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"이제 손이 나았으니까


주위에 페인트를 칠해"


취향 참 이상하네요


총기 사용 재허가 선물이었어요


그런 상황도
다 농담거리로 만들어요


나도 정말 기뻐요. 알죠?


증명해봐요. 이번 금요일에


근무 끝나고 모일 건데 그 때 와요


파트너도 같이


그래서 여기 오라고 했어요?


파티 초대하려고?


실은, 당신과 홈즈에게 부탁할 게 있어요


몇달전에 뉴욕 동부외곽의 살인사건을 맡았는데


마약상인 쿠아미 마텐즈가


이웃 아이를 총으로 쏴 죽였어요


마텐즈가 다른 총격사건도 있었다고 보는데


목격자가 있는 건 이 사건이 처음이라고 해요


적어도 그녀가 처음이었어요


이름은 니콜 왓킨스이고 18살이죠


검사실에서 오늘 아침에 전화를 해서


그 애가 겁을 먹은 것 같다고 하더군요


전화도 하지 말고 그만두겠다고 했다네요


마텐즈가 협박했을까요?


좋은 추측이네요


검사측에서 주요증인 명령을 내렸지만


아무도 찾지 못했어요


그래서 당신들이 도와줄 수 있을까 해서요


증언을 하지 않으면 마텐즈는 풀려나겠군요




알았어요. 뭐라도 알게 되면 연락할게요


찾으면, 마티니 사요


안녕, 셔먼


잘 있었어?


거기 누구야?




죽기 싫어


♪ Elementary 2x18 ♪
The Hound of the Cancer Cells
Original Air Date on March 13, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응


배리 그랜저, 의학박사


도착당시 사망


연구실 조수가 오늘 아침 발견했고


컴퓨터에 유서가 있었다는군


"미안해. 모두 사실이야


내가 한 잘못 때문에 더이상 살 수 없어




헬륨은 이런 연구실에는 흔해요


이렇게 말하긴 그렇지만


보내기 좋은 방법이죠


몸에선 산소가 부족하다는 건
알지도 못한 채 잠들었다가


절대 깨어나지 못해요


다시 말하면


겉으로 보이는 바로는 이 사람은


출구가 가까운 곳에서 직접 직장에서 손쉽게 구했어요


하지만 물론 의심이 들어서


우리가 여기 있겠지만


그랜저는 오늘 아침에 가장 먼저 왔어


조수는 혼자 있는 걸 발견했고


땀에 젖은 운동복에


샤워실은 젖어있어


그랜저 박사는 뛰어서 출근하고


여기서 옷을 갈아입는군요


자살하기 전에 누가 그런 일을 해?


자살하는 사람이 몸매에 신경쓸 리가 없지


그럼 어떻게 생각하세요?


머리에 총을 겨누고


강제로 시켰을까요?


그렇게 어설프지 않았어요


이것 좀 봐요


문 밑에 흔적이 남아있어요


그리고 바닥에


문틈을 테이프로 막았어요


죽지 않으려면 가루 같은 게 필요해요




뭐하는 건지 말은 좀 해줄래




반장님이 맞아요


그랜저 박사는 살해됐어요


샤워하는 동안 가스로 질식됐어요


검시하면 헬륨이 발견될테고


그럼 우리가 의심한 정황과 일치할 겁니다


범인은 3개에 호스를


une, deux, trois--
( 1, 2 , 3)


문 아래에 붙여놓고


틈은 테이프로 막았어요


피해자가 기절한 다음에




옷을 입히고 꾸며놨어요




연구실 내에는 없어


연구가 기밀이라서 그렇대


들어오는 길에는 몇 개 있긴 하던데


연구실과 피해자에 대해 잘 아는 사람이


이 살인을 꾸몄어요


사람들을 피하는 방법을 알았던 것 같아요


보안영상을 찾아보지


운 좋게 뭐라도 나오면 알려주지




"모두 사실이야"라는 게 무슨 뜻이죠?


얼마전, 그랜저박사님이
우리 연구 결과를 발표하셨어요


지난 주, 논문에 적힌 이메일로


결과가 가짜라는 메일이 왔어요




난 몰랐어요


하지만 박사님은 엄청 분해하셨어요


그런 비난은 박사님 경력에 누가 되니까요


어떤 연구였나요?


대답하기 곤란한 질문인가요?


아뇨, 돕고 싶어요


말해도 될지 모르겠어요.
기밀유지서약을 해서요


그랜저 박사의 논문 내용을
말해주면 돼요. 이미 발표됐다면서요


기밀유지서약을 요구한 사람의 이름을 말해주면


그쪽에서 대답을 들을 수 있을까요?


오늘 내 인생 최악의 날이군요


배리 그랜저는 더 최악이었죠


배리는 내 친구입니다


엄청 충격받았어요


하지만 개인적으로도 엉망이라서


그러니 좀 이상해도 이해해주세요


그랜저 박사와의 관계와 그의 연구에 대해


친절히 설명해주실 수 있을까요?


잠깐은 저희가 독하게 느껴지시겠지만


잡고 계신 그 장비는


암을 탐지하는 호흡측정기입니다


이론상으로 가능하다고 봤던 것 같아요


주인이 암이 생기면
개가 냄새를 맡을 수 있다고


암세포가 건강한 세포와는 다른 가스를 만들어서 그렇죠


이 기계가 호흡을 통해 암을 알아낸다는 말이군요


회사에서 독점권을 가지나요?


그랜저박사와의 관계는요?


임상 실험을 진행중이었어요


폐암을 진단받은 100명과


정상인 100명을 상대로


'사냥개'가 맞는지 보는 맹검시험입니다




그냥 별명입니다


부를 이름이 필요해서


익명의 제보자가 그랜저 박사의 연구결과를


조작했다고 주장했다면서요




하지만 그 고발로 다 바뀌었어요


아무도 이 연구를 믿지 않아요


1달전, 분석가들은 10억짜리 발명이라고 했지만


오늘, 투자자들이 다 빠져나갔어요


아침 6시경에 어디 있었습니까?


