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매니 타케니언입니다


내 연락처를 문자로 보내죠


안 받아요?


개러스 레스트라드


런던경시청에 있었어요




우리 서로의 영역을 받아들이고 있었고


난 이제야 그걸 깨달았어


-사과 받아들일게
- 회사에서


내 호텔비를 더이상 안 내준다고


여기 있어도 돼




그냥 닭들만 남았네요




네 망할 닭이 또 여기 있어


19일. 여기서 지낸지 19일이나 됐어


이사할 곳을 찾을 때까지 여기서
지내라고 한 건 당신이잖아요


털 다 뽑아버릴 거야! 반드시!


- 제의를 받았잖아요
- 그랬죠


런던에서 내 덕분에 업적이 많으니까


그가 사건을 맡고


그의 사건은 내 공로로 해결되고


누가 날 고용하려고 하지 않겠어요?


그거 친구가 만들어줬다고 했죠




가끔 이런 걸 보내줘요.
친구라고 할 정도는 아니고


0이 되면 무슨 일이 생겨요?




물감이 나오거나 가스가 폭발할 수도 있고


아직 실패한 적 없어요






무슨 일인지 가볼게요


홈즈! 좀 도와달라니까


- 왔어요
- 조앤, 다행이다


이게 또 나한테 이러네요






리모콘으로 티비를 켤 때마다


날개를 펴고


나한테 달려들어요


안녕, 로물루스
모이 먹을래?


여기 있어


모이를 주머니에 넣고 다니다니
정말 좋은 방법이네요


그런 다음에..


오, 대단해요. 정말 대단해


잘했어요. 정말 고마워요


내가 이 경기에 돈을 좀 걸었거든요






고맙다고 말하고 싶어요


날 참고 지내주고


일도 못하고 있는데


셜록이 이제 나 지겨워하죠?


큰 결심을 했잖아요


저기 실은 오늘


다른 제안을 받았어요




브라질 상파울루의 가장 큰 탐정기관인


로메로 앤 블랑코



포르투갈어 할 줄 알아요?






아뇨. 별로


책상 위에 제안서들
한 번 볼래요?


더 좋은 게 있을 거예요


닭 키우는 것보다는


무슨 말인지는 알겠어요


그래요. 나예요. 알아챘군요




그 사람 맞아요


뉴스에서 봤던 사람


고든 쿠싱이오


기억해내려고 했잖아요. 그렇죠?




여기서 세워줘요
내리고 싶어요


♪ Elementary 2x17 ♪
Ears to You
Original Air Date on March 6, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


이름은 고단 쿠싱인데


이미 알고 있겠지


아내가 2010년에 실종됐어요


모두 그가 아내를 죽였다고 생각했지


그때 신문에서 다들 그랬어요


내가 다른 나라에서 악명높은 범죄를


해결하려고 노력했지만


내 습관에서 벗어나기 힘들어하던 때죠


아내인 사라는 파티광이었어
남편은 참지 못했고


자주 싸웠다더군


그래서 아내가 실종되자


살인자로 의심받았군요?


그랬지. 하지만 시체가 없으니까


사건성립이 안 됐어


몇시간 전 911에 전화해서


2개의 잘려진 귀를 받았다고 했어


그의 아내 사라의 것이라는 쪽지가 있었어


현금 2백만달러를 건네면


아내를 돌려주겠대


유괴한지 4년이나 지나서


돈을 요구하다니 이상하네요


넌 그게 이상하겠지


그가 유괴범과의 접촉을 주장한 건


이번이 처음이 아니야


사라가 실종된 지 1년 후에


전화를 받았다고 했었죠?


그래. 2010년 5월에 실종됐지


그 당시에는 그냥 가방을 싸서 나갔다고 했어


하지만, 주장한 바로는
2011년 6월에 전화를 받았대


유괴했다는 남자한테서


심지어 전화통화도 하게 해줬다는군


쿠싱은 시키는대로 따랐고


우리나 FBI에 전화도 하지 않은 채


1백만달러 현금을 마련해서


센트럴파크의 나무 아래에 뒀다는군


시간이 지나도


사라는 오지 않았어


그래서 우리에게 연락을 했지


누가 연락을 했는지 증명해내지 못했고


사람들은 그의 조작이라고 생각했어요


확실히, 그가 귀 2개를 만들어내진 못했겠군요


그와 얘길하려던 참이야


원하면 들어와도 돼


이게 어떻게 들리는지 알아요


하지만 좋은 징조잖아요


그러니까 사라가 살아있으니까


이 귀들과 2010년 욕실에서 발견한 빗에서 나온


머리카락의 DNA를 대조하고 있습니다


DNA가 일치하면, 그래요


아직 살아있다는 뜻이겠죠


사라의 귀가 맞아요


알아요. 그냥 보면


제가 드린 사진 보세요




아직도 내가 죽였다고 생각해요?


내가 다른 사람 귀를


내 앞으로 보냈다고?


아뇨. 다른 사항을 더 고려하는 겁니다


오늘 밤 다친 사람이 있다는 뜻이니까


그녈 돕고 싶은 겁니다


사라가 맞아요






무사귀환을 위해 돈을 지불했던 그때처럼요?


몸값 요구가 당신에게 전통인 모양이군요


3년 전에 내가 실수했다는 것 압니다


먼저 경찰에 연락을 하고 유괴범에게
전화를 했어야했지만, 무서웠어요


사라도 무서워했고


다른 기회가 없을까봐서. 어쩔 수 없어서


내가 전화를 받았던
통화기록이 있을 겁니다


1백만달러를 인출한기록도 있고


1회용전화로 했을 수도 있고


돈은 다른 곳에 숨겼겠죠


난 당신같은 사람들에게 정직하게 다 말했어요


그리고 지금도 정직하게 하고 있어요


아내가 실종되기 전에 이미 정이 다 떨어졌어요


술 마시면 하는 말과 행동을


절대 용서할 수 없었어요


그여자가 그리워서 돌아오길 바라는 게 아닙니다


당신같은 사람들이 그렇게 날 보는
시선이 지긋지긋해요


사진에 있는 귀와는 이상하게 닮았어요


이걸로는 사라 쿠싱의 머리에 있던
것으로 보긴 힘들겠어요


고든에 대해선 어때요?


진실되게 보이긴해요


하지만 악명높은 동물성애자 에버니저 코넬도


런던 동물원에서 타조 2마리를


폭행하지 않았다고 주장했어요




쿠싱에 대한 당신 생각은요?


그와 같은 방에 있다는 게 신기했어요


오늘 이전에는 뉴스에서만 그를 봤거든요


그가 진실을 말했다면


미안해질 것 같아요


그를 의심한 사람들이
매우 끔찍한 실수를 했다는 거니까


"끔찍한 실수"를 말해봐요


"방해하긴 싫지만, 열쇠가 없어요"




"앞뒤 매트를 모두 봤지만


열쇠가 없어요"


'왜냐면 난 도어 매트 밑에
열쇠를 두는 남자니까요'


왜 안을 들여다보고 있어요


우리 없다는 건 알고 있잖아요


상처를 보고 있었어요


무슨 일 있었어요?


내기 걸었던 축구경기 알죠?
내가 땄어요


돌아오는 길에 돈 때문에 문제가 생겼어요


못된 녀석이
내 시계와 지갑을 가져갔어요


강도를 당했군요


병원에 가야해요




더 심한 적도 있어요




망할 놈의 닭같으니


침대에 있네. 저리 가


저리 가, 꺼져 이놈아


셜록이 동물원에 보낸다고 했잖아요


다음주까지는 못 데려간대요


요전에 방에 들어왔더니


이 어두운 방에 셜록이 혼자 있었어요


새까만 방 안에서 어깨 위에 닭을 얹어놓고 있었다니까요


그래요. 익숙해보이던데


그 녀석 말로는 균형 운동이라나


온통 닭털로 뒤덮여서는


왜? 왜요?


술 마셨군요


아 네,그래요


오는 길에 승리를 자축하려고 술집에서


-조금 마셨어요.
- 그건 1시간 전이었잖아요


그 이후에 마신 것 같은데요


위스키, 입냄새와


옷에 묻은 자국으로 봐서,


마신지 10분도 안 됐죠?


근처에는 술집이 없어요


돈은 어떻게 냈어요?


강도가 돈을 다 가져갔다면서요?


- 셜록이 여기서 살아도 좋다고 했을 때


나와 이 문제로 얘기 했었죠


-셜록 옆에서 술 마시지 말라고 했잖아요
- 그는 약물 중독자지


알코올 중독자가 아니잖아요


런던에서 헤로인을 마셨다고 생각하나봐요


위스키는 어디서 났어요?


뒷마당에 몰래 넣어뒀어요


필요하면 조금씩 마실려고


얼마나 자주 마셨어요?


- 왜 이래요?
- 개러스


제발 그만해요


내가 지금 느끼는 압박감을


전혀 이해를 못하는군요


- 모든 제안들이..
-당신 결정이었어요


- 좀 더 복잡해요
- 그래요?


