자세히 들여다보기로 결정했고


KT 경계 위쪽의 지질학적 특징을


갖고 있다고 게이가 확인해줬어요


KT 경계 위에서 처음 발견된 완벽한 골격이죠


그래서 가설을 증명할 수 있어요?


우린 절대 모르겠죠


표본을 파괴한 사람이 알겠죠


신생대 공룡 생존설이 사실로 증명되는 걸


두고볼 수 없어서 살인을 했단 말인가요?


살인은 사소한 일에서 시작되니까요


누가 그랬을까요?


몰라요. 아직은


하지만 그 가설에 가장 소리높여
반대하는 사람들의 명단은 알아요


여기서부터 시작해봐요


오늘 여러분을 모신 이유는
신생대 공룡 생존설에


가장 단호한 반대여론을
주장하셨기 때문입니다


최근 저희가 KT경계 상부에 묻혀있던


나노티라누스 화석을
발견했다는 소식 아실 겁니다


불행하게도, 화석은 파손되었고


소유자는 살해당했습니다


저희는 신생대 공룡생존설을 증명에 대해


기득권을 유지하기 위해
살인을 저질렀다고 봅니다


우리 중 하나가 범인이라고?


내가 살인을 계획할 것처럼 보여요?


각자 입 안 샘플을 제공해주시면


현장에서 발견된 DNA와 대조해볼 수 있습니다


물론 동의하지 않으셔도 됩니다


자신이 저지른 살인사건 수사를 돕는 꼴이 될테니까요


좋아요, 아무튼


무슨 문제 있습니까?


내 DNA를 경찰에 제공하라고? 그래요


난 싫어요


사생활이 매우 소중하나봐요


네. 아이반 커샤빈인데


수사망을 조금 좁힐 수 있겠어요


이 사람이 맥파이를 살해했을 것 같아요


우리가 지켜보는데도 그랬잖아요


소셜미디어로 오늘 그의 소재를


추적할 수는 있으니까


화장지를 버리기라도 하면 거기서


DNA 샘플을 얻을 수 있을까요?


숙련된 범죄자라면 틈이 없겠죠


하지만 좋은 탐정은 상대가 바보라도
가능성을 절대 무시하지 말아야해요


랜디 걱정돼요?


아뇨, 전화를 했는지 확인하는 것 뿐이에요


랜디가 날 차버리면 차라리 안심이겠어요


스폰서쉽은, 매우 솔직히,


시간과 에너지를 쏟게 만드네요


커샤빈에겐 신경꺼도 되겠어요


DNA 샘플 예비검사 결과가 나왔는데


현장에서 발견한 것과 일치해요


앤드류 도넬리


휠체어 탄 사람이요?


변호사가 올 때까지 말하지
않을 정도로는 영리하네


DNA는 DNA란 건 알지만


저 사람이 전문 범죄자를 총으로 쏘고


머리를 때렸다는 게 내 머리론


받아들이기가 힘들어


DNA를 제공했어


자신이 용의자였다면 거절했겠죠


허풍이길 바랬거나


외모는 약해보이지만


앤드류 도넬리는


고생물학회의 슈퍼스타죠


신생대 공룡 생존설의 주요 반대론자이기도 하고


사회적인 위치상 입장이 분명했으니


잃을 게 많을 겁니다


강연료, 자문료


그의 저서는 학회에서 밀려나겠죠


더그 뉴버그 살인도 저질렀을까?


두 현장의 DNA를 대조해봤는데
일치하지 않아요


범인 2명을 찾아야해요


뉴버그의 살인은 흔한 절도가
잘못됐을 수도 있어요


그럴 리가 없는데




맥파이의 살인을 자백할 모양이네요


다시 들어가시죠, 변호사님


의뢰인 심문할 겁니다


도넬리씨 심문은 필요없어요


제 의뢰인은 모함당한 겁니다


말콤 터너, 맥파이라고 불린 이 사람


어제 오전에 살해됐죠?


10에서 12시 사이에?


앤드류 도넬리는 오전9시부터 2시 30분까지


자연사 트리보로 박물관에서


가이드 중이었어요


그의 연구실에 많은 돈을 기부하는
분들을 위한 연례행사입니다


가이드 중 올라온 인스타그램 사진들과


그의 소재를 확인해줄
많은 백만장자들이 있어요


도넬리씨를 풀어주고 사과하세요


어..맞는 것 같아요


도넬리는 맥파이를 살해할 수 없었어요


그의 DNA가 왜 현장에 있었던 거야?


왜 맥파이 사건 파일을 자르고 있어요?


소화하기 쉽게 다시 만들고 있어요


1953년 미시간대 연구에서


플라나리아는 이미


미로를 통과한 다른 개체의


몸 일부를 먹은 후 더 쉽게 통과했어요


내가 이 파일을 소화시키려면
새로운 시각으로 봐야해요


종이 전체를 진짜 먹을 건 아니죠?