단순히 당신 말을 따라가는 겁니다


이번 일로 인해 거액을 손해보실텐데


그랜저 박사가 결과를 조작했다면


화가 나서 죽였을 수도 있으니까요


배리를 비난하지 않은 건 나뿐이죠


그 기계는 내 인생의 역작입니다


배리는 조작하지 않았어요


잘못 없습니다


좋은 친구였어요


그럼 경찰이 유서를 보지 못했다면 어땠을까요?


고발을 완전히 정당화시키겠죠


미안하지만, 아직 제 질문에 대답하지 않았어요


오늘 아침의 행방은요?


내 여자친구와 있었어요


밤새 그 집에 있었습니다


비밀로 하는 이유가...?


이혼 중입니다


아내가 아는 것보다 더 오래된 관계로군요


알면, 아내의 변호사가 신나하겠죠


난 배리를 해치지 않았어요


난 그를 도울 수 있으리라 기대했고


이번 사건을 모두 파헤쳐주시길 바랍니다


그리고 이제...


여자친구 이름은 슬론 텔러입니다


번호를 알려드릴테니 연락해보세요


아내에겐 말하지 말아주세요


행크 프린스의 여자친구가 확인해줬어요


아침까지 같이 있었대요


놀랍지 않군요


배리 그랜저가 죽은 것보다 살아있는게


더 좋다고 말할 때 진심이었어요


바람핀 남편이 1승했네요


행크 프린스는 너무 애 같기는 하지만


위대한 발명을 한 인물로 역사에 남겠죠


그랜저 박사의 연구에 의해, "사냥개"는


꽤 전망이 좋았어요, 적어도


익명의 제보자에 의해
고발당하기 전까지는 그랬어요


정정하죠. 필명이죠


제보는 아담 피어라는
이름으로 이루어졌어요


이 글을 보면


연구단체에 매우 짜증을 내고 있어요


과학과 의학 저널을 읽고


에러와 사기를 발견하고


익명의 서버를 통해 그의 비판을 이메일로 보냈어요


오, 당신이 했을만한 일 같아요


비교는 자랑스럽게 받아들이죠


그는, 마음 속으로는, 동료 탐정인걸요


기록의 추적은 매우 잘했어요


많은 논문 철회를 이끌어냈어요


근데 당신은 별로 관심이 없어보이네요


벨이 찾고 있는 여자애에 대한
정보를 기다리고 있어요


니콜 왓킨스요


좋아하는 선생님이 있는데


아빠처럼 따랐대요.
지금은 은퇴했지만


그 선생님과는 연락했을 것 같아요


학교에서 주소를 문자로 보내주기로 했어요


아! 맞다. 벨이 금요일에 파티를 한대요


우리가 같이...


반장님이 연구실 보안영상을 보냈어요


범인이 드나드는 모습은 없었지만,


2일전 밤 그랜저 박사와 어떤 여자와
언쟁을 벌였다는군요


한 번 봐요


엄청 열받은 것 같아요


그랜저 박사는


죽기 전에 며칠동안 같은 번호로


전화를 자주 걸었어요


달릿 지린이라는 여잔데


마지막 통화는


이 언쟁 1시간 전이군요


영상속의 여자라고 생각하는군요






배리가 죽었다니 믿을 수 없어요


그랜저 박사와 어떻게 아는 사인지 물어도 될까요?


같이 대학에 다녔어요




저에게 특별한 존재였어요


하지만 감정이 통하진 않았군요


그때 마음을 후회하진 않아요




지난 달에 날 인터넷에서 찾았나봐요


이제 관심없다고 말해야했어요


메시지를 남길 때 목소리가 좀 높아졌어요


뭐가 잘못됐나요?


아뇨. 시간내주셔서 감사합니다


배리의 일은 유감입니다




사방에 카메라가 있고, 하이테크 자물쇠에


평범한 여행회사가 아니었어요


그리고 그랜저와의 관계도 거짓말을 하는 것 같아요


동의하고 동의해요.
꼭 집어 말할 수는 없지만


그들의 위장은


밀수업으로 보여요


누구나 예상할 수 있는 시나리오는


그랜저 박사가 보지 말아야할 걸 봐서


살해당했다는 거죠


그 사무실 사람들 모두 쉽게 닿는 위치에


무기를 숨겨놨고, 우리도 예외는


아니었다고 확신해요


그래서 서둘러 나왔군요


보통은, 내가 맞길 바라지만


그렉슨 반장님에게 지원요청을 하는 게
최선이라고 생각해요


니콜 왓킨스의 학교에서 왔어요


그 은퇴한 교사, 매니 로즈의 주소를 보내줬어요


가야겠어요. 반장님이 수색영장을 받겠지만


친한 판사를 찾으려면 시간이 좀 걸린대요


다시 연락오면 알려줄게요




모험인 건 알지만, 로즈씨


니콜과 꽤 친하셨다고 들어서요


많은 학생들과 친하셨던 것 같아요


내가 할 수 있을 때 도우려고 했어요


가끔은 그냥 믿어주기만 했고


가끔은 생존을 도와야했어요


다시 만나거나 연락을 한 적은 없었나요?


여기 있어요?


'경찰'이나 '증언'이라는 단어를 피하고 있어요


처음엔 그렇게 해줘요


니콜? 난 조앤 왓슨이야


마커스 벨 형사 친구란다


얘기 좀 하고 싶구나




네가 여기 있다는 얘기를 하지 않겠다고 약속했고


내가 말하지 않았어


왓슨씨가 스스로 찾아오셨어


난 더이상 아무 말도 하고 싶지
않다고 검사실에 말했어요


거기서 보낸 거 아냐. 마커스가 보냈어


네가 잘 지내는지 확인하고 싶어했어


잘 못지내요


날 죽이려는 사람들이 밖에 있어요


협박을 받았다면, 조치를 취해야지


경찰보호를 받을 수도 있고


그런 건 소용 없어요


이제 더이상은




-니콜 찾음. 벨에게 가는 중. 설명은 나중에-




여행사 주소 제대로 보낸 거 맞아?




텅 비었어


아무 것도 없어. 다 치워버렸다


놀랍지 않네요


지린씨에 대한 정보 조사를 계속할게요


지난 몇년동안


존재하지도 않는 일을 했군요


불편하게 해드려서 죄송해요


적어도 뜻밖의 상황에 어떻게
대처하는지는 알게 됐네요


건물 소유주를 만나서


임대한 사람 이름을 알아보마


뭐라도 알아내면








우리 집에 왔군요


들어가도 될까요?