- 내가 그 말을 하길 바래요?
- 무슨 말이요?


홈즈가 나에 대해 옳았다고!


난 못해요


홈즈 없이 이 일은..
난 탐정이 될 수 없어요


셜록을 알기 전에 형사를 오랫동안 했잖아요


그래요, 그 당시에는 나는..






조앤, 이 사람들은 충분한 걸 원하지 않아요


특별하길 원해요


셜록과 함께 했을 때의 나 같은 사람을 원해요


당신 고민에 대해 나도 알고 있어요


하지만 너무 과하게 생각하고 있어요


말로 하긴 정말 쉽겠죠


지금 셜록과 같이 있는 사람은 당신이니까


당신이 그 특별함을 얻은 사람이니까


거기 있어봤던 사람으로 하는 말이에요


지금 시간을 즐겨요




내가 발견한 놀라운 힌트가 저거였나요?


이거 여러개 받았다고 했잖아요


사라 쿠싱 사건 생각할 줄 알았어요


저녁에 거의 다 했어요


반장님이 전화해서 사라의
DNA와 일치한다고 하셨어요




내가 그래요, 왓슨. 유머 제조기죠


그럼 사라가 살아있어요?


그렇죠, 아님 적어도 어제까지는


고든이 돈을 내겠지만


귀가 없다면, 반납할지도 모르죠


경찰에서 지켜보겠죠


단순한 몸값 교환에


자문탐정 2명의 도움이


필요하지도 않을테고


균형 운동?






- 오늘 아침에 봤어요?


더 일찍 나가는 소린 들었어요


이거 벨 형사가 당신에게 보냈어요




최근 발생한 노상강도에 대한 파일이던데요


궁금했어요. 우리가 언제부터
평범한 거리 범죄를 조사했어요?


내 우편물은 언제부터 열어봤는데요?


당신이 여기서 산지가..?


10시입니다. 쿠싱씨


곧 여기 나타나야합니다


앞을 봐. 나 보지 말고




모두 들어라


용의자는 백인 남성으로


파란색 코트와 니트 모자, 선글라스를 쓰고있다


전화 켜놓고 있어


1시간 뒤에, 안전하다고 생각되면


네 아내의 위치를 전화로 알려주지


용의자가 움직인다. 남행 바릭 출구 쪽의
남쪽 선로로 가고 있다


블루팀, 거리를 두고 범인을 잡길 바란다






어디로 가는 거죠? 지원팀 들어라


용의자는 남행 터널로 도망치는 중이다


자기 위치 유지하고


나타나면 잡도록 한다


쫓으려고 하지 말아라


무슨 소리예요? 도망가잖아요


가방 안에 추적기가 있습니다


쿠싱씨. 보여드렸던 것 기억하시죠?


알아요. 근데 저 놈이 알아채면요?


가방을 바꾸면요?


우리 시야 밖으로 사라질 거 아닙니까


그가 나타날만한 곳에 다 대기 중입니다


저희에게 맡겨두십시오


안 되겠어요. 죄송해요


쿠싱씨! 그대로 있어요!


지원본부, 전원장치를 열어서


선로의 전원을 차단해요




사격 중지!






손을 보여주세요


멈추려고 했어요


내 말을 안 들었어요




안 멈췄어요


못 가게 하려고 헀는데




돈을 가져간 사람이 내가 쫓아가는 걸 알았어요


나한테 다가왔어요


그래서 쇠파이프를 들었어요?




바닥에 있었나봐요


그사람에게 휘둘렀고 ...


그사람 신분은 알아봤어요?


신분증이 없었습니다


주머니에 열쇠와 동전들 밖에 없었어요


지문과 DNA를 검색해봤지만


일치한 사람이 없어요


어제는 공범이 있을 거라고 했잖아요


공범에 대한 소식은요?




그 사람이 혼자 한 짓이라면


아무도 사라를 돌봐주지 않겠군요


음식도 안 가져다주고


물도 없이




내가 죽이지 않았다고 사람들을
설득하는데 4년을 소비했어요


이제 결국 내가 죽이게됐네요


상황이 뻔해


이 사람이 망쳤어


잘려진 귀 2개와 시신 한 구가 있는데


단서가 없어


일단, 쿠싱이 꾸민 일은 아닐가요?


2011년 일을 다시 반복했을 수도 있어요


사람들이 무죄라고 생각해주길 바라서


오늘 아침에 사람을 고용해 돈을 가져가게 했다면


죽이면 일이 마무리가 되니까


하지만 귀가 설명이 안 돼요


사라의 DNA와 일치했어요


고든이 이 일을 모두 꾸몄다면, 4년동안


다른 곳에 사라를 숨겨놨다는 말인데


사실이라면, 왜 스스로 관심을 끌어요?


뭘 얻을려고?


사건이 무엇이든, 시신에서 감춰준 진실과


사라에 대해 알아낼 최고의 기회가 있어요




왓슨과 제가 영안실에 가서


시신과 특징을 확인해보고 싶어요





손님이 오셨어요


먼저 영안실로 가요




가능한 빨리 갈게요




나한테 커피 한잔도 안 권해요?


아님 홍차라도


도넛 하나라든지


먹을 걸 주려고 부른 게 아니에요


나더러 셜록의 집에서 나가라고 하려고 불렀겠죠


주말까지 있어요


제안 중 하나를 받아들이고 새 인생을 시작해요


둘이 ..


어젯밤 엄청 웃었겠지


내..작은 사고에 대해서


내가 했던 말을 다 말하면서


셜록에게 아무 얘기 안했어요


내 집도 아니고


하지만 당신 얘기를 듣고


자기연민을 즐기진 않았어요


벨 형사가 부상일 때


셜록이 다른 형사들과 일을 했었어요


7명인가, 좋은 형사였어요




하지만 셜록이 만족한 사람은 없었어요.


나도 그렇고


그래, 런던에서도 똑같은 짓을 했었어요


당신을 만날 때까지요


셜록이 당신과 함께 하길 선택했어요


-이게 뭐요?
- 노상강도 사건 파일이요


어디 봅시다


내가 당했던 것과
같은 장소, 같은 수법이로군


내가 3번째 피해자라고 생각했군요


내가 이걸로 뭘 하길 바라나요?


범인을 찾아요, 탐정으로


적어도 당신 돈이라도 찾겠죠


잘되면, 당신의 그저 남의 뒤꽁무니만


쫓아다니진 않았다는 걸 알게 될테고


당신 친구 레스트라드는


어젯밤에 뭔일 있었나보던데


손의 굳은 살로 봐서는


이 사람은 육체노동을 했어요


손톱밑의 세라믹 가루를 봐서는


지붕을 잇는 사람이었어요


이 못된 거래는


적은 임금과 열악한 노동환경 때문이었군요


불법 입국자와 가석방자가 하는 일이죠


이 사람의 지문이 데이터베이스에서
나오지 않았다고 했죠?




이 신발을 봐요


오래된 데다 바닥도 닳았어요


3년 동안 백만달러의
몸값으로 살았다거나


후속 계획이 있을 것 같지 않아요


심부름꾼인 것 같아요


그랬다면, 왜 공범에게 아무 소식이 없을까요?


"랩킨 하드웨어"?


햄스테드에 있어요


작년에 프로모션으로 백 여개정도
만들었고, 사장과 연락했는데


이 사람은 모른대요


자기 직원도 아니었다고 하고


나도 그거 봤는데


뭔지 모르겠더라고요


갱단 상징 같기도 하고


네, 그보단 클럽이죠
A.A., C.A., L.A., N.A.


금주 모임이죠


30은 30일이고


6은 6개월


금주 칩이군요


기념하기 위해서 직접 문신을
하는 사람들도 있어요


진짜 하는 사람을 볼 줄이야


칩이 플라스틱이고 얇은 건 다 이유가 있어서인데


약하고 잃어버리기 쉽죠




아무튼, 다행히도


이 사람의 자만심 덕분에
신분확인에 도움이 되겠어요


햄스테드의 지지 모임에 갈 것 같다는


생각이 드는 건 왜일까요?


어떻게 되고 있어요?




얼굴을 알아보는 사람이 없어요




-이건 실수였어요
-당신 생각이잖아요


이 모임의 오만한 전통에 대한 침입이었어요


그들은 익명으로 참여하는데


우리가 사람들에게 서로의 신원을 묻고 있잖아요


이건 전혀 생각을 못했어요


우린 한 여자의 생명을 구하려는 중이고


마커스가 다녔던 모임이잖아요


사람들에게 말하면 이해하겠죠


당신이 끼어들지 말아야한다고 생각해요


- 뭘요?


당신이 요청한 파일들, 레스트라드를 위해서였죠


노상강도를 당했고


레스트라드가 직접 범인을 쫓도록 하면


자기 불신을 해결하고
숨겨놓은 병도 치우기 위해


노력할 거라고 생각했겠죠


잠깐만요, 그건 어떻게 알았어요?