앤드류 도넬리의 DNA가
맥파이의 사건현장에서 발견됐지만


그는 살인하지 않았어요


아이반 커샤빈은 DNA제공을 거절했지만


2시간 전


휴지통에서 가져온 음료캔에서


DNA를 얻긴 했지만


일치하지 않았어요




그래서 문제에 새로운 관점으로


맥파이는 모든 거래기록을 갖고 있었어요


반장님이 사무실에서 가져오셨고


구매자가 누군지 알아내면


새로운 용의자들을 조사할 수 있어요


당신 의견 고마워요


내 생각은 그렇지 않지만


맥파이는 고객들을 가명으로 구분했어요


아일랜드 성에서 가져온 태피스트리를


'버키 원더스틱'에게 팔았어요


징기스칸의 팔찌는


"마이클 맥벤더"에게 팔았어요


유머감각이 형편없군요


'스나입스 훌리한'
자기만의 법칙이 있어요


4가지의 판매품








발가락, 팔, 경추


거래는 수개월동안의 기록이고


그들이 왜 연결되는지 알고 싶어요


이러고 있는 그럴만한 이유가 있겠죠


'스나입스 훌리한'의 관심을 끌려는 중이죠


누군지 알아요?


D' 로 시작하는 물건들을 팔았는지 궁금했어요


맥파이가 희귀하거나
멸종된 동물들의 뼈를


거래했기 때문이었고


무슨 의미인지 가설을 빨리 세웠어요


같은 사람에게 3개의
디메트로돈 뼈를 팔았군요




3개의 뼈는 각각 다른 곳에서 나왔어요


왜 발가락, 팔, 다리, 척추뼈가 필요할까요?


읽을 수 있어요


이 전시를 위해서
사용했단 말이죠


- 이건 가짜 디메트로돈입니다-
유일한 완전체라고 주장하지만


사실은 암시장에서
구매한 뼈로 이루어져있어요


그럼 우리가 만났던 제롬 토마스가


자기 함정을 스스로 팠네요




그가 직접 모든 발견품의 목록을 감독했어요


완전한 골격이 발견됐다고 속이고


없는 뼈는 암시장에서 사면 되니까


근데 이게 맥파이 사건과 무슨 상관이 있어요?


더그 뉴버그와 맥파이의 사건


먼저, 토마스 박사는 그 사람과
면식이 있고 거래를 했어요


언제든 물건을 구입할 수
있다고 생각했겠죠


내가 준 책,
누가 썼는지 봤어요?


앤드류 도넬리요. 그는..


맥파이 현장에 DNA가 발견됐고


그리고 제롬 토마스요


입문자용 책으로 서문을 쓸 때부터


둘이 같이 작업을 했어요


앤드류 도넬리의 평판이 무너지고


"데드 클레이드 워킹"이 맞다면


책 판매에 어떤 영향을 미칠까요?




그의 가까운 조수들의 평판은 어떨까요?


그들도 오점이 남겠죠


도대체 여기서 뭐하는 겁니까?


당신은 "데드 클레이드 워킹"을
입증할 화석을 찾아서


더그 뉴버그를 살해해서
손에 넣으려고 했죠




찾지 못했기 때문에 없어졌다고 여겼지만


맥파이가 다시 팔려고 내놓았어요


그래서 두번째 살인 후 앤드류 도넬리의


-DNA를 묻혀놨죠


실수였다고 생각해요


당신과 도넬리 박사가 현장에서


나누기 위해 도구를 썼을 겁니다


아마 화석을 부수기 위해 당신이 가져갔겠죠


무슨 말인지도 모르겠고




네, 좋아요




체포할만한 증거는 아직 없으니까요


하지만. 우리가 말하면 경찰이


당신 DNA에 대한 영장을 청구할 겁니다


당신과 난 둘다


3년 전 더그 뉴버그의 집에서 발견된 것과


일치하는 것 알고 있어요


살해도구를 찾기 위해
집과 연구실도 수색할 겁니다


그러니 모든 것을 감안해서


자백할 기회를 주려고 합니다


오늘 학계에 충격적이게도


자연사 트리보로 박물관의


화석 전시실 담당자인 제롬 토마스 박사가


2건의 살인 혐의로 기소되었습니다




이거 당신 앞으로 왔어요



나노티라누스의 잔여물이에요


아. 먼지나 다름없는 그거요?


이 생명체는 역사상 가장 거대한


멸종위기를 살아남았어요


더 좋은 곳에서 대접받아야해요


기분 좋아요?


사건 해결했잖아요


더그 뉴버그의 부모님이 아들에게
일어난 일을 알게 됐어요


네, 그런 것 같아요


그렇게 말하지 말아요


당신 생각 아니까


당신이 없었으면 이번 일은 전혀


해결하지 못했을테니 잘 됐어요


당신 머리에서 악마의 체액을 빼내서


은혜를 갚도록 허락해줘요






어젯밤에 이브와 약을 했어요




아침에 일어나서


절대 다시 만나지 말자고 했어요




아직 제 스폰서를 해주고
싶으실지는 모르겠지만


만약 해주시겠다면...


그래서 모임을 하고 싶어?







== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응


(cell phone chimes)


(drill whirring)


(cell phone chimes)




Watson, I've just had an
alarming conversation...


I was expecting to
find my... housemate.


No problem.


I'm Gay.


I'm not.


It's my name.


Yes, of course.


I'm Sherlock.




I also am... gay.


So, you know, saves time.


How efficient.
(door closes)


Welcome to my home.