내가 여행사 직원이 아니란 걸 알았군요


난 모사드예요


이스라엘 정보 기관이 왜
배리 그랜저에게 관심을 보였나요?




들여보내주면 누가 죽였다고 생각하는지 말할게요


나와 배리가 대학에서 만났다는 말은 사실이었어요




배리는 의예과였고, 난 컴퓨터공학과였어요


- 시민권은요?


난 거의 이 곳에서 자랐지만, 부모님은 이스라엘에 계세요


그럼 여기 왜 왔습니까?


배리 때문에 왔어요


내 친구니까


그리고 당신이 어쩔 수 없게 만들기도 했고




아직도 캐고 있는 것 알아요


배리의 살인범을 찾도록


말해주는 편이 더 나을 것 같았어요


공유하고 싶다는 뜻은 확실해보였는데


아마 당신과 동료들이 여행사에 있을 때


말하고 싶었겠죠


미국 정부가 못마땅해할 내용은 없어요


알지도 못할테니까요


배리에 대한 애정이 없다면, 뭡니까?


의학 논문이 사기를
이메일을 보낸 사람이 있어요


-아담 피어


배리는 누가 진짜 보냈는지 찾아내길 바랬어요


가능하다는 걸 알고 있었어요


내가 처음 채용됐을 때 사귀는 중이었으니까


하지만 안된다고 했어요


여러 법을 위반하라는 요청이었으니까요


그럼 그랜저 박사는 며칠동안
아담 피어를 찾고 있었고


아담 피어가 그를 죽였다고 생각하는군요


피어가 누구든


살인할 정도로 비밀이 중요했다고 봐요


배리 일을 들었을 때


돌아선 걸 후회했어요


결국엔 법을 위반하게 됐네요


피어의 신원은 알수 없었지만
서버를 해킹했을 때


그가 썼던 논문들이 있었어요


내가 찾았던 이메일이에요


그걸 나에게 주는 이유는?


우리 팀을 재배치하도록 해줘서 고마워요


이걸 받을 자격이 있어요


무슨 일인지 아는 것 같군요


배리 살인범을 찾을 수 있다면


정상참작이 되겠죠


아빠가 누군지 안대요?




두가지 일이나 하면서


지원해주고 싶어해요




착한 아이더군요


하지만 증언 약속을 했을 때는


곤란해질 지 몰랐어요


이제 임신도 했어요


미래를 원하고 있고, 혼자만을 위해서가 아니에요


선생님 집에 있었다고 했어요?


네. 매니 로즈요


매니 로즈?




개인적으로는 몰라요


전설이라고 알고 있어요


내가 10살인가 11살때인가


루커 고등학교 역사 선생님이었는데


뱅어즈 두 명이 어느 날 교실에 들어와서


학생 하나를 끌고가려고 했대요


놈들은 로즈 선생님이 JV 야구팀 코치도


하는 줄은 몰랐겠죠


야구방망이를 들고 놈들을 쫓아냈어요


좋은 분 같네요


니콜이 그분을 아는 줄도 몰랐어요


내가 그애에 대해 모르는 게 더 많겠죠


아직도 그거 보고 있어요?


이스라엘 첩보원이 불법으로


취득한 이메일을 넘겨줄 땐


그냥 훑어보지 말아요, 왓슨


왜 지린의 말을 받아들였는지 모르겠어요


받아들이지 않았어요


하지만 아담피어는 상당히 오랫동안


진짜 정체를 숨겨왔어요


살인은 한도를 벗어난 것 같아요


멀그루 경관이 전화했었어요


다른 일에 추가 조사를 하는 중인가봐요


아니에요. 마커스에게 줄
선물 때문에 도와주고 있어요


생각난 김에 말하는데 우리 아직..


지린과 그의 팀은 어젯밤에 사라졌어요


여기 오지 말았어야했어요


자기 방식대로 할 수 있었어요


왜 계속 이래요?


- 뭘요?
- 마커스 파티 얘기를


할 때마다 자꾸 말을 돌리잖아요


어제도 그러더니


왜냐면 난 파티에 가지 않을 거니까요


왜 안 가요?


저기요, 우리 만난 적이 있나요?


안녕하세요. 안녕하세요. 내 이름은 셜록이고
재활중인 약물중독자입니다


당신은 내가 알던 중독 치료사와 무척 닮았네요


뭐라고 했더라? 술집 주위에서의 충동이었나?


미안해요. 술집인지 몰랐어요


멀랭스. 반장님께 들었어요


정말 그 이유 때문이에요?


중요한 기념이죠


경관이 형사가 되고 부상, 회복,


부상당한 사람이 완전히 업무 복귀를 하고,


경찰에겐 그렇겠죠?


그들의 날이잖아요


형제들끼리 모여서 축배를 들 기회죠


그런 집단은...


내 무수한 공로에도 불구하고


난 항상 아웃사이더로 남겠죠


게다가 벨 형사에게 시련을 안겨준 나로써는


복귀를 축하하는 자리에 참석할 자격이 안된다고 봐요




아담 피어가 쓴 글이 참 많은데


왜 올린 곳은 추적할 수 없었을까요?


'어니언 라우팅'이라는 기술을 쓰고 있어요


메시지가 여러 서버들을 거치는데


각 단계마다 암호화 장치를 거친 다음
넘어가도록 되어 있어요


지금은 각 서버에 대해 아는 게 없으니


출처를 추적하기는 사실상 불가능해요


토프락세핀 사건이군요


아는 일인가요?


FDA에서 4년 전에 승인 거부한 진통제인데


제약회사에선 수백만달러를 투자한 다음이었어요


그게 아담 피어였어요


그게 처음이었군요.


아뇨. 큰 일이었어요


연구자들이 데이터를 골라내서


좋은 결과만 선택했고


신경 손상을 일으키는 걸 알면서도 숨겼어요


이 제약회사 메릴-그랜드는 엄청난 벌금을 물어야했어요


상부 경영진에게 위법행위에 대해


알리려던 연구자가 있었는데


이게 아담 피어의 시작이라고 했죠?


보통은 집에서 시작하지 않나요?