코가 있으니까요


눈과 귀도 있고


그의 전망을 고려하지 않았다면


우리와 머무는 시간은 며칠 정도였겠죠


내가 없으면 안돼요


이해가 안돼요. 그걸 알았다면


왜 그와 말하지 않고
도우려고 하지 않았어요?


돕고 있어요


바닥을 치도록 놔두잖아요


당신과 런던에 갔을 때 그의 문제에
대한 내 생각을 말했어요


내 말을 무시하고


부자 변태의 충실한 하인이 됐어요


놀랍게도 잘 되진 않았어요


이제 그의 의지대로 움직여야한다는 게 확고한 내 의견이죠


다음 자리가 붕괴여도 말인가요?


나도 그랬어요. 날 봐요


난 단지 사건을 줬을 뿐이에요


런던경시청에 있을 때 많은 사건을 줬어요


어떻게 됐는지 봐요


이제 더이상 형사는 못한다고 말했어요?


그 스스로 방법을 찾아야한다고 믿어요


모임이 시작하나봐요. 갑시다




저 여자 알아요?


우리 둘 다 알 걸요


잘 바꿨지만, 진짜 정체를 감출 정도는


아니었어요. 적어도 나에게는


사라 쿠싱이군요


그래요. 살아있어요


유괴당한 것도 아니고


내가 실수한 게 아니라면


귀도 확실히 있는 것 같아요


맞아요. 내가 사라 쿠싱이에요


이었어요, 어쨌든


지금은 알리슨 드레이크죠


2010년에 고든이 경찰에 했던 말은 진짜였어요


아무 말 없이 짐을 싸서 나갔죠


우리 싸움은 갈수록 추해져갔고


다투지 않을 때도 그랬어요


내가 그를 볼 때는


날 노려볼 때 뿐이었어요


그의 얼굴표정은...


나에게 상처를 주는 것 같았어요


경찰에 한 번도 연락한 적이 없었잖아요


고든이 살인자로 몰렸을 때조차도


아직도 무서워서 그래요?


다른 방법으로 나서려고 했지만


항상 그러지 못할 상황이었어요


여러 생각이 들었어요


내 생각엔


고든은 결단력 있는 사람이었어요


내가 나간 걸 알고


날 찾길 원했다면


난 여기서 새 인생을 살고 있어요


술도 끊고


의사와 결혼했어요




이 남자는


고든과 경찰이 당신을
납치했다고 의심했던 사람인데요




짐 브라우너


여기 모임에서 만났었어요


내가 누군지 알아봤었어요


한동안 날 협박했었죠


아마 더 많은 돈을 받아내려고


고든에게 날 납치했다고 말했나봐요


짐의 마지막 몸값 요구에는


사람 귀 2개가 같이 소포로 보내졌어요


당신 DNA와 일치했지만, 귀는 멀쩡하네요


설명할 수 있어요


뉴스에서 봤는데


습지에서 어떤 여자 시체가 발견됐을 때


경찰에서 나라고 생각했고


시체의 DNA와 우리 욕실에서 가져간


빗의 머리카락을 비교해봤어요


그 빗은 내 것이 아니었어요


내가 나오면서 가져왔거든요


2010년에 남편이 다른 사람을
만나고 있었다는 건가요


다른 여자의 빗이라고 생각해요


고든이 받은 귀는


누군지 몰라도 그 여자 귀일걸요


로스코 펠프리씨?


안녕하세요. 저는 개러스 레스트라드라고 합니다




전에 당한 강도범에 대해
물어볼 게 있어서요




파일이 잘 열려요?


네. 잘 나오고 있습니다. 펠프리씨


지금 보고 있습니다


경찰과 말하는 것 같네요


영업 회의 때문에 뉴욕에 갔었고


아내가 건축 애호가라


아내가 좋아할 만한 것을 보고


영상으로 찍고 있었어요


가진 것 다 내놔! 어서!


아, 얼굴이 안 나오네요


내가 돌아보기 전에 덮쳤어요


카메라가 배수로로 떨어졌어요


그것만 돌려줬어요


경찰에 말한 것 말고


더 생각나는 것 없으세요?


범인을 찾는데 도움이 될 만한 어떤 것이든지요


아뇨. 다른 피해자에게
더 알아낼 수 있길 바라요


놈에게 당하기 전에 갤러리를 잠그고
돌아오던 건 기억이 나는데


그 다음엔 다 혼란스러워요


바닥에 머리를 부딪히면서
뇌진탕을 심하게 앓았어요


걱정마세요. 필립스씨


범인을 찾으려고 노력중이라니


정말 감탄했어요


런던 경시청에서 일했다고 하셨나요?






네. 그러니까. 제가..


억양이 너무 좋아요



언제 만나서 커피 한 잔 하면서


다른 얘길 해보지 않을래요


전 반드시 공사를 구분한답니다. 필립스씨


그날 밤 일에 대해 또 기억나는 것 없으세요?


말했듯이, 뇌진탕이 있었어요


인도에서 일어나보니


착한 행인들이 도와줬어요


나무에 노란색 자전거가 매여있었는데


큰 바나나라고 생각했었어요




아, 저기, 잠시만요


방금 노란색 자전거라고 했어요?


- 맞죠?
-네. 요란한 색이더군요


녹색 핸들이었어요


바나나라고 해서 비웃는거죠?


미안해요, 혼란스러워서


자전거가 중요했나요?


사라가 살아있군요


귀는..사라의 귀가 아니었네요


근데 어떻게 DNA가 일치했죠?


사라는 경찰이 DNA를 얻은 빗이


다른 여자의 것이라고 생각하더군요


욕실에 다른 방문자가 있었다던데,





우리 사이가 정말 심각했을 때


다른 사람을 만났어요


그 여자에 대해 말하셔야합니다


난...여러분 예상보다 아는 게 별로 없어요


전문 소개업소였어요


이름이 켄드라였는데


그게 내가 아는 전부였어요


금발이었어요, 그 때 사라처럼


그래서 내가 사라의 것으로
착각하고 경찰에 줬나봐요


연락처가 필요합니다


소개소를 통해서 이름은 알 수 있었지만


별로 알아내진 못할 것 같네요


사라가 실종되고


내가 용의자가 되자


켄드라가 무서워했고


날 만나지 않았어요


번호도 다 바꿨고


소개소에 연락해보니까


사라가 그랬던 것처럼


완전히 사라졌다고 말했어요


사라가 켄드라의 배후에
있었다고 생각해요?


내가 전에 경찰에 거짓말한 적


없다고 했을 때, 그 말대로였고


2011년에 사라와 통화를
했다고 했을 때도


진실이었다 이거죠


종전의 몸값 요구를 주목하는군요


그여자도 관련이 있어요




그 때 일에 참여했다면


지금도 가담하고 있겠죠


친구들과 가족들은


사라 쿠싱이 롱 아일랜드에서 살고 있는 모습을


뉴스에서 보고 있습니다


2010년때와는 외모가 달라졌습니다


2012년에 성형외과 의사인 스티븐 에델만과


결혼했다는 루머도 있었습니다


그 루머 역시 사실로 확인되었습니다


고마워요 토니


매춘부의 신원을 확인하는데 얼마나 걸릴까요?


마커스가 1시간 뒤에 전화준다고 했어요




공정하게 말하면, 이름과 머리색밖에 모르잖아요




나는 순식간에 뽑아냈겠구만


고든이 맞다고 생각하죠


사라가 모든 일의 배후에 있다고 보는 거죠


2011년 그가 곤경에 처하면


이득일지 말해봐요


사라의 짓이라면 성공적으로 1백만달러를 얻어냈어요


현재로 넘어가보죠


2 라운드를 원해요


하지만 고든이 두번째엔 절대 돈을
주지 않을 걸 알고 있어요


경찰에 갈 줄 알았어요


경찰이 가져간 빗에 대한
진실도 알고 있어요


이미 오래전에 알고 있었어요


그래서 켄드라를 추적해서


일치하는 귀를 고든에게 보냈어요


유전학적으로는, 그래요


아니면 2011년에 전화에 대해 거짓말을 했고


이제 사라가 살아있다는 걸 알게 되자


자기가 겪었던 지옥을
되돌려주려고 할 수도 있어요




켄드라가 어디서 보내졌는지 알 수 있으면


유괴범의 신원에 대한 증거도 찾을 수 있겠죠


오늘 레스트라드 봤어요?


아마도 수렁에서 벗어날 방법을 결국 찾았나봐요


그랬다면, 본격적으로 일을 시작할 수 있겠어요


나한테 요구했던 대로
혼자 내버려뒀어요?