(footsteps approaching)


I see you've met Gay.


Would you excuse us
for a moment... Gay?


Randy is fighting off the urge
to relapse,


so I'm leaving
to accompany him to a meeting.


Oh. I'm sorry
to hear that.


What's bothering him?


He's a drug addict.


Um, I-I see that you're, uh,


looking into my trunk
of unsolved cases.


Yes. You told me to look
into it in my spare time.


I think I might have
found something


in the Doug Newberg file.


You remember
the case, right?


He was shot in his
home in Riverdale.


Uh, the place was ransacked,
police found the killer's DNA,


but they never
found a match.


Yes. No, uh, I remember it well.


Well, uh, fairly well. Vaguely.


Oh. I figured
you were using,


because your notes were
really disorganized.


Newberg was a philanderer.


I was investigating
the possibility


that he had been murdered
by a man he had cuckolded.


What have you learned?


Well, you
remember this?


HOLMES: Yeah. I mean, don't
expect me to translate.


I wrote that,


but I have no idea
what I meant.


Oh, okay, well, I
figured that your marker


exploded right here.
I wanted to see what was under


the ink blotches, so I put
some nail polish remover


and then some black
coffee over it.


You use black coffee
to get rid of stains?


Yes, of course. The acid in the
coffee breaks down the marker.


Have you never
cleaned a whiteboard?


So, look at this wall.


All of it is gray except


for this big black stone.
It stood out to me,


so I tracked down Gay.


She's a geology
fellow at NYU.


I asked her to
take a look.


It's interesting.


Tough to tell
from the photo.


But I think I see some


striations on this rock,
and that would mean that...


It's dug up from well beneath
the surface of the earth.


Yeah, well, can't say for sure
without seeing it in person,


so we're gonna go to Riverdale,
see if it's still there.


Fascinating. I'll join you.


Um... Randy?




I know you're my sponsor
and not my shrink.


It's just... we have, like,


20 minutes
before the meeting starts.


Is it okay if I tell you
what's going on?


You know what? It's okay.


You're right.
This isn't about therapy.


Your sobriety is
important to me,




this is important
to your sobriety, so...


So, it's Eve.


We used to live together
for, like, two years.


First time I got high,
it was with her.


Last time I got high,
it was with her.


I couldn't get sober
till she left town.


Only, now she's back.


Says she wants me
to help her get clean.


She wants to... live with me
while she kicks.


So a, uh...


practicing drug addict
wants to move in with you?


Look, I know it's a bad idea.


Why do you think
I'm so stressed?




Sorry, you-you...
you want my advice?


I don't know. We have some time
before the meeting.


Well, as it happens,


I'm more familiar
than I should be


with the allure of
a dangerous woman.


So I'm qualified
when I say, uh,


you must cut this Eve
out of your life entirely.


I should just turn
my back on her?


Your sobriety
is paramount.


And it may be too fragile
to withstand her influence.


Is that what you did
with your woman?


It's what's best.


(clears throat)


You sure we can just prowl
around in his backyard?


People live here.


Nobody's home.


Anyway, I'm sure
they want us to catch


whoever killed the guy
who used to live here, right?


Oh, still here.


GAY: You see these white
layers here? That's chalk.


This is marine limestone.
If I had to guess,


I'd say it's really old.


How old?


Chalk deposits are typical
of the Cretaceous era.


That's 65 million years ago.


Looks like it's part
of this wall, huh?


Oh, no, these rocks
are purely decorative.


Somebody put this here.


I'll tell you
something else:


it was cut out
of the ground


and field dressed for transport.


They usually do that with
archeological specimens.


So you think there's
something in there?




So now what?
(phone chimes)


(elevator bell dings)


Well, you're not
holding a large rock,


so I take it you found someone
to do the CT scan for us.




She bailed when I asked her
to help me steal it.




Still sober.
And you?


You know, my life has been
carefully constructed


so I don't have to do things
like talk to people


about their former
romantic partners.


And yet here we are.


I, uh...


I looked at your rock.


I-I think you're gonna
want to see this.


HOLMES: I withdraw
my earlier skepticism.


The dinosaur
in Doug Newberg's backyard


did indeed escape my notice.


♪ Elementary 2x14 ♪
Dead Clade Walking
Original Air Date on January 30, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


Magnificent, isn't she?


We pulled her
out of the ground


in the Wind River Range.


Agnes here is
the world's only


complete Dimetrodon


I'm, uh, Jerry Thomas.


I'm the curator of
the fossil collection here.


Sherlock Holmes.


This is my associate
Joan Watson.


Well, my assistant tells me
you're with the NYPD,


and you think
you found a fossil.




Is this real?


We believe it is.


Okay, this is amazing.


This looks to me
like a Nanotyrannus.


Think of it like
a miniature T. rex.


It's incredibly rare.


I think this is a full skeleton.


It's an infant.


Where do you think it came from?


You told my assistant
there was a chalk striation


on the rock you found it in?




Okay, that's
marine limestone.


We haven't found
any of that in a dig


the States
in quite some time.


Most recent deposits
come from Mongolia.


Now, I can confirm that


when I look at the rock,


but if it was found there,
then it belongs to them.


So someone smuggled it
into the States.


How much would that be worth?