토프락세핀은 난처한 일입니다


저나 회사 전체에 있어서


하지만 계획적인 사기나 회사에서 주도한 일은 아닙니다


가끔 많은 돈이 걸려있을 때


선택적 귀막음이 나타납니다


네, 토마토...


심판하러 온 건 아닙니다


버크너씨, 당시 신제품 당당자였죠?


처음 문제제기를 한 연구자에 대해


말해줄 수 있을 거라고 생각했어요


경찰에서 그가 살인을 했다고 생각하니까요


질문을 하고 싶을 뿐입니다




이름은 로렌스 크랜포드입니다


연구팀에서 신경화학자였어요


경고가 무시당하자 그만뒀어요


어디서 만날 수 있을까요?


그후 자취를 감췄어요


메릴-그랜드 사람이나 당신은


그가 아담 피어일 거라고 생각했나요?




그 일이 일어나고


그를 찾으려고 했지만




속세 밖으로 숨은 것 같았어요


FDA가 승인 거부한 다음


약은 폐기되었고


모두 손 뗐습니다


그에 대해 알고 있는 걸 넘겨드리죠


니콜은 의사에게 갔어요


여기서 2블록 떨어진 곳에 있는데


곧 돌아오겠지


제가 어렸을 때 여기 기억나요


그냥 통과하시지도 못했죠


지금도 좋아보이세요


그 마약상 마텐즈


많이 나쁜가?


매우 저질이죠


헤로인 장사를 해요


사이프레스 힐에서 주로 하는데


애들을 중개자로 이용해서


잡기 더 힘들었어요


하나 물어볼게요


저게 그 방망이인가요?




그 일은 자랑스럽지 않아


내가 가르쳤던 아이의 선물이지


지금은 마이너리그에 있어


대포같은 팔을 가졌지


니콜이 돌아올거요, 형사


내가 맡지


실은, 로즈씨


그래서 온 게 아닙니다. 전..


괜찮다고 말해주고 싶었어요. 원하지 않으면


아무 것도 하지 않아도 된다고


검사실에서는 다른 사람들이 있고


증거도 있어요


할 수 있는 최선을 다 할 겁니다


누가 압니까, 마텐즈가 유죄인정을 하면


얼마 걸리지 않을 겁니다


증언을 하게 하려는 게 옳다고 생각하지 마세요


마텐즈는 어린애을 죽였어


착한 아이를


배심원에게 무슨 일이 있었는지
정확히 설명할 수 있어


죄송합니다. 가봐야겠어요


다른 사건이네요


제가 한 말 전해주실거죠?


물 잘 마셨습니다


로렌스 크랜포드 못 찾았어요?


운이 나쁘긴하지만 찾았어요


로렌스 크랜포드는 거대 제약회사에서의 경험에 질린 모양이고


메릴-그랜드에 보낸 사직서를 인용하면


" 회사는 이익에 눈이 멀어


왜 의료를 위해 뛰어들었는지 기억하는


소수의 착한 영혼들마저도 침묵하게 한다"


그리고 멕시코로 가서


서핑을 하며 바하에서 살았어요


2012년 원인모를 거친 파도에 휩쓸려 죽을 때까지


그가 아담 피어가 아니라고 100% 확신해요


총알받이 남자군요


여기 장식으로 쓰기엔 너무 미국적이지 않아요?


공구나 튀김그릇 정도면


아뇨, 이건 선물이에요


말했잖아요, 마커스 줄 선물이요


재승인 시험의 과녁이었어요


멀그루 경관이 총기 교관이거든요


날 위해 가져다줬어요


잘 쐈네요


아담 피어의 다른 후보자는요?


각각 오늘 계속해야죠


메릴-그랜드의 연구자와 경영진들이


토프락세핀의 개발에 참여했었어요


회사 내 다른 사람이라고 생각하는군요


불행하게도, 이미 한 명씩 확인해봤는데


사기 공모자이거나


일이 터질 때까지 모르던 사람들 뿐이었어요


로렌스 크랜포드만 유일하게


팀 동료가 부정적 데이터를 지웠다는 걸 알고


속임수에 참여하지 않았어요


그가 얘기한 다른 사람이 있어야해요


그의 이메일에 따르면


소수의 상사에게 말했지만 경고를 무시당했어요


물론, 그 중 한 사람은 아니었겠지만


" 왜 의료를 위해 뛰어들었는지 기억하는


소수의 착한 영혼들 마저도"


자기 얘기를 하는 건 아니었어요


상사 중 한 명은 옳은 일을 하려고 했고


크랜포드도 알았어요




미안하지만 약속에 늦어서요


아뇨. 잠깐이면 됩니다


그렇지 않으면 당신 상사들에게 찾아가서


우리가 당신을 아담 피어라고
의심한다고 말할 수도 있어요


2008년에 당신은 미국 건강관리의
이윤을 해치는 결과를 내는


실험에 참여했었어요


새 상사들이 이 일을 안 좋게 받아들이고


여기 지원했을 때 경력이 끝날테니까




크랜포드가 토프락세핀에 대해 우려하자


당신은 개발을 그만 두길 원했어요. 하지만 못했어요


직장을 잃지 않고는 불가능했죠


아담 피어라는 가명을 만들어 폭탄을 날렸어요


상사들은 여전히 회사 내
다른 사람이라고 생각하고


당신은 용의선상에서 피할 수 있었어요


왜냐면 당신도 그를 찾으려던 사람 중 하나였으니까


당신이 준 서류를 보면


크랜포드를 찾으려고 조사원을 보냈더군요


그가 적절했고, 당신은 도망갈 시간이 필요했어요


FDA가 승인을 거부하자마자


연구를 철수시킨 사람이기도 하죠


당신 컴퓨터를 철저히 찾아보면


아담 피어의 흔적이 발견될 거라고 확신해요


우린 영장이 없지만


없어도 당신 고용주들이
협조해줄 거라는데 걸겠어요


절반만 맞아요


왜냐면 난 아담 피어의 반이니까요


파트너가 있군요






우리 둘이 아담 피어였어요


살해된 배리 그랜저요


난 절대 그를 해치지 않았어요


자살하지 않았다는 것도 이미 알고 있겠지만




아담 피어가 살인을 했다고 생각한다면




자문탐정들에게 이미 말했지만


이 이메일은 우리가 보낸 게 아닙니다


내가 보내지 않았고


배리가 스스로를 깎아내리진 않았을테니까요


우리 필명을 가로채서 배리의
연구를 공격하는데 이용했어요


둘이 취미로 했던 것 같군요


어떻게 시작된 일입니까?