쿠싱이 이용했던 소개소는 지금은 없어요


범죄수사팀의 친구가 켄드라와


같이 일했던 여자를 소개해줬어요




켄드라의 진짜 이름은 켈리 태스커였어요


과거형이 중요해요


3년전 교통사고로 사망했고




그래서 고든이 소포로 받은 귀가
누구의 것인지,


켄드라 것인지 알 수 없어요


아직도 보고 있어요


고든은 2일 전 우편으로
신선한 상태의 잘려진 귀를 받았고


DNA는 사라의 것으로 믿어졌던 빗에서
나온 머리카락과 일치했어요


그 빗은 사라의 것이 아니었지만


고든은 켈리 태스커, 즉 켄드라의 것이라고 말했지만


이미 수년전에 사망했어요


확실히, 그 귀는 켄드라의 것이 아니죠


그래서 남은 의문점은


누구의 귀일까요?


내가 자러 갔을 때, 윗층에 있었는데


지금은 여기 손님방 옆에서
자리를 잡고 있네요


개러스가 걱정되어서 기회를 보고 있어요?


내가 여기 있는 이유는요, 왓슨


우리가 식사를 하는 곳이고
내가 배고프기 때문이죠


안 먹고 있잖아요


돌파구를 기다리고 있어요


찾으면 저 바나나를 먹겠어요


당신이 했던 말 생각해봤어요


혼자 놔두라고 했던 말


그럴게요. 비슷하게라도


그가 바닥을 치게 두는 것보다


더 좋은 방법을 생각해야해요


내가 이미 말했지만


그래요,당신은 바닥을 쳤어요. 알아요


하지만 그는 당신이 아니고 친구잖아요


그를 돕는 걸 당신이 두려워한다고
생각하지 않아요


새 용의자인가요?


이름은 알퐁스 베르티용이고


머그샷을 발명했어요


프랑스인이고 경찰이었어요


그와 동료들이 범죄자를 잡았을 때


체포경력 조회 시스템이
없다는 게 불만이었어요


그래서 만들었어요


신체적 특징들을 모으기 시작했고


머지않아 사람의 귀가 매우
특별하다는 걸 알게 됐어요


귀가 똑같은 사람은 없어요


지문처럼 독특해요


머그샷에 옆얼굴이 들어간 이유죠


귀 전체의 모습을 담는 것이
중요하다고 믿었어요


무척 재밌네요


근데 왜 그의 사진이 여기 있어요?


이 사건으로 그가 틀렸을
가능성을 의심하게 됐으니까요


귓볼, 귓바퀴 두께, 귓구멍을 봐요




므슈 베르티용이 불가능하다고 했는데


좋아요, 사라에 대해 당신이 맞다고 해봐요


사라가 모두 배후에 있었다고 하면


자기 귀와 똑같은 귀를 가진 사람을 찾았고


그 사람을 납치해서


고든에게 그 사람의 귀를 보냈어요


귀가 동일한 사람을 찾기 위해
시간과 노력이 얼마나 들었을까요?


그런 일이 가능하기는 할까요?


사라의 짓이라고 합시다


여전히 2010년 현장에서 발견된


빗의 DNA도 설명이 안 돼요


전에 봤던 뉴스에서


사라의 새 남편이 성형외과 의사라고 했죠


네. 왜요?


션 멩크라는 남자가 있었어


그의 집에서 나는 냄새는 악취가 심했지


자전거를 타고 다녔고, 좋아하는 걸 가졌고


머리는 널판지처럼 딱딱했지


널 기다리느라 내가 여기
얼마나 앉아있었는지 알아


5행시를 쓰기에 충분했지


누군지 모르겠지만


5초 줄테니까


네 이상한 자전거에 대해 어떻게 생각하나, 친구?




널 널 추적하기 전에
이웃 10명에게 사진을 보여줬지


너는 근처 인도 음식점에서 일하고


배달 일을 하고 있어


그 배달을 할 때


강도 짓도 하고,
내가 이걸 어떻게 알았을까?


네 못생긴 자전거가 2곳의 범죄현장에 있었고


네가 날 쳤을 때는 못 봤어


솔직히 난 취했었거든




세건의 강도사건이
모두 배달 반경 안에 있고


네가 근무였을 때지


뿐만 아니라
여기 들어오다가 봤는데


증거가 많더라. 내 지갑도 포함해서


모든 경험이 전혀 감동스럽지 않았어


더 첩보영화 같길 바랬지


더 추격의 스릴도 있고 하지만 아니었어


사실, 처음 시작했을 때보다 더 우울해졌거든


자, 이제 요청할 게 있어, 셔니


내 돈 돌려줘


그래야 여길 나가서 술집에 가서


기분 좋게 한 잔 할 수 있도록 말야


No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no


이번엔 날 때려눕히지 못해. 친구






와주셔서 감사합니다




질문이 있다고 하셨죠?


그럼요. 가장 먼저


일어나서 발가락을


간단한 요청인데 당황하셨나요


질문 두번째, 등을 보여주실 수 있어요?


지금 무슨 일인지도 모르겠고
별로 재밌지도 않네요


등을 보여주지 않으려고 하는 이유는


수술 자국을 보여주고 싶지 않아서겠죠


그래서 등을 세우고 앉아있겠죠?


아직 상처가 낫는 중이고
눌리지 않게 하고 싶으니까요


종양이 있어서 며칠전 떼어냈어요


아마도 2개이고


이런 모양이었겠죠?


- 몰라요
-어젯밤, 난 어떻게


저 귀에서 나온 DNA가 당신 욕실의 빗에서 나온


머리카락과 일치하는지 궁금했어요


당신의 빗이 아니라고 했지만


저 귀들은 당신 귀와 모양이 같고,


이미 말했듯이, DNA도 일치해요


그렇다면, 당신은 다른 사람의 빗이라고


거짓말을 했어요. 당신 빗이 맞죠?


귀도 당신 것이죠?


머리에서 떼어낸 것이 아닐 뿐


참 정신나간 소리같군요


찰스 바칸티 교수가 1997년 실험실 쥐의 등에


사람의 귀가 자란다고 했을 때


사람들은 미쳤다고 했어요


나는 아니었지만


귀는 대부분 연골로 되어 있기 때문에


한 번 손상되면 회복하기 어렵죠


모양도 매우 복잡하고


바칸티 박사는 생분해성 귀 모양 지지대를 따라


사람의 연골이 자라는 방법을 개발했어요


대상자의 피부 아래에 지지대를 넣으면


시간이 지나 다 녹고


연골만 남는 방법이죠


이런 과정이 익숙하지 않다면
당신 남편의 귀를 보라고 하겠어요


그는 성형외과 의사이기도 하지만


전에 이런 연구에도 참여했더군요. 확인했어요


그가 당신 귀 모양과 같은 지지대를 심었고


등에서 자라나게 됐어요


3일전 그걸 떼어내서


전남편에게 보냈어요


그 다음, 몸값을 받아내야했어요


짐 브라우너를 당신이 데려왔겠죠


짐은 당신이 누군지도 몰랐어요


당신이 한패로 끌어들이면서 말했어요


상자안의 귀와 비교할 DNA 샘플을


수집하기 위한 법원 명령입니다


어느 쪽으로든


당신에게서 나온 걸 증명할 겁니다


-네. 무슨 일이죠?


셜록, 조앤


자리에 앉아요


시작하기에 앞서, 악감정이 없다는 걸 알려주고 싶어


날 속이려고 했다는 거 알아


선의로 그랬다는 것도 알고


좋아. 난 오늘 션 멩크를 잡았어


날 상대로 강도짓을 했던 놈 말야


오. 잘했어요. 개러스


힘들지 않게 잡은 건 아니었어


다른 두 피해자들과 통화를 했지


펠프리, 필립스


그들은, 들으면 놀라겠지만,


사실 매우 도움이 되었어


기적적으로 그랬어, 사실은


어떻게 용의자를 찾을 수 있었지?


먼저 네가 이 파일을 줬지,


안 그래, 셜록?


넌 자전거에 대해 알았어


그리고 이 파일을 조작했고


내가 펠프리와 필립스에게 전화했을 때


실제로는 네가 대신 전화를 받았던 거야


무슨 얘길 하는 거예요?


오, 조앤, 이제 당신도 연기 그만해요


- 무슨 연기요?
- 정말 몰라요?


- 무슨 말이에요?
- 여기 있는 당신 파트너가


나에게 도움을 주기로 결심했고


다시 도전하도록 했어요


증거를 떠먹여줘서 멩크를 찾을 수 있었어요


개러스, 그 파일은 내 생각이었어요. 셜록은..


당신은 나보다도 셜록을 몰라요


사실, 셜록이 당신을 얼마나 잘 아는지도 모르죠


너와 네 목소리, 셜록


내가 누굴 더 좋아하는지 모르겠다


펠프리인지 필립스인지


나와 커피 마시자는 요청은


참 좋은 마무리였다고 말해주지


솔직히, 난 참 우쭐했었어


션 멩크의 아파트에 내가 앉아있는
모습을 네가 봤어아했는데


이 모든 증거가 너무 쉽게
찾아지니까 믿을 수 없었어


지갑 3개가 탁자 위에 그냥 있더라고


불가능하다고 생각했지, 하지만 다음에


나오려다가 이걸 발견했지






네가 키우는 것과 같은


네가 날 위헤 테이블을 만들어놨어, 그렇지 셜록?