I would say high seven figures.


Low eight.


Person that killed Doug Newberg
ransacked his place.


Maybe they were
looking for that.


So you're working on


a new collage in honor
of Doug Newberg?


I had Detective Bell
send me everything


the NYPD has on the man.


I've been through
my original notes,


most of their files.


Doug Newberg, rest his soul,
was a rather dull person.


I can't find anything which
connects him to smuggling.


Except for the dinosaur
in his backyard.


I'm trying to
immerse myself


in the particulars of
Mr. Newberg's life.


If he was not involved
with the black market,


perhaps someone
in his orbit was.


Hey, how is it
getting back into a case


you were working on
when you were using?




There were times
before, I ended up in the gutter,


where I functioned extremely
well with my addiction.


In spite of the fact


that I accepted payment
from Mr. Newberg's parents,


this investigation
is very clearly


not one of those times.


I failed to give
the man my best efforts,


and that is not
a pleasant thing to consider.


(phone chimes)


Who is it?


It's Randy.


His gyno-difficulties


A man sits before me.


His continued sobriety
may or may not hang


on whether I allow him
to air his issues.


I choose the decent path,
distasteful as it may seem,


and I hear him out.


The Rubicon is crossed.


I am now a confidante.


If I cut him off now,


do I not potentially put
his recovery at risk?


What are you
texting him?


"You'll do better
next time""


This rock wall
is very clearly not


a random hiding place.


It was very clearly chosen
and very carefully...


(phone chimes)


How on earth did you make
a career dealing with addicts?


Well, it's pretty late.
You could just call him.




Okay, well,
I will work on


the collage while you are out.


It's not a collage.


I don't do crafts.


What time did you
get in last night?


I was with Randy until


well into the evening.


Well, you're
gonna need those.


After breakfast,
we're gonna get ice cream.


It's the dead of winter.


Why would we want
to go for ice cream?




That's Diego Salcedo.


Doug Newberg was his best man


at his wedding.
Diego has a record.


Convicted of
small stuff,


but eight years ago,
he was convicted


on three different counts
of criminal possession


of stolen property.


Case ended in mistrial.


I looked into what
he's up to now.


He owns a fleet
of ice cream trucks


that operate
all over New York.


I checked with the city,


and the trucks
have current permits.


And this seems to mean
something to you.


It's the middle of winter.


Why would he be running
a fleet of ice cream trucks?


The guy that I spoke to


said that most
of the operators


let their permits
lapse during the winter.


So why pay if you're not
selling any sundaes?


Half of the trucks are idle
and half of them are permanent.


And the ones
that are running?


They're licensed
to cover routes


that are mostly
industrial areas.


These industrial areas,
do they include ports?




You think Diego Salcedo
is using ice cream trucks


to move smuggled goods
around the city?


Well, it could explain
why Doug Newberg


wound up with a
fossil in his yard.




So you think this guy


had something to do
with Newberg's murder?


We don't know.


But if he knows
where the fossil came from,


then he can get us closer
to a solution than we are now.


Has anyone
claimed responsibility


for the Nanotyrannus yet?


No. Why?


He wants to take it home.




Immigration and
Customs Enforcement


are stopping by later
to, uh, take custody.


If it's really from Mongolia,
they'll return it.


Looks like we got
a customer.


A lot of money
for a popsicle.


All right,
everybody stand by.


MAN (over radio):
Copy that, copy that.


All units, all units...ight,
everybody stand by.


(indistinct radio chatter)


Okay, that's it,
let's go!


That's the order.
All units move!


(sirens wailing)


(officers shouting)


Hey, guys.


What gives?


I was just returning
some unsold inventory


to my distributors.


Oh, yeah?


No customs stamp.




I don't understand.


You put a tail on me


and you arrest me.


All so you can ask me
a bunch of questions


about a T. rex you found
at my buddy Doug's house?


It's a Nanotyrannus.


And we're pretty sure
you put it there.


The guys you were
delivering those cigars to


are ready to tell us
about all the shipments


you processed for them.


The counts are
gonna pile up.


We say you're
our lead suspect


in the murder
of Doug Newberg.


Could mean the difference
between making bail or not.


Wait, what are you nuts?
I grew up with Doug.


He was my best man.
I didn't kill him.


Do you have an alibi?


I don't know. That was what?


Three years ago?


Captain, sorry to interrupt.


Two guys from Immigrations
and Customs just got here.


They say you were
expecting them.


Uh, tell them
I need a few minutes.


How did the fossil get


in your friend Doug's backyard?


All right, look.


Right before Doug got killed,
I took a delivery of a rock.


I don't even know
what was inside it.


But the buyer--


he fell out at the last minute.


And I was pretty sure
somebody federal


was watching my place,
so I couldn't bring it there.


So I asked Doug if I could
keep it at his place,


just for a couple of days.


Next day, he gets killed.


Did I think that the two events
were connected?


Yeah, of course, somebody
must've been following me.


But I always thought
that whoever killed him


took the rock, too.


You didn't know it
was in his backyard?


I gave it to him in his garage.


I mean, the guy must've stashed
the thing in there himself.


I didn't kill Doug.


I didn't kill Doug--
I mean, you can take my DNA.


You can hook me up
to a lie detector.