배리와 난 토프락세핀 스캔들
1년 전에 학회에서 만났어요


많은 생각들을 공유했어요


과학에 대한 자본의 영향도 포함해서


그래서 아담 피어를 공동으로 할 생각을 했군요


처음엔, 토프락세핀에 대해 폭로할 생각 뿐이었고


잘 됐고, 그대로 잊었어요


시간이 지나고


배리가 다른 논문을 읽는데


조직 샘플의 사진들이
똑같다는 걸 발견했어요


아담 피어는 이미 존재했고


다시 썼어요


그리고 우린 찾아다니기 시작했어요




너무 완벽한 데이터


우리가 알기 전에, 아담 피어는 우리 둘보다


더 거대한 존재가 됐어요


그랜저 박사가 살해당했을 때


왜 아무 말도 안했습니까?


아담 피어가 했던 모든 선행들이


없었던 일이 될테니까요


거대 제약회사의 임원이라는 것이 밝혀지면


욕심 때문에 라이벌 연구를
틀렸다고 한 것처럼 보이겠죠


배리가 사기로 고발당한 다음, 앞으로 나설지 상의했지만




자기 명예를 회복할 수 있음에도 불구하고


그의 연구 자체를 보호할 수
없다는 걸 알고 있었어요


배리가 죽었을 때, 난...


그가 원했던 대로 해줬어요


아무것도 하지 않았군요


수요일 아침 6시 당신 행적을 알려주시겠습니까?


어, 직장동료 6명 정도와 같이


샌프란시스코에서 출발하는 야간비행기에서


막 내렸을 시간이네요


내 전화에 번호가 있으니까


확인해줄 겁니다


그들에게 말할거죠?


모두에게 아담 피어의 진실을 말할 거죠


그랜저 박사가 시험 중이던 기계는


수많은 생명을 살릴 수 있어요


그걸 매도하려던 사람이 사기꾼이죠, 그러니..


왜 안 하겠어요?


어쨌든 배리를 죽이려고 했다면


왜 불명예까지 씌운 걸까요?


자살이 설득력 있도록?


그랜저 박사가 목표가 아니라


범인 계획의 병용효과를 생각해봐요


사기 고발은 던져버리고


그랜저가 자살한 것처럼 꾸몄다는 걸로 넘어가요


기업스파이라고 생각해요?


인정하기 혐오스럽지만


그랜저의 후원자인 행크 프린스가 맞았나봐요


스스로 피해자처럼 보이려 했다는 말이요


믿을 수 없네요


배리가 아담 피어였다니


당신 발명품에 의문을 제기한 사람이 아니었어요


그의 연구 논문을 사기로 고발한 이메일은


사실, 그 자체가 사기였어요


그랜저 박사의 명예를 회복한 것과


완전히 같을 수는 없지만


투자자들이 안심하고


좋은 의사의 연구 검열이 더 신속히 처리되겠죠




절 몇번이나 구해주셨는지 모르실 겁니다


하지만. 이제 어떻게 됩니까?


아담 피어가 배리를 죽인 게 아니면, 누구 짓이죠?


당신과 발명품을 공격할 동기가
있는 사람의 짓이라고 봅니다


"사냥개"가 경쟁상대가 있다면 안전할까요?




떠오르는 경쟁상대는 없어요?


명단을 적어드리죠




별일 없으시죠?


오늘 아침에 니콜과 얘기를 했는데


증언은 옳은 일이라고 생각한다고 말했네


잘 되진 않았어




주 북부의 가족들에게 갔어




하지만, 전에 말씀드린대로


해야할 일을 해야죠


내가 대신 서겠네




내가 대신 증언하고 싶어


니콜과 나는 그 날 밤 목격한 일에
대해 수백번 얘길했어


하나하나 알고 있네,처음부터 끝까지


위증이란 거 아시죠?


당신은 감옥에 갈 수도 있고


난 직장을 잃을 수도 있어요


마텐즈의 변호사가 그걸 모를 거라고 생각하세요?


사건 후 몇달이 지나서 갑자기 나타나고


니콜은 그냥 사라지고?


변호사가 당신을 잡아먹으려 들고


마텐즈는 풀려나겠죠


로즈씨, 혼란스러워요


전 당신을 압니다


학교와 사회를 위해 얼마나


많은 일을 했는지 알아요


얼마나 많이?


내가 한 일이 얼마나 되나?


루커 고등학교에 아이를 보내고 싶나?


내 이웃에서 애를 키우고 싶어?


변화시켰다고 생각하지 않으세요?


마텐즈는 니콜 바로 앞에서
아이에게 총을 쐈어


아이를 사랑하는 가족따위 신경쓰지 않았지


니콜에게 미칠 영향도 신경쓰지 않았어


난 이 이웃들을 위해 내 인생을 바치고 있네


아무것도 아니지만 옳은 일이지


저도 뱅어즈 놈들에게 맞선 적이 있어요


12살 때였는데


날 끌어들이려고 했었어요


죽을만큼 때렸어요


하지만 전 어느 조직으로도 들어가지 않았어요


많은 아이들이 그랬어요


선생님 덕분에요


집에 가세요


마텐즈에 대한 걱정은 제가 해요


이번에 집어넣지 못하면


다음엔 꼭 잡겠어요




내가 알기엔, 암 측정 기구의 판매에 임박한 회사는


라드너 과학이에요. 세계에서


가장 거대한 의료기 회사 중 하나죠


누가 이기고 있어요?


두번째 생각 중이에요


- 뭘요?
-내일 밤이 파티잖아요


벨 형사를 기쁘게해주고 싶어요


몇달동안 이 일로 많이 힘들었을텐데


환영행사를 해야죠


첫번째 생각이 먼저예요


술집에 가는 거 걱정돼요?


유발인자에 대해서는 걱정 안해요


주의를 돌릴 지 걱정이죠


- 내가 말했듯이
- 파티에 오지 않길 바랬다면


초대하지도 않았을걸요


사람을 싫어하는 건 매우 쉬웠어요, 왓슨




가끔 그리워요




네가 알고 싶어할 것 같아서


배리와 함께 일했던 행크 프린스


서에 왔어


무슨 일 있었어요?