근데 너무 지나치게 일을 잘해놨어


내가 이걸 발견하지 못했다면


여전히 이 집 안을 서성거리고 있었겠지


오래전 습관처럼. 하지만 아니야


위대한 셜록 홈즈가 만들어준 각본을 통과해서 고마워


난 마지막 기회를 잡기로 결정했고


오늘 아침에 제안을 받아들였지


코크에 있는 가르다의 자문 자리야


잠깐만요, 가르다면
아일랜드공화국 경찰이요?


네. 맞아요. 내일 떠나요


그래서 서둘러 짐을 싸야해요


양해해주길 바래요


물론, 네가 이 우스운 위장을


계속하길 원하지 않으면, 셜록


기쁘게 남아줄 수도 있어




참 잘했어요


아무 것도 모른 채 셜록이 당신을 두고가도


너무 나쁘게 생각하지 말아요, 조앤


아직 파트너쉽의 초반이니까


당신이 이해해야 해요


내가 지냈던 시간만큼 지나면


그를 잘 알게 되겠죠


이틀전에 나더러 돕지 말라고 한 이유가 이거였어요?


이미 계획을 다 세워놨으니까?


난 션 멩크, 로스코 펠프리,
칼톤 필립스에 대해 들어본 적도 없어요


난 이 파일들을 조작하지도 않았어요


하지만 쉬웠던 것 같지만


레스트라드는 스스로 사건을 해결했어요


그가 주장하는 음모는
엄청난 상상력의 산물일 뿐이죠


발견된 깃털은


이동의 전형적인 경우죠


내가 아니라 레스트라드의 옷에서 떨어졌어요


그럼 당신은..


내가 생각했던 건 그에게 가장 도움이 됐어요


당신이 맞아요


더 많이 얘기하면 더 확실해졌겠죠


가끔은, 친구를 돕는 다른 방법도 있더군요


그래서 이번엔 시계가 멈추면 어떻게 돼요?


물을 뿌리거나 시끄러운 소리가 나요?




내가 더 어려운 걸 보내달라고 했더니 이걸 보냈어요


계속 있을려고요?


뭐라고 말할까요? 믿어요


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응


Previously on Elementary...


This is Manny Tarkenian.


I'm texted you
my contact information.


Are you gonna answer that?


Gareth Lestrade,


late of Scotland Yard.


I owe you an apology.


We've got to
accommodate each other.


I realize that now.


Apology accepted.
You know, the company's


not paying
for my hotel anymore.


You can stay here.


Just be quiet.


We own chickens,
don't we?


(blows, sniffs)


(device beeping)




Your bloody rooster
is at it again!


19 days.
19 days he has been here.


WATSON: Well, you were the one
who said he could


stay with us until he
figured out his next move.




I'll pluck it! I swear it!


He has offers, remember?
Course he does.


He took credit for my successes
at Scotland Yard.


Typically, a man is his work.


In his case, he is my work--


and who wouldn't want
to hire me?


You said your friend
made that for you?


Demolitions expert.


He sends me devices
from time to time.


I'd hardly call him a friend.


And what happens
if it hits zero?


I confess to not knowing.


Could be a spray of paint
and expulsion of fumes.


I have yet to fail...


at defusing one.


(rapid beeping)




I want to see what he wants.


Can I get some help, please?!


Hi, Joan, brilliant.


This one's got it
in for me. I swear.


Was it...
it was Remus?


Actually that's Romulus.


Every time I go for
the remote control


to turn the TV on,
it spreads its wings


and it comes at me.


Hey, Romulus.
You want a little treat?


Oh, here you go.


Ah, treat's in the pocket,
very nice.


And then you go...


Oh, brilliant.
Absolutely brilliant.


Well done, you.
Thank you very much.


I've got a few quids riding
on this match, actually.


My pleasure.


Uh, Joan?


I wanted to say thank you


for being
so patient with me


and all this, you know,
the job's bullocks.


Sherlock's sick of the sight
of my face, isn't he?


Well, you have
a big decision to make, so...


Well, you know,
actually, I got a...


another offer today, in fact.




Largest investigation company
in Sao Paulo, Brazil,


Romero e Blanco.




Do you speak Portuguese?


Do I speak Portuguese?


Well... mmm...


no, not currently.


Oh, and you might want
to take a look at some of those


offers on the table,
you know?


See, you might find one
that you prefer more than...


working for
the ol' cock-handler.




Uh, I know what you meant.


It's me, okay?


You got me.


Excuse me?


I'm him.


The guy you see on the news.


I'm Gordon Cushing.


That's what you're
trying to figure out, right?


Did you do it?


Pull over here, would you?
I'd like to get out.


(footsteps approaching)


♪ ♪


♪ Elementary 2x17 ♪
Ears to You
Original Air Date on March 6, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


His name is Gordon Cushing,


but maybe you already know that.


JOAN: His wife
disappeared in 2010.


Everyone thought
he killed her.


It was in all
the papers back then.


I endeavored to keep abreast


of notorious crimes
in other countries,


but I confess to falling out
of the habit during my habit.


His wife Sarah was a partier.
He didn't approve.


They fought a lot,


and so when she went missing...


He was presumed a murderer?


He was,
but without a body,


no one could make a case.


A few hours ago, he called 911


to say he received a box
with two severed ears.


There was a note inside saying
they were his wife Sarah's.


If he forks over two million
in cash to the person


or persons who took her,
he gets her back.


And it's odd
to get a ransom demand


four years after an abduction.


Well, you think that's odd.


This isn't the first time
that he's claimed


to have been contacted
by kidnappers.


He said he got a call
from someone


a year after
Sarah disappeared, right?


Yeah, she disappeared
in May 2010.


At the time, he said that she
just packed her bags and left.


But, allegedly,
he gets a call in June of 2011.


The guy says that he took her.


He even puts her


on the phone with him.


Cushing follows
his instructions to a tee.


Doesn't call us,
doesn't call the FBI,


just gathers up
a million bucks in cash


and leaves it under a tree
in Central Park.


Days go by,


no sign of Sarah.


That's when he decides
to reach out to the department.


Only he couldn't prove that
anyone had contacted him,


so people thought he'd
made the whole thing up.


Well, obviously, he didn't
make up two severed ears.


I'm about to talk to him.


Thought you might
want to sit in.


I know how this
is going to sound,


but this is a good thing,
isn't it?


I mean, Sarah's alive.


The M.E. is comparing the ears
to strands of hair


that we collected from a brush
in your master bathroom in 2010.


If the DNA is a match,
then yes...


it's a good chance
she's still alive.


The ears are Sarah's.


I know they are.
I... Just look


at the photographs
I brought you.






You still think
I killed her, don't you?


You think I... took those ears
from someone else


and sent them to myself?


No. I'm more concerned
with what I know.


I know someone was mutilated
earlier tonight.


I know I want to help her.


She is Sarah.


She's alive...


Just like she was
alive in 2011?


The last time you were asked
to finance her safe return?


I dare say that ransom demands


are becoming
a tradition for you.


I know I made a mistake
three years ago.


I should have called the police
the second I got off the phone


with the kidnapper,
but I was scared,


and Sarah was...
she was terrified.


I didn't want to take
any chances. I couldn't.


There are phone records
that show


I got the call
when I said I did.


Bank statements
that show I took out


a million dollars.


You could've called
from a burner phone.


You could've hidden
that money anywhere.


I have never been anything
but honest with you people.


And so I'm going to keep
being honest with you now.


I fell out of love with my wife
a long time


before she disappeared.


She said and did things
when she was drinking


that I can never forgive.


I don't want her back
because I miss her.


I want her back because I am
tired of people looking at me


the way you people
are looking at me right now.


HOLMES: Well, they do bear
an uncanny resemblance


to the ears
in the photograph.




It's hardly proof
that they came from


the head of
Sarah Cushing, though.


What did you think of Gordon?


Well, he seemed
quite sincere.


But then, so did infamous
zoophile Ebenezer Cornell


when he claimed
he had not attempted


to violate two ostriches
at London Zoo.




What did you think
of Mr. Cushing?


Well, it was interesting being
in the same room with him.


Before tonight, I'd only
ever seen him on the news.




If he's telling
the truth,


then I guess
I feel sorry for him.


It would mean that someone
made a pretty tragic mistake


when they accused him.


(ringtone playing)


Speaking of
"tragic mistakes."


"Hate to bother,
but locked out of house."




"Looked under front
and back mats""


Oh. "Found no keys""


'Cause that's
the kind of man I am.


I leave keys under doormats.


I don't know why
you're peeking inside.


You know we're not in there.


Trying to assess
the damage, actually.


What happened?


Well, you know
that football game


that I put a bet on?


I actually won.


Yeah, I went to go get
the winnings on the way back.


Got myself
into a bit of trouble.


A rather unfriendly bloke


took designs on my
watch and wallet.