Whatever you need.


Volunteered his DNA rather
cheerfully, didn't he?


Whoever murdered Newberg


wanted that skeleton,
but they never found it.


We did.


You want to put it
on the black market,


see who comes calling.


Captain, I got a guy from I.C.E.


hovering around my desk.


Something about a fossil.


What's with these guys?


I told them I need
a few minutes.


Uh, it's just one.


And he just got here.


Yeah, they, uh, they signed
for the thing, like,


I don't know, like,
ten minutes ago?


You were supposed
to wait until I got here.


These guys are federal.


You know how they are
about sitting around.


Did you confirm
their credentials?


I'm guessing
that you didn't,


because I got another I.C.E.
agent out in the bullpen,


and Detective Bell
says that he checks out.




You just presided
over the theft


of a piece of evidence,
which also happens to be


a priceless
archeological treasure.


HOLMES: And off they go
with their Nanotyrannus fossil.


The whole affair does have a
certain spirit of derring-do.


One almost has
to admire it.




I just had
a very long conversation


with my counterpart at I.C.E.


They're gonna help us with the
investigation into the robbery.


We've got forensics on
the paperwork they left behind,


and we put a BOLO out
on the thieves.


Well, whoever they are,


they command
extraordinary resources.


Firstly, they had to know that
we'd recovered the fossil.


There's been no media coverage,
so that implies that they've


cultivated a source within
Immigration and Customs.


They created false documents
that were convincing enough


to fool a veteran policeman,
and they timed their operation


so that they arrived before
the real I.C.E. agent.


What are they even gonna do
with stolen dinosaur bones?


It's not like you can unload it
in some dark alley.


Yeah, you have
to be wired


into a network of
potential bidders.


People who are willing to
spend millions of dollars


on illegal purchases.


The question we need to ask is:
who's the biggest game in town


when it comes to
smuggled antiquities?


We find that person,
we'll find the thieves.


And I'll bet they're connected
to murder of Doug Newberg.


We've got Diego's list


of people that knew he was


driving the fossil around.


Plus, I'll get
the Port Authority


to cough up their files
on high-end smugglers.


We shall see if C has
any thoughts on the matter.


Okay, so you only know her as C,


and you've never
actually met her,


but you think
she can help us?


I know her only as C
through choice.


I could find out her real name
if I wanted to, obviously.


But, uh, using initials is
something of a convention


of our mutual hobby.


Which is?


C and I engage
in prurient correspondence.


We have done
for quite some time.


You write each other
dirty letters?


That is a uniquely prudish
way of putting it.


But yes, we do.




Erotica is a fascinating
literary genre.


I first encountered C on message
boards dedicated to analyzing


the correspondence
of D.H. Lawrence.


It turns out,
she is a master of the form.


And so how exactly is
your naughty pen pal


supposed to help us?


Well, we don't
exchange much details


about our private
lives, but I do know


that she's an executive
at a top auction house.


And like most high-end houses,
they have a problem losing


inventory at the ports
when they're bringing


merchandise into
the country.


So what are we supposed
to be looking for here?


Someone carrying
The Story of O?


I'm not entirely sure.


You think that's her?


She's described
that scarf


in one of her letters.


Do I look as
you'd imagined?


Hard to say.


The parts of you that keep
my imagination occupied are


fully clothed at the moment.


You have a rare
gift, madam.


It's a pleasure to make
your acquaintance.


Thanks for meeting me in person.


I'm half-convinced my assistant
listens to all my calls.


But I don't know
if I'll be able to help you.


I'm an auctioneer,
not a smuggler.


Surely you've rubbed
elbows with a few,


after a lifetime
in the trade.


There is one name.


Supposedly has a stranglehold
on the trade.


He's a bit of a myth actually.


The employees
at our warehouses always joke


that if they wanted
to make real money,


they'd sell our goods
over to him.


I suspect a few
of them have done it.


You have a name?


It's a bit silly.


Apparently, he calls himself
"The Magpie."


Any idea how I might get
in touch with him?


As I understand it, you have
to have something that he wants.


Then he... finds you.


(door closes)


(spray hissing)


Hey, you back there?


Mind you don't disturb the ink.


Well, obviously,
you're gonna make me ask.


We require a shiny bauble


to attract
the attention of the Magpie.


So I'm making one.


(spray hissing)


(clears throat)
In 1517, Martin Luther


nailed his 95 Theses to
the door of Castle Church


in Wittenberg, and so was born
the Reformation.


Oh, yeah. I took
history in college.


Did you know
he also mailed


several handwritten copies


to notable figures
on the very same day?


It's long been rumored
that Luther


labored over several
rough drafts of the document.


You can imagine
what a copy might be worth.


Oh, so you're writing
a fake 95 Theses.


And then what?
I'm going to pose


as someone who has
recently inherited it,


and has no idea
of what its worth.


There are Web sites
which track


the availabilities
of such things.


I suppose eBay is
always an option.


Is this written in English?


The first few pages
are in Latin.


It doesn't have
to withstand close scrutiny.


It just needs to get us
in the vicinity of the Magpie.


"42-- Thaddeus is hereby
declared the best apostle


and those who disagree
shall be vigorously tickled""


(phone chimes)




What's up?