그렇게 말하겠지


별거중이던 아내가 몇시간 전에


자택에서 총에 맞아 죽었는데


남편이름으로 등록된 총이었어


살인혐의로 체포되었어


내가 한 일이 아닙니다


한 번도 다치게 한 적도 없어요


그럼 왜 3개월 전에 아내가
접근금지명령을 신청했습니까?


변호사기 시켰어요


전화로 싸웠어요


- 그것 때문이었어요
- 아내분의 진술에 따르면


말다툼이 과열되고 당신이 이혼얘기를 꺼내며


한푼도 주지 않겠다고 했다고 하는군요


비이성적인 상태였어요




안드레아가 총에 맞을 때


난 여자친구와 택시 안에 있었어요


이름은 슬론 텔러입니다


여친 집에서 내 집으로 가던 중이었어요


차량번호, 운전자 이름이나


이야기를 확인해줄 게 있습니까?


내 여자친구가 내 알리바이라는 건


취약할 뿐이니까요


영수증을 받았어요, 아마도


집에 가서 어딘가 놔뒀어요


거기 그냥 서있기만 할겁니까?


오늘 나한테 했던 말 해줘요


프린스씨를 만났습니다. 그와 그의 발명품을
목표로 하는 사람이 있다고 믿어서요




누가 날 노리고 있어요


내 기계가 실패하길 바라는 사람이요


처음엔 배리의 연구를 깎아내리더니


그를 죽였어요


하지만 당신네 사람들이 봤던 대로


이제 나에게 안드레아 살인을 덮어씌우네요


당신 총으로 살해됐어요


내 집에서 훔쳐갔을 겁니다


안드레아 옆에 있던 커피 테이블에서 발견됐죠?


말해봐요. 어떤 바보가


자기 총으로 아내를 쏘고


그걸 놔두고 온답니까?




이제 그만 말하겠어요


변호사 불러주세요


전 부인을 총으로 쏜 놈들 중 가장 멍청한 짓을 했거나


인생 망치려고 다른 사람이 진짜 잘 꾸민 짓이겠어


호흡으로 암을 측정하는 기계를 발명한 남자가


멍청이는 아니겠죠


진실을 말한다고 생각해?


누가 모함했다고?


아내를 죽일 동기는 있지만


강제 침입 흔적도 없고


아마 살인자와 아는 사이였고


그의 총을 사용한 것 같아요


지문도 없고, 일리가 있어요


저 남자가 이렇게 했다면 바보가 틀림없어요


집에서 영수증을 찾아보라고 보내야겠군


영수증이 없으면


프린스는 너희가 범인을


찾길 기도해야될 거야


이거 꿈이죠


나 깨우지 말아요


행크 프린스의 집을 수색하러간 형사들이


택시 영수증을 찾아서 진술이 증명됐어요


택시 운전사를 찾아서 프린스와


여자친구 슬론 텔러의 사진을 보여주니까


둘다 맞다고 확인해줬어요


생생하게 기억하죠
텔러 특히, 생생하게


만나본 적은 없지만 사진은 생생하게 기억나요


그래서요? 알리바이가 있네요


아내를 살해하라고 시켰을 수도 있어요


살인청부업자를 고용해놓고


알리바이 설립에 문제가 있게하고


자기 총을 범죄에 쓰도록 쥐어줄까요?


당분간 프린스는 풀려나겠죠


더 좋은 가설이 세워질 때까지


"사냥개"를 약화시키기 위해


프린스를 타겟으로 하고 있다는 기존 가설을


계속 유지해야한다고 믿어요


회사 사장의 살인으로 사업 게획을


수포로 돌린다는 점은 받아들였지만


참 먼 길을 돌아왔네요


그런 먼 길을 돌 정도로


원한을 가진 사람을 찾아야한다고


생각하는 이유를 바로 맞췄어요


어젯밤 당신이 집에서


기업 공작을 꾸밀만한 회사가


라드너 과학이라고 했었죠


들었는 줄도 몰랐어요


그걸 들었을 뿐만 아니라


어젯밤 내내 그걸 고민하다가


나도 동의한다는 결론을 내렸어요


그 회사 대표 찰스 "척" 해먼드의 자서전을 읽었는데


그는 "손자"를 인용하여


단호한 기업 경영인은


모든 도덕적 예절을 무시하리라
예상해야만한다고 했어요


또한, 회사에서는 "사냥개"에 견줄만한 장비를 개발중이고요


하지만, 인터넷에서 추론할 수 있는 건


경쟁에 참여하려면 1년은 있어야한다는 거죠. 어서요


괜찮아요? 흥분한 것 같아요


오늘 아침에 마신 커피나 3잔의 홍차 때문이곘죠


농담하는 겁니까?


두 사람이 희생됐고


3번째는 벼랑끝에 몰려있어요


농담할 문제가 절대 아닙니다


행크 프린스와 2건의 살인에 대해
알고 있다고 인정하셨어요


물론 알고 있어요. 아는 게 내 일이니까요


사장님의 암 촉지 장치와 경쟁을 해야하니까요


당신들이 사는 세상이 얼마나 끔찍하고


위험한 지 모르겠지만, 내 세상은


경쟁 때문에 살인을 하진 않아요


언제나 매우 효과적인 대안이 있기 때문에


그럴 필요가 없어요


어떤 대안이 있죠?