You got mugged.


(Watson sighs)


I still think
you should go to a hospital.


What about this?


I've been kissed harder.


Crying out loud.


Bloody chicken.


It's on the bed. Go on.


Go on, off you go.
Bugger off.


(chicken clucking)


I thought Sherlock said
he was going to send it


to that petting zoo.
Oh, they said they


couldn't take them
until next week.


Walked into a room
the other day,


this darkened room,
and he was standing in there.


Pitch black, and he had one
of them perched on his shoulder.


Yeah. He'd been in
there for ages.


He said it was some kind of,
like, balancing exercise.


He was covered in feathers.


What? What?


You've been drinking.


Oh... Yeah, I might have,
you know,


chucked a couple back at the pub
when I was going to pick


my winnings up.
That was an hour ago, right?


You've had a drink
more recently than that.


judging from your breath


and that damp spot
on your shirt. I'd say sometime


in the last ten minutes?
You know,


there are no bars around here.
And even if there were,


how-how would you have paid
for it?


The mugger took all your money,
didn't he?


You and I talked about this


when Sherlock said
you could stay here.


You cannot drink around him.
Yeah, well, he's an addict,


actually, Joan.
He's not an alcoholic.


And I suppose you thought he was
drinking heroin back in London.


Where did the whiskey come from?


Well, I've got a little secret
stash out in the back.


I have a little shot, you know,
if I need one.


And how often is that?


(stammers) Really?


Please. Oh, come on.


You obviously
don't understand


what kind of
pressure I'm under.


All the bloody offers...
You just have to make a decision.


It's a bit more complicated.
Is it?


What, you want me to say it to you?
Say what?


Holmes was right about me!


I can't...


do this job without him.
I can't be a detective.


You were a detective
long before you knew him.


Well, like, back in the day,
you know, when I was...


when I was adequate,
when I was...


when I was competent.


Joan, these people,they don't want...
they don't want adequate.


They want special.
They want me


to be the man that I
was when I was with him!


You know, I know
that you have had your troubles,


but you are overthinking this.


That's very easy for you to say,
of course, isn't it?


You know, because you're the one
that's with him now.


You're the one that gets
to be special.


Well, you know, just take it
from someone who's been there.


Just enjoy it while it lasts.




(Watson sighs)




Was that a hint
of surprise I detect?


I told you
I received several of these.


Well, just thought you'd be


neck-deep in files
from the Sarah Cushing case.


I was for most
of the evening.


Then the captain called
and told me


that the severed ears
Gordon Cushing received


were a DNA match for Sarah's.


You're kidding.


That's me, Watson. Joke machine.


So, Sarah Cushing is alive?


She is, or at least
she was as of yesterday.


Gordon will be paying
for her safe,


if earless, return presently.


The NYPD will be watching.


And since they hardly need
the assistance


of two consulting detectives
to execute


a simple ransom exchange...


Balancing exercise?


How'd you...?




Have you seen him this morning?
I did not.


I did hear him leave earlier on.


This arrived for you


from Detective Bell.


You opened it?


It's just a few files
pertaining to recent muggings.


I'm curious-- since when do we
investigate common street crime?


Since when


do you open my mail?


How long you lived here?




intercom announcement)


GREGSON: 10:00 a.m. on the dot,
Mr. Cushing.


Our guy should be here soon.


Eyes forward.
Don't look at me.


It's going down.


All right, be advised.


Suspect is a white male,
35 years old,


wearing a blue coat
and a wool cap with sunglasses.




Keep your phone on.


One hour.
Once I know I'm clear,


I'll call with your
wife's location.


GREGSON: Suspect is on the move,
heading south


on the southbound platform
towards the Varick exit.


Blue team, I want you
to cut him a wide berth.


Are you seeing this?


What is he doing?


Where the hell is he going?
Backup units,


be advised,
suspect is fleeing south


into the southbound tunnel.


Hold your positions,


and we'll pick him up
as he exits.


Do not attempt to follow.


What do you mean?
He's gonna get away.


We've got a tracer in the bag,


Mr. Cushing.
Remember I showed it to you?


I-I know,
but what if he finds it?


What if he changes bags?


He's not supposed
to be out of our sight.


We've got people every
place he might pop up.


Just let us do our job.


No, I'm sorry.


Mr. Cushing,
stay where you are!


Command support, pull the box.


Cut the power to the track now!




Hold your fire.


Mr. Cushing!


Mr. Cushing.


Show us your hands.


I was just trying to stop him.


He wouldn't listen to me.




He wouldn't listen.


I was just trying to stop him.


It all happened so fast.


The man who took the money,


he realized I was chasing him.


He came at me.


And so then
you picked up the rebar?


I don't even know how I...


I think it was on the ground.


I swung at him and I just...


Have you been able
to identify him?


BELL: He wasn't carrying
any identification.


All he had in his pockets
was a set of keys,


some loose change.


We ran his prints and DNA
through the system.


So far, no hits.


Well, you said yesterday


he may have partners.


Have you heard from them?




But if he was working alone,
that means...


there's nobody there
to take care of Sarah, right?


Nobody to bring her food.


Nobody to bring her water.


It's a possibility.


Four years I spent
trying to convince people


I didn't kill her.


Now maybe I finally have.




Stating the obvious here.


This one's a mess.


I got two severed ears,
one dead body.


No leads.


Question is-- is it a mess
of Mr. Cushing's design?


Could be 2011 all over again.


He wants people to
think he's innocent,


so he hires this guy to pick
up the money this morning.


Kills him to tie up loose ends.


But that wouldn't
explain the ears.


They match Sarah Cushing's DNA.


If Gordon's behind everything,
that would mean that he's been


keeping her somewhere
for the last four years.


If that's true, then why
draw attention to himself?


What would he stand to gain?


Whatever the case, the dead man
represents our best chance


of uncovering the truth
and getting to Sarah.


So, with your blessing,


Watson and I will
withdraw to the morgue


and examine the body
and his personal effects.


Miss Watson?




You have a visitor.


You head to the morgue.


I'll meet you there.
I thought that...


It's okay, really.


I'll be there as soon as I can.




Aren't you gonna offer me
a nice cup of coffee?


Or some tea?


(door closes)


Perhaps even a donut?


Well, I didn't invite you here
to feed you.


No, you invited me here


to ask me to leave
the brownstone.


You have until the weekend.


Take one of the offers,
start your new life.


I bet you two...


had quite a laugh last night,
didn't you,


about my... my little mishap.


All the things I said.


Actually I didn't say
anything to Sherlock.


I didn't think it was my place.


But since you brought it up,


I don't find
your self-pity amusing.


When Detective Bell
was out of commission,


Sherlock ran
through a string of detectives.


Seven of them. Good ones.


Far more than adequate.


But none of them
good enough for him.


Or me.


Yeah, well, he did the same
thing back in London, didn't he?


Oh, until you.


He stuck with you.


He chose you.


What's this?


Case files
on a couple of muggings.


Let's have a little look.


Well, it's the same
vicinity and M.O.


as the little toe rag
that did me.


I take it you think
that I'm the third in a string?


And am I supposed to be doing
something with these?


Find the guy, be a detective.


At the very least,
you might get your cash back.


At the most, you'll realize


you were never
just someone else's tagalong.


So, your friend Lestrade--


looked like he had
a rough night.


The calluses
on his hands indicate


that our Mr. Doe did


manual labor.


The traces of ceramic grit


under his fingernails
suggest he was a roofer.


Now, this is trade notorious


for its mediocre pay
and poor working conditions.


It is the domain
of the illegal immigrant


and the recent parolees.


So, you're quite certain
that this man's prints


do not match anything
on your database?


Not yet.




Note these shoes.


Several years old,
paper-thin soles.


This does not look like a man
who's collected


a seven-figure ransom


three years previously


and has masterminded
a follow-up.


Well, perhaps,
we're looking at an errand boy.


If that's the case,


why haven't we heard
from his partners?


"Rabkin Hardware"?


Yeah, it's in Hempstead.


They gave out a few
hundred of those


as a promotion last year.
Tried the owner.


He didn't recognize our guy.


Neither did any
of his employees.




Yeah, I saw those, too.


I'm not sure about the pattern.


Could be some kind
of gang insignia.


Yeah, more of a club really.


A.A., C.A.,


L.A., N.A.


Pick your anonymous, hmm?


The 30 represents 30 days.


The six represents six months.


Sobriety chips.


Yeah, some people in recovery
ink themselves


to commemorate
certain milestones.


I, myself, find
that practice idiotic.


Chips are plastic and thin
for a reason.


They're fragile, easily lost.


Just like the sobriety
they represent...


Anyway, fortunately for us,


our man's hubris
might help us identify him.


Why do I get the feeling
we're about to hit up


some support group
meetings in Hempstead?




Hey. How's it going?


Not well.


His face has yet to ring a bell.


Are you all right?


This was a mistake.
It was your idea.


It-it's an utter violation
of the proud traditions


of these meetings.