I found a solution
for my Randy problem.


What? And that's
upsetting you?


He mentioned Eve's
last name last night.


She's been out of town
for more than a year.


She's a heroin addict.
It's not difficult


to track her movements,
nor is it unreasonable


to speculate that she
may have broken the law


during her sabbatical.


I've just heard from
my contact in Chicago,


and it turns out
that Eve Hurley has


several open warrants there.


All I need do is notify
the relevant authorities,


and voila--
Randy's problem is solved.


You're just gonna
pull her offstage with a hook?


No, of course not.


She's a drug addict;
I can't very well


make her
my victim as well.


I realized I couldn't
follow through


the moment I reached
out to my contact.


That is why I'm upset.


A perfectly good solution has
to be chucked on account of...




Your expression--
what does it mean?


There's no expression.


Yes, there is; you're
leaving something unsaid.


I think I know what
you're thinking.


That I'd like
to make dinner in peace?


If Randy's gonna
stay sober,


he needs to learn to
deal with stressors.


If outside parties are
removing them from his life,


then he's not developing
that capacity.


He needs to cut her off,
that's blatantly obvious.


Yet, I've indulged his desire


to review the minutiae
of their relationship.


You know,
I know you hate this word,


but you've already been nice.


You heard him out.
You gave him good advice.


Why not just tell him you won't
talk about it with him anymore?


Because I fear that he will
relapse if I'm firm with him.


And I don't want that to happen;
not to my sponsee.


I'm being vain.


It's obvious that I'm not in
control of Randy's addiction


any more than I'm in control
of my own.


Interesting discussion.
Thank you.


Huh. I mostly
just chopped shallots.


(drill whirring)


(phone chimes)


(clears throat)


Hey, man, I'm sorry.


I know this is getting old,


but she asked me
for money last night...


Randall, this has
got to stop!


I know, I know.
I'm just trying to figure out...


No, no, no.


There's nothing
to figure out, okay?


Your ex-girlfriend is a
practicing drug addict.


She has absolutely
no place in your life.


I've tried to
give you leeway


to arrive at this
conclusion on your own,


but this doesn't seem
to be happening.


That is my assessment
of the situation, okay?


So there's nothing else
for us to discuss!






Just consider what
I have, uh, suggested...


...and know that it comes
from a place of concern


for you and
your recovery.


No, I know.


I'll be right back, okay?


I'm gonna run
to the bathroom.


(phone ringing)


Watson. (clears throat)


Hey, what happened to you?


You were gone before I woke up.




You have to get off the phone?


If I need to end
the conversation,


I will just hang up!




Listen, I checked that, uh,
dummy e-mail account you set up


for your fake 95 Theses thing.


Bunch of people
have been in touch.


Most of them seem
like regular collectors.


But one of them came in
with no name attached.


The guy says that he facilitates
discreet transactions


that may not be subject
to taxes.


Sounds like a black market sale.


He also says that he's
the only one who can hook us in


to a network
of truly high-end buyers.


Seems like the Magpie guy to me.


Respond. Set up a meeting
for him to inspect the theses.


Okay. Do you want me to give...
(phone beeps)


...Captain Gregson a heads-up?




Could I have
a cup of tea, please?


Of course.
Sorry. I thought


you guys weren't
ordering anything.


Why would you think that?


Your friend just left.


So he just left?


Without so much
as a "by your leave."


It's a bit disconcerting.


It's certainly the last time
I take your advice.


Advice? I was
chopping shallots.


Did you call him?


He's not answering.


Well, maybe he just
needs some time.


Okay, so what is
our plan here?


We're just gonna
go there and ask him


if he murdered
Doug Newberg?


We're gathering information.


Do you think he really
goes by "Magpie"?


Well, I suppose
we'll find out.


(door creaks)




Mr. Magpie?


Look at this.


Look like chalk striations.


They are.


This is the rock that used to
contain the nanotyrannus.


Someone smashed it to pieces


and destroyed the fossil.


GREGSON: He may have called
himself "The Magpie,"


but his real name
was Malcolm Turner.


The bullets didn't
finish him off,


so the murderer hit him
in the back of the head


with some kind
of club, huh?


M.E. thinks there's
epithelial cells


on Turner's back
and at the dinosaur remains,


so it looks like we got
the killer's DNA.


This person murders
Malcolm Turner,


and then takes the time
to willfully destroy a fossil


worth millions
of dollars.


Why would anyone do that?


Maybe it was one
of Turner's competitors.


But I can't see
why anyone familiar


with the invisible hand
of the market would


destroy something, obliterate
something of such value.


There's an
interesting motive


hidden here somewhere.


We just need to root it out.


(opera music playing)


(music stops)






Why is Gay asleep on our couch?


I worked her hard.


Don't be territorial about
your geologist, Watson.


I was in need of one
this evening.


I'm guessing that's why
you're blasting


"Marriage of Figaro"
at 4:00 in the morning.


You don't even like opera.


No, of course I don't.


All the tedious


I was using it
to stay awake.


I believe I have learned why


the Magpie's killer
destroyed the nanotyrannus.


"Dead Clade Walking."


HOLMES: A "clade" is a term
for a group of animals


which has survived an
extinction-level event.