사들이면 됩니다


내가 분석가들을 많이 고용하는 이유는


행크 프린스 같은 신규 업체들에게


관심을 두기 위해서일 뿐입니다


지켜보고, 기다리고, 입찰가를 준비하고


이 모든 먼지가 가라앉을 때


그의 장비가 좋다면


후하게 돈을 주고 회사를 삽니다


그의 "사냥개"옆에 "라드너 과학"을 새겨넣으면


그 누구보다 행복하겠지요






아침식사를 방해해서 죄송합니다


많은 도움이 됐습니다


좌절한 것 같은데


아뇨. 실은 떠오르고 있어요


행크 프린스에게 타격을 입히기 위해 가장 강력한 동기를


- 가진 사람을 알겠어요


행크 프린스요




왜 내 의뢰인과 여자친구의 사진이


저 의자들에 붙어있는지




- 이게 뭡니까?
- 오늘 아침에 척 해몬드를 만났어요


화려한 분이더군요


우리에게 이걸 주실 정도로 친절한 분이었어요


당신 회사에 대한 라드너 과학의 재무분석이죠


시간에 따른 예상 가치를 나타내는
편리한 그래프는 완벽해요


"사냥개"가 배리 그랜저의 연구로


성공작이라고 증명된다면,


당신은 엄청난 부자가 됐을 겁니다


문제는 이혼 소송중이라는 데 있었어요


아내의 변호사는 당신이 미래에 얼마나 많은


부를 쌓을 것인가 파악하느라 바빴고


당신이 얼마나 토해내야할지 알려고 했어요


미래를 없애려고 했지만


일시적일 뿐이었죠


엄청난 계획을 세웠어요


아담 피어를 가장하여


그랜저 박사의 결과가 조작이라고 했고


살해한 다음, 자살로 꾸며서


자기 연구를 방어하려던 남자를 제거하면서 동시에


사기 공작도 정당화시켰어요


이혼이 정리되고


회사가 아내의 눈 밖에 나면


배리의 연구의 정당화가 다시 입증되겠죠


그럼 회사의 가치는 급등하고


당신은 수백만달러를 그대로 가지겠죠


당신 회사 가치가 너무 빨리 반등했어요


아직 아내와의 재산분할이 끝나지 않았는데도


그래서 차선책을 진행시켜서


아내를 죽였어요


별거중인 남편임이 확인되면


유력 용의자로 지목될 게 뻔하니까


다른 우회 계획을 꾸몄어요


스스로 누명을 덮어쓴 것처럼 만들었어요


전에 우리가 당신을 목표로 한 사람이 있다고 말했었죠


당신은 거기서 착안해서 계획을 꾸몄어요


아내를 살해하면


당신을 파멸시키려던 사람에게 모함을 당했다는


우리 사건의 구성에 딱 맞을테니까


제 의뢰인이 두 사건 모두 알리바이가
있다는 걸 잊은 모양입니다


슬론 텔러와 택시 운전사를 직접 심문했죠


아내 살인을 한 남자에게


거짓 알리바이를 대준 여자친구가


처음은 아니죠


또 택시 운전사도


이건 의심스러운 택시에 있던 실제 칸막이입니다


한 번 보시죠


재심문을 해본 결과,


택시 운전사는 뒷좌석의 남자를


거의 보지 못했다는 걸 인정했어요


도발적인 옷을 입은 텔러에게


주의가 집중됐다고 하더군요


당신이 의도한대로


텔러의 아파트에 영장을 받았습니다


확인결과, 2일전 대부분
TrueRomantix.com에서 시간을 보냈더군요


특히 당신과 키, 체격, 머리색이 비슷한 남자를 찾아서


어젯밤 데이트를 했어요


우리가 그걸 찾아내자


매우 빨리 당신을 넘기더군요




어, 그래


내 것 맞아




내가 설명할 수 있는 건


로즈씨가 유클리드가를 가던 마텐즈에게 가서


경고도 없이 총을 쐈어


마텐즈의 친구 두명도 대응사격을 했고


두 사람은 현장에서 즉사했어


아는 사람이야?




파티는 가게 안에서 하고 있는 것 같은데




올 줄 몰랐어요


나도 그랬어요


이게 흥청거리며 노는 일인 줄 알았다면


더 빨리 올 걸 그랬어요


저런 경험 해봤어요?


할만큼 해봤지


다시 복귀했어요




이제까지 일했던 것보다 더 힘들었어요


저 안의 사람들은 오늘 밤 내가 행복하길 바라지만




우리 일은...


종종 댓가가 필요하지


모르겠어요. 난 단지...


아직 들어갈 준비가 안 됐어요






저기 모퉁이에 카페 있던데




자네가 준비될 때까지 저 사람들은 계속 있겠지


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응


"Now that your hand's better,
who's gonna shake


all the paint around here".


Okay, that is in
questionable taste.




It was a gift
from the guys for passing


my firearms requalification.
Far as I'm concerned,


under the circumstances,
they can joke all they want.


Well, you know I'm happy
for you, too, right?


Prove it. A bunch of us
are getting together


after work Friday.
You should come.


Your partner, too.


Is that why you asked me here?


To invite us to a party?


Actually, I was hoping
to catch you and Holmes.


A few months back, I was working
a homicide out of East New York.


Drug dealer
named Quame Martenz


shot and killed
a neighborhood kid.


We've liked Martenz
for other shootings before,


but this is the first time
a witness was willing to talk.


At least she was at first.


Name's Nicole Watkins.
She's 18.


ADA's Office
called me this morning,


said she got cold feet.


Told the DA's Office


to stop calling
and dropped out of sight.


You think Martenz
threatened her?


It's a good guess.


DA's Office issued
a material witness order,


but no one can find her.


Thought maybe you guys
could lend some extra eyes?


I'm guessing if she doesn't
testify, Martenz walks.




All right, I will let you know


if we come up with anything.


We find her, you're making me


a martini with that thing.


Morning, Sherman.


Miss me?


♪ ♪


(high-pitched voice):
Who's there?




(gas hissing)


(gas hissing)


(high-pitched voice):
Please... stop.


I don't want to die.


♪ Elementary 2x18 ♪
The Hound of the Cancer Cells
Original Air Date on March 13, 2014


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


Name's Barry Granger.
MD, Ph.D.




Lab assistant found
him like this


this morning, with this
suicide note in his lap.


"I'm sorry it's all true.


"I can't live any longer
with what I've done.




Helium is common
in labs like this.


And as morbid as it sounds,


it's supposed to be
a good way to go.


Your body
doesn't even know


it's not receiving oxygen.
You just go to sleep.


and you never wake up.


In other words,


at least by appearances,
this man used what was handy


in the workplace to provide
himself with a convenient exit.


But of course you have
your suspicions.


Or else we wouldn't be here.


Granger was the first one in
this morning.


Lab assistant found him alone.


Sweaty running clothes.


Shower stall
in there is wet.


So Dr. Granger ran to work.


And then changed here.


Who does that


before killing themselves?