They're meant to be anonymous.


And here we are, asking
these attendees


to identify one of their own.


Hmm, I-I-I did not
think this through.


We are trying to save
a woman's life here.


And so is Marcus
at the meeting he went to.


The people that I talk to,
they get that.


I don't think you
should've interfered.


With what?
With Lestrade.


The files you requested,
obviously they were for him.


He was the victim of a mugging.


And you think that putting him
on the trail of the culprit


will simultaneously solve
his crisis of confidence


and drag him out of whatever
bottle he's crawled into.


Wait, how did you
know about that?


I have a nose, Watson.


And eyes and ears.


If he wasn't concerned
about his prospects,


his stay with us would've
only lasted a few days.


He's lost without me.


I don't understand.
If you knew about it,


why didn't you try and talk
to him, try and help him?


I have been helping him.


By allowing him to bottom out.


I told him of my concerns
regarding his problems


while you and I were in London.


He chose to ignore me.


He became the myrmidon
of a wealthy pervert.


Shockingly that didn't turn out.


So now I'm of the firm opinion
the next move should be his.


Even if that next move
is implosion?


I imploded. Look at me.


All I did was put him on a case.
I put him


on many a case when we
were in Scotland Yard.


Look how that turned out.


Are you saying that he shouldn't


be a detective anymore?


I'm saying


that I believe he needs


to find his way
out of this himself.


The meeting's gonna start.


Let's go.


Hold on.


You know that woman?


I think we both do.


She's had a bit
of work done, but not enough


to conceal her true identity.
At least not from me.


It's Sarah Cushing.






And not in the least bit


And if I'm not mistaken,


in firm possession
of both of her ears.


You're right.
I am Sarah Cushing.


I was her, anyway.


I go by Allison
Drake now.


I have for years.


Everything Gordon told
the police in 2010 was true.


I packed my bags
and left with no warning.


Our fights just
kept getting uglier,


and even when
we weren't arguing,


I'd catch him just...


staring at me.


The look on his face...


It felt like he was
going to hurt me.


You never reached out
to the police,


even after they
began to suspect


Gordon murdered you.


Is that because you
were still scared?


I thought of different
ways to come forward,


but every time I got
close to doing it,


I'd think of that look.


I thought,


Gordon's a
determined man.


If he knew I
was out there


and he wanted
to find me...


I made a new life
for myself out here.


I got sober,


married a doctor.


Ms. Cushing,


this man...


managed to convince
Gordon and the police


that he'd kidnapped you.


Do you recognize him?


Jim Browner.


I met him here,
in a meeting.


Somehow he figured out
who I really was.


He blackmailed me for a while.


I guess


he decided he could
make more money


by telling Gordon
he abducted me.


Jim's last
ransom letter...


it contained
two human ears


in the package.


The DNA matched yours,
but your ears are fine.


Actually, I-I think
I might be able to explain that.


A few years ago,


I saw a story on the news.


A woman's body
turned up in a marsh.


The police thought
it might be mine,


so they compared
DNA from the corpse


to hairs on a brush
they took out of my bathroom.


Only that brush wasn't mine.


I took mine with
me when I left.


HOLMES: You think your
husband was seeing


someone else in 2010.


I think that brush
belonged to the other woman.


And those ears
Gordon received...


whoever she is,


they have to be hers.


Mr. Roscoe Pelfrey?


Hello. Yes, my name's
Gareth Lestrade.


I'm a... I'm a detective.


I wondered if I might
ask you a few questions


about the man that mugged you.


Did you get it?


Did the file open up all right?


Yeah, no, it's come
through fine, Mr. Pelfrey.


I'm just looking
at it now, actually.


It's like I told the cops:


I came to New York
for a sales convention.


My wife's an architecture buff,


so I made a video
any time I saw something,


you know, I thought she'd like.


MAN: Everything you got!
Give up right now!


Nope, never got his face.


Well, fella cracked me
before I turned around.


My camera fell into the gutter.


That's the only reason
I got it back.


Can you think of anything at all


that you haven't told
the police, Mr. Pelfrey?


Anything that might
help me find this man?


Maybe you'll have better luck


with the other fella
who got mugged.


MAN: I know I locked up my gallery
for the night


before he got to me,


but after that,
everything's fuzzy.


I got quite a bad concussion
when my head hit the pavement.


Well, don't worry about that,
Mr. Phillips.


I think it's so admirable


that you're trying
to find the man.


You said you used to work
for Scotland Yard, right?




That sounds so interesting.


Yeah, well, I suppose...
I suppose it was, really.


I have to say,
I love your accent.




(chuckles) Maybe we could meet
for coffee one night,


talk about something
other than assault.


Well, I never try to mix


business with pleasure,
Mr. Phillips, um...


Are you sure there's
nothing else you remember


about the night of the mugging?


Like I said, I was concussed.


When I came to on the sidewalk,


there were a couple
of Good Samaritans.


And there was this yellow
bicycle chained to a tree.


I thought it was a big banana.


I'm sorry.


Uh... sorry. Excuse me.


You say...


did you say a yellow bicycle?


Is that right?


Yes, it was garish.


Big green handlebars.


Can you blame me
for thinking it was a banana?


I'm sorry. I'm confused.


Is the bicycle important?


Sarah's alive?


The ears...
they're obviously not Sarah's.


How did they match her DNA?


She believes that the hairbrush


the police took for a DNA sample


belonged to another woman.


Perhaps a visitor
to your bedroom?


Is that possible?




When things got truly
miserable between us,


I started seeing


someone else.


You need to tell
us about her.


I... know less about her


than you'd probably like.


It was a professional


Her first name


was Kendra.


That was all I was ever given.


She was blonde,
just like Sarah was back then,


so I suppose the police


could've mistaken
her brush for Sarah's.


We're gonna need
her contact info.


I can give you the name of the
agency that referred her to me,


but I don't think
you're gonna have any luck.


When Sarah


and I was named
a suspect,


Kendra got frightened.


Stopped seeing me.


Changed all of her numbers.


My contact at her agency


said that she disappeared


every bit as thoroughly
as Sarah did.


Do you think Sarah


is behind whatever's
happened to Kendra?


When I told you the other day


that I never lied
to the police, I meant it.


When I said I spoke to Sarah


on the phone in 2011...


You meant that, too.
You're referring


to the original
ransom demand.


She was in on it.


She had to be.


And if she was
part of it then,


she's part of it now.


FEMALE REPORTER: Friends and family
are still reeling


at the news that Sarah Cushing
has turned up


alive and well on Long Island.


Her appearance
has changed since 2010.


And there are rumors
that's compliments


of the man she married in 2012,


plastic surgeon
Dr. Steven Edelman.


Those rumors
have yet to be confirmed.


Thank you, Toni.


How long
does it take


to identify a
bloody prostitute?


Well, Marcus said he was
going to call in an hour.


It's been... 45 minutes.


To be fair,
he only has a first name


and a hair color.




I'll name that tart
in 20 keystrokes.


So you think that
Gordon is right.


You think that Sarah
is behind everything.




Let's say she
took advantage


of his predicament
in 2011.


If she did, she successfully
extracted $1 million.


Cut to the present day.


She wants a
second go-round.


But she knows that
Gordon won't just


hand over the money
a second time.


He'll go to the police.


She knows the truth


about the hairbrush
in the police's possession.


She figured it out years ago.


So she tracks down Kendra


and she sends him
a pair of ears that will match.


Genetically, at least.


Or he lied about
getting that call in 2011,


and now that he knows
that Sarah's alive,


he's trying to get back at her


for all the hell
she put him through.




In any case,


if we can determine
where Kendra was taken from,


we may find clues to
the identity of her abductor.




Have you heard
from Lestrade today?


Oh, perhaps he's finally
found his way to the gutter.


If he has, the work to rebuild
him can begin in earnest.


Have you done as I requested?


You left him alone?


(phone ringing)


It's Marcus.






The escort service Cushing used


doesn't exist anymore.


But a friend of mine from Vice
was able to put me in touch


with one of the girls
Kendra used to work with.




Kendra's real name


was Kelly Tasker.


Emphasis on "was."


She died in a car wreck
three years ago.


And she was cremated.


So I don't know whose ears


Gordon Cushing got
in the mail the other day,


but they weren't hers.




Oh. You're still up.


Gordon Cushing received a pair of
freshly severed ears


in the mail
two days ago.


They were a DNA match for hairs


taken from a brush believed
to belong to Sarah Cushing.


Only the brush wasn't hers.


Gordon says it could only
belong to Kelly Tasker,


aka Kendra,


only she's been dead for years.


the ears weren't hers.


So the question remains:


Whose ears were they?


When I went to bed,
you were working upstairs,


and now you are
camped out down here


right next to the guest room.


Any chance it's because
you're worried about Gareth?


I'm here, Watson,
because this is where


we keep the food,
and I'm hungry.


You're not eating.


I'm awaiting
a breakthrough.


Once I have one,
I shall eat that banana.