It's widely acknowledged
in paleontological circles


that the extinction of
the dinosaurs was brought about


by a comet striking
the surface of the Earth


66 million years ago.


The foundation of this belief
is a layer of rock


beneath the surface
of the Earth


which has an abundance
of rare metals


thought to be common
in comets and asteroids


called the "KT Boundary."


Yeah, I read about that


They only find dinosaur fossils
below the KT Boundary, right?


Mm. Apart from a few very rare
exceptions, yes.


Stands to reason: if the
dinosaurs were rendered extinct


by the comet which created
the KT Boundary,


you couldn't very well find
their bones above it, right?


Right. Right?




the few fossils found above
the KT Boundary to suggest


that some dinosaurs survived
the comet's impact.


Like Martin Luther before them,
they have dared


to challenge the orthodoxy
of the institution


which gives them
their livelihood.


They call their theory
"Dead Clade Walking."


And it's enormously
controversial in the field.


Okay, so maybe dinosaurs lived
longer than we thought.


Why is that controversial?


Well, why is anything


These people need something
to argue about,


and "Dead Clade Walking"
has yielded


a bumper crop of conflict.




Well, sounds like
a really good episode of Nova,


but I'm not sure what it has
to do with our investigation.


Rock the nanotyrannus
was found in.


I decided to take a closer look
at its composition.


And Gay has confirmed
that it seems to have


certain geological features


which would suggest it was
buried above the KT Boundary.


It would be the first


complete skeleton found there.


So it could have proven
the theory?


Though we will never know.


Whoever destroyed the sample
has made sure of that.


You think someone was willing
to kill just to keep


"Dead Clade Walking"
from being declared true?


Murders have been committed
on the basis of far less.


Who would do that?


I don't know. Not yet.


But I'm assembling a list of
the city's most vocal opponents


to "Dead Clade Walking."


Seemed like a good place
to start.


WATSON: You've all been asked
here today because you represent


the most strident opposition
to "Dead Clade Walking."


You might be interested to know
that we recently found


a nanotyrannus skeleton
that may have been buried


well above the KT Layer.


(all murmuring)


the fossil was destroyed


and the person
in possession of it was killed.


We believe someone with
a vested interest in keeping


"Dead Clade Walking"
from being proven right


was behind the murder.


You think one of us did it?


Do I look like I'm running
around planning murders?


BELL: We'd like each of you
to volunteer a cheek swab,


and we'll test it against some
DNA we found at the crime scene.


You don't have to agree,
of course,


although you would be
assisting an active


homicide investigation
if you do.


Okay, whatever.
This is silly.




With giving my DNA
to the police? Yes.


I do have a
problem with that.


(door opens, closes)


(quietly): Guy takes
his privacy seriously.


Yeah. His name is
Ivan Kershavin.


And perhaps our investigation
just found a bit of focus.


WATSON: Let's say this guy
really did kill the Magpie.


He has to know we're
watching him, right?


I mean, even if we use
his social media


to track down where
he'll be today,


you really think he's gonna
throw away a tissue


so we can get
a DNA sample?


Well, he wouldn't
if he was a competent criminal.


But the good investigator
never rules out


the possibility
that one's quarry is a fool.


Are you worried
about Randy?


No, I'm-I'm just checking to see
if he's called, that's all.


You know, if he has cut me off,
it'll be a relief.


Sponsorship is
a risky investment


of one's time and energy,
quite frankly.


Well, you can back off


that Kershavin guy.


We got the preliminary results
from the DNA samples we took.


There is a match for what
we found at the scene.


It's Andrew Donnelly.


The guy in the wheelchair?


Guy is smart enough


to not talk until
his lawyer gets here.


I know DNA is DNA,


but I'm having a hard time
getting my head around that guy


shooting a career criminal


and then clubbing him to death.


He gave us his DNA.


He knew a refusal would
make him a suspect.


Perhaps he's hoping
we were bluffing.


I know the visual's
incongruous, but...


Andrew Donnelly is


a superstar of


He's also the leading opponent
of "Dead Clade Walking."


He's staked out
a very public position,


so he's got quite a bit to lose:


speaking fees,
consulting jobs.


The books that he writes


would no doubt
fall out of circulation.


You like him for
the Doug Newberg murder, too?


Actually, we just got the
results comparing the DNA


from both crime scenes;
they don't match.


We're looking for
two different killers.


Maybe the Newberg
murder was just


a garden-variety
burglary gone wrong.


Seems unlikely.


Well, let's see.


Maybe he'll confess
to the Magpie's murder.






Oh, you can turn around,


We're ready to begin
questioning your client.


There isn't gonna be an
interrogation of Mr. Donnelly.


My client is the victim
of a frame-up.


Malcolm Turner,
this man


who called himself
"The Magpie"--


he was killed yesterday
morning, right?


Sometime between
10:00 and 12:00?


Andrew Donnelly was
leading a guided tour


of the Triboro Museum
of Natural History


from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30.


It's something
he does every year


for people who donate
big money to his department.


I've got
Instagram photos


posted during
the tour itself,


and more than a
dozen millionaires


who can vouch for
his whereabouts.


I take it you'll be
issuing an apology


along with
Mr. Donnelly's release.


Well, it... (clears throat)
appears she's correct.


Mr. Donnelly could not have
murdered the Magpie.


Well, how the hell did his DNA
get to the crime scene?


Why are you cutting up
the Magpie case file?


I am reducing it
to digestible chunks.


A 1953 study at the
University of Michigan


found that
planarian worms


could navigate a maze
more successfully


after ingesting
the remains of other worms


who had also run
the same course.


Perhaps if I ingest the file,
it will offer fresh insights.


You're not really gonna


eat that entire
stack of paper, right?


Andrew Donnelly's DNA was found


at the scene
of the Magpie's murder,


but he did not commit the crime.


Ivan Kershavin refused
to give us a sample


of his DNA,
but two hours ago,


a detective pulled
a can of soda


from his rubbish
and got one for us anyway.


Not a match.


I'm at a loss.


Hence, a new perspective
on the problem.


Well, the Magpie kept records of
all his transactions, right?


Gregson pulled it
from his studio.


If we figure out
who the customers were,


maybe we can come up with
a new list of suspects.


Thank you for your insights.


I would not have thought
of that on my own.


The Magpie identified his
customers via pseudonyms.


He sold a tapestry
from a castle


in Ireland to
a "Bucky Wanderstick"


A bracelet supposedly
worn by Genghis Khan


went to "Michael
McBender," so on.


WATSON: At least the guy
has a bad sense of humor.


"Snipes Houlihan"--
he's got his own


separate column.


Four different sales.








A toe, an arm,
top of the spine...


The transactions happened
over a period of months, so...


I want to know
why they're linked.





I'm guessing there's
a good reason for all of this.


I'm trying to attract the
attention of "Snipes Houlihan."


You know who he is?


I was curious as to why


the sales were grouped


under the heading


When I reasoned that the Magpie
would only be trading


in bones of species
which were rare or extinct,


I quickly developed a theory


as to what it meant.


He sold three different
Dimetrodon bones


to the same buyer.


Three different bones


from three wildly divergent
locations on the body.


Why would one need
a toe, an arm, leg,


and a piece of
the spinal column?


Well, I can read.


I'm guessing you think
that he used it


to fill out this display.


A display which claims to be


the only complete
skeleton of its kind,


but which is, in fact, augmented


by bones which were purchased
on the black market.


So that man we met,
Jerome Thomas--


he said that he supervised
the dig himself.


He did.


He personally oversaw


the cataloging
of all the findings.


You think he faked
finding a complete skeleton


and then bought the missing
pieces on the black market.


But what does this have to do


with the Magpie's murder?


It's the link which connects


the murders of Doug Newberg
and the Magpie.


Firstly, it establishes
that Dr. Thomas knew


and did business with the man.


He would no doubt know


what he had up for sale
at any given moment.


The textbook I gave you--
did you notice who wrote it?


Andrew Donnelly. He's...


He's the man
whose DNA was found


at the scene of
the Magpie's murder.


And Jerome Thomas.


They collaborated
on that book, which is used


as the introductory text


for almost every
entry-level course.


Now, Andrew Donnelly's
reputation would be ruined


if "Dead Clade Walking"
were proven correct.


So what do you think
would happen


to sales of his textbook?


I'm sure they would plummet.


What do you suppose would happen
to the reputation


of his close associates?


They'd be tainted, too.


JEROME: What one earth
are you two doing?


You found out
there was a fossil


that could prove
"Dead Clade Walking""


and you killed Doug Newberg
to get your hands on it.




You couldn't find it,
so you thought it was lost,


until the Magpie
put it up for sale again.


And then you planted
Andrew Donnelly's DNA


at the second murder.


I think that was a mistake.


I think you used a tool that


you and Dr. Donnelly probably
shared in the field.


Maybe you brought it with you
to destroy the fossil.


I don't know what
you're talking about,


but you two
need to leave.


Yeah, all right.


If that's what you want.


We don't have enough
evidence to arrest you,


anyway. But...
the police are drawing up


a warrant for your DNA
as we speak.


And you and I


both know it's going
to match the material


found at Doug Newberg's
three years ago.


They're also going to be
able to search your home


and your lab for
the murder weapon.


So, given all that,


I thought I'd give you
the opportunity to confess.


The academic community
was stunned today


as Dr. Jerome Thomas,
curator of the fossil collection


at the Triboro Museum
of Natural History,


was charged with
two separate murders...




(drill whirring)


(door opens)


This was at the
front stoop for you.




This would be the remains
of the Nanotyrannus.


Oh. You mean
a pile of dust?


This creature survived


the single greatest


event in history.


It deserves
a loftier resting place


than someone's dustbin.


Do you feel good?


You solved the case.


Doug Newberg's parents finally
know what happened to their son.


Yes, I suppose I do.


You don't have
to say it.


I know what you're thinking.


The odds are
reasonably good


that none of this would have
happened without you.


Allow me to return the favor


by releasing the evil humours
from your skull.


(drill whirs)


I'm good.





So, um...


I got high with
Eve last night.


I see.


I woke up this morning


and I told her that I never
wanted to see her again.


It's over.


I don't know if you're
still my sponsor or not,


but if you'd
be willing...


So you want to go to a meeting?


Right now?




All right.



== sync, corrected by elderman ==