I've been thinking
about what you said.


About leaving
him alone.


I get it.
Sort of.


I mean, I have to think
that there are better ways


of helping him out than
letting him bottom out.


As I already
pointed out...


Yes, you bottomed out.
I know.


But he is not you.
He is your friend.


And I don't think
you should be afraid


of helping him.


(chuckles) New suspect?


His name...


was Alphonse Bertillon,


and he invented the mug shot.


He was French,
a policeman.


He grew frustrated
that there was no system


by which he and his colleagues


could identify
captured criminals


they had arrested before.


So he devised one.


He began cataloguing them
by their physical features,


and he soon noticed
something quite unusual


about the human ear.


No two are alike.


They are as unique
as fingerprints.


This is why mug shots
are taken in profile.


He believed it crucial
to capture


a full view of the ear.


That's very


Why is his
picture here?


Because this case
has forced me to confront


the possibility
that he was wrong.


Note the lobes,
the thickness of the helices,


the depth of the conchae.


Mmm, they're identical.


Mm-hmm. And yet
Monsieur Bertillon


would tell us that's impossible.


Okay, let's say you're right
about Sarah.


Let's say she is
behind everything.


She found someone who had ears
that looked like hers.


She kidnapped that person,


and then she sent her ears
to Gordon.


Can you imagine the time and
effort it would take one person


to find his or her ear twin?


Assuming such a thing
even exists?


Okay, let's say she did.
It still wouldn't explain


how that person's DNA
could work its way onto a brush


recovered from a crime scene
in 2010.


The news report
we watched earlier,


it said that Sarah's new husband
was a plastic surgeon,


did it not?


Yes. Why?


LESTRADE: There once was a man
named Shawn Menck.


His home smelled so bad
it done stank.


He rode on his bike,
he took what he liked,


and his head was thick
as a plank.


Now, that is how long
I've been sitting here


waiting for you, Shawnee,
to come home.


Enough time to write a limerick.


I don't know who you are,


but you got
about five seconds...


Do you have any earthly idea,
mate, how ugly your bicycle is?


I mean,
it's ridiculous.


I only showed the picture


to ten people
in this neighborhood


before I traced it back to you.


Now, you work for the local
Indian restaurant


around the corner
making deliveries.


When you make those deliveries,


you mug people.
Now, how do I know this?


Your ugly bicycle was seen at
the scene of two of the crimes.


Now, I didn't notice it
when you mugged me, of course,


'cause quite frankly,
well, I was in my cups.


Listen, man...


All three robberies


inside the delivery radius


and when you were on a shift.


And not only that--


I mean, I discovered
when I broke in here,


mounds of evidence,
including my very own wallet.


You know, I found
the whole experience


completely underwhelming.
I mean...


I thought there'd be
a bit more cloak-and-dagger,


a bit more thrill of the chase,
but no, no.


In fact, I'm actually
more depressed now


than I was when I first started.


So, now, what I'm


gonna ask you for,
Shawnee, is, uh...


is for my money back.


So I can leave here
and I can go to the pub


and buy myself
a nice, refreshing pint.


No, no, no, no, no, no,
no, no, don't do that.


No creeping up on me
this time, mate.




Come on.




We appreciate you coming in.


Of course.


You said on the phone
you had some questions?


Uh, we do.
First among them,


would you be so kind


as to stand up and,
uh, touch your toes?


A simple enough command,


and yet it confounds you.
Very well. Question number two:


Can we take a look at your back?


I don't know
what's going on here,


but I don't think
this is very funny.


WATSON: You don't want us
to see your back, because then


we would see the
surgical scars.


HOLMES: That's why you've been
sitting with your back


so straight, isn't it?


The tissue's still healing,


and you do not wish
to agitate it.


I had some cancer removed
a few days ago.


WATSON: Let me guess.
Two growths...


Looked a lot like these?


I don't know...


HOLMES: Last night,
I was wondering


how those ears could be
a genetic match for strands


of hair on a brush taken
from your bathroom.


You said the brush
was not yours.


And yet those ears,
identical to your own,


and as I've already said,
the DNA's a match.


Then it occurred to me,
you lied when you said


the brush belonged
to someone else. It was yours.


GREGSON: The ears are yours,
too, right?


It's just they didn't come
from your head.


You realize how crazy
this all sounds?


People thought
Dr. Charles Vacanti was crazy


when he grew what looked like
a human ear


on the back of a lab mouse
in 1997.


I, myself, did not.


WATSON: Ears are mostly
cartilage, which means


they're very difficult
to repair once damaged.


They also have
a very complicated shape.


HOLMES: Dr. Vacanti devised a method
for growing human cartilage


on a biodegradable
ear-shaped scaffold.


You place the scaffold
beneath the subject's skin,


and it dissolves over time,


leaving nothing
but the cartilage.


If you're not familiar
with the process,


I encourage you to bend
your husband's ear.


WATSON: Not only is he
a plastic surgeon;


he's done this kind
of work before. We checked.


He built two scaffolds that
looked just like your ears,


and then planted them
in your back.


GREGSON: Three days ago,
he cut them off


and he sent them
to your ex.


After that, it was a matter
of collecting the ransom.


A task for which you recruited
the late Jim Browner.


He didn't figure out
who you were.


You told him when you made him
your accomplice.


This is a court order
to collect a DNA sample


to compare to the ears
in the box.


One way or the other,


we're gonna prove
they came from you.


(ringtone plays)


Yes. What's going on?


Sherlock, Joan.


Please, sir,
take a seat.


Now, first off,
I want you to know


that there's no
hard feelings.


I know that you tried
to put one over on me.


And I know it was done
with the best intentions.


Right. So, I captured
Shawn Menck today.


He was the man
that robbed me.


Oh, that's
fantastic, Gareth.


Yeah, well, it
would have been


had he not been handed to
me on a silver platter.


Yeah. I spoke to his two
other victims today--


Mr. Pelfrey,
Mr. Phillips--


and they, you'll
be shocked to hear,


were actually
extremely helpful.


Miraculously so, really.


Are you approaching anything
resembling a point?


Yes, you got to
these files first,


didn't you,
Sherlock, hmm?


You figured out the
bit about the bike.


And then you doctored
these files


so when I called
Pelfrey and Phillips,


I was in fact
calling you instead.


What is he talking about?


Oh, you know, Joan,
you can, you know,


drop the act now.
What act?


You really don't know, do you?
Know what?


Well, your partner here


decided to give me
a shot in the arm.


He'd get me back
on the horse.


He spoon-fed me the clues
so I could find Menck.


Gareth, those files
were my idea. He didn't even...


You don't know him
like I know him.


In fact, you don't know
how well he knows you.


You and your
voices, Sherlock.


I don't know who I
preferred more, actually,


Pelfrey or Phillips.


Though I have to say
that asking me out


for a cup of coffee
was a really nice touch.


I was actually quite
flattered, to be honest.


You should have seen
me there, though,


sitting there,
Shawn Menck's apartment.


I just couldn't believe
how easy it was


to find all of
that evidence.


Three of the wallets
sitting neatly stacked


on a little table.


I thought it was


But then... just as
I was about to leave,


I found this.




It's a rooster feather.


Just like the ones
on your pets.


You'd set the table for me,
hadn't you, Sherlock?


But you just done too good
a job of it.


You see, if I hadn't found this,


I'd still be out
moping around this brownstone


with a right old
bog on. But no,


thanks to seeing
through a plot devised


by the great Sherlock Holmes,
I have decided


to give detecting
one last chance.


So I accepted a
job this morning.


Yeah, it's a consultant
position with the Garda in Cork.


Wait-- the Garda, as in
the Irish National Police?


Yes, that's right.
I leave tomorrow.


So I've got rather a
lot of packing to do.


So if you'll excuse me.


Unless, of course,
you want to continue


this ridiculous charade,


I will quite happily stay.


Well played, sir.


Well played.




Now... I wouldn't


feel too bad about
him leaving you


in the dark, Joan.


I mean, you have to
understand, of course,


you are in the infancy
of your partnership.


Having spent as much
time as I did with him,


you'll figure
him out as well.




Is that why you
didn't want me


to help him
these last couple of days,


because you had your own plan
to build him up?


I've never heard
of Shawn Menck,


Roscoe Pelfrey or
Carlton Phillips.


I did not manipulate
those files.


However easy it may have been,


Lestrade closed that case
on his own.


The conspiracy he's describing


is a product of his obviously
very fertile imagination.


As far as the feather
that he found,


that's a classic case
of transference.


It fell from his clothes,
not mine.


But you just said...


What I thought would be
most helpful to him.


You were right.


And the more he talked,
the clearer it became.


In some cases,


there are other ways
to assist a friend.


So what does that one do
once it ticks down?


Spray you with water,
make a loud noise?


It explodes.


I told my colleague
I wanted more


of a challenge,
and he sent me this.




You're staying?


Mmm, what can I say?
I have faith.


== sync, corrected by elderman ==