It's not like a suicidal guy


would worry about
staying in shape.


WATSON: So what
do you think?


Someone put a gun
to his head,


forced him to do this?


Nothing quite so clumsy.


Have a look at this.


Tacky residue on the bottom
of the door.


And on the floor...


as if someone has
taped the gap shut.


I need something powdery
that won't kill us.


Surprise me.


Care to tell us
what you're doing?


Just a moment.


I think you're right.


Dr. Granger was murdered.


He was asphyxiated with gas
while he showered.


Most likely with helium
so the M.E.'s findings


would match the narrative
that we were meant to believe.


The killer taped three hoses--


une, deux, trois--


under the doorway.


Sealed the gap with tape.


Once the victim
had lost consciousness...


...he was dried,


clothed, and staged.


Any security videos?


There's none in the lab.


The staff says that's 'cause
the work was confidential.


I did notice a few on
the way in, but...


Given the knowledge
of the lab and the victim


that this murder demonstrates,
it's likely


the killer knew
how to avoid them.


GREGSON: I'm gonna pull
the security video.


I'll let you know
if we get lucky.


Excuse me...


Any idea
what "it's all true" refers to?


A few weeks ago,
Dr. Granger published


the results of a study
that we were doing.


Last week, a reader e-mailed
the journal it was in,


and said
the results were faked.


Were they?


I wouldn't know.


But, uh, he was up
in arms about it.


An accusation like that
can ruin a guy's career.


What were you studying?


HOLMES: Is something troubling
about that question?


No, I want to help.


I-I just don't know what I'm
allowed to say. I signed an NDA.


Surely you can tell us
about the contents


of Dr. Granger's article--
that's been made public.


Perhaps you give us the name
of the person who asked you


to sign the NDA and we can
pose our questions to them?


This has to be
the craziest day of my life.


I'd say Barry Granger
had a crazier one.


Barry was my friend.


I'm devastated.


But I'm also personally
screwed by all this.


So excuse me if I'm
a little shell-shocked.


Would you be so kind
as to explain your relationship


to Dr. Granger
and the work he was doing.


I'm sure we'll feel awful
for you momentarily.


That device
that you're holding


is a breathalyzer
that detects cancer.


Well, I read about that
being possible in theory.


Dogs being able to smell
when their owners have cancer.


Apparently cancer
cells give off


different gasses
than healthy ones.


And this device is meant
to detect them in your breath.


Your company holds the patent?


Dr. Granger's connection?


MAN: He was running
clinical trials.


A hundred subjects
known to have lung cancer,


a hundred who don't.


It's a blind study to see


if The Hound gets it right.


"The Hound?"


MAN: Uh, it's just
a working name.


We had to call it something.


We understand
that an anonymous tipster


claimed that Dr. Granger
falsified his results.


It works.


But that accusation
changed everything.


Now no one believes the study.


A month ago,
analysts were calling that


a billion-dollar invention.


And today, my investors
are pulling out.


Might I ask you your whereabouts


this morning around 6:00?


I'm simply coming
around to your point.


The scandal you're referring to
may have cost you a fortune.


If Dr. Granger
did falsify his results,


perhaps someone
killed him in anger.


I'm the last person
who would've hurt Barry.


That detector
is my life's work.


Barry didn't
falsify anything.


Barry didn't jaywalk.


He was a good guy.


And besides, can you imagine
if the police hadn't seen


through that suicide note?
It would have completely


legitimized the accusation.


Sorry, you still haven't
answered my question.


Your whereabouts this morning?


I was with my girlfriend.


I spent the night at her place.


And that's cause
for secrecy because...?


I'm in the middle of a divorce.


Your affair's
been going on


longer than your wife is aware.


If she finds out,
her lawyers'll have a field day.


I never would've hurt Barry.


I was counting on him to help,


help me dig out
from under all this.


And now...


My girlfriend's name


is Sloan Teller.


I'll give you her number
so you can talk to her.


I just ask
that you don't tell my ex.


Hank Prince's girlfriend
backed him up.


Said she was with him
all morning.


Not surprising.


He was telling the truth
when he said he'd be better off


with a live Barry Granger
than a dead one.


Well, score one
for cheating husbands.


Hank Prince may be
a very naughty boy,


but he may also be remembered
for giving the world


a great innovation.


Based on Dr. Granger's study,
"The Hound" appeared


to be quite promising--
or at least it did


until his research was
called into question


by an anonymous tipster.




The tipster goes by the name


Adam Peer-- a peer.


And from what I've learned,


he's been quite an irritant
to the research community.


He reads scientific
and medical journals;


he spots errors and
fraud from the comfort


of his undisclosed sofa,


and then e-mails his criticisms
via an anonymous server.


Oh, sounds like something
you would do.


Comparison proudly embraced.


He is, at heart,
a fellow detective.


And one whose track record
is quite good.


He's incited a number


of embarrassing retractions.




But you obviously find him


far less interesting than I do.


I'm waiting
for some information


about that girl
that Bell's looking for.


Nicole Watkins.
Yeah, well,


apparently she had
a favorite teacher.


Kind of a surrogate dad.
He's retired now.


I thought maybe she would
get in touch with him.


The school's supposed
to text me his address.


Oh! by the way, Bell is having
a party this Friday.


I thought that we could...


Captain is e-mailing us
a video clip


from the lab's security.


No luck spotting our killer


entering or exiting,
but the cameras


did catch Dr. Granger arguing


with an unidentified woman
two nights ago.


Take a look.


Mm, looks pretty heated.


Dr. Granger...


made a number of calls


from his cell phone


to the same number


in the days leading
up to his death.


A woman named Dalit Zirin.


The last of these calls is


one hour before this argument.


You think that's
the woman in the video.


Well, we can find out.


I'm sorry, it's just...


I can't believe Barry is dead.


May I ask


how you and Dr. Granger
knew each other?


We went to college together.




he had a thing for me.


But the feeling wasn't mutual.


I didn't mind back then.


It was cute.


Then last month, I guess
he looked me up online.


I had to tell him
I still wasn't interested.


I mean, it took some


for him to get the message.


Is something wrong?


No. Thank you
for your time.


Our condolences
for your loss.


Thank you.


Okay, cameras everywhere,
high-tech locks;


obviously not
a travel agency.


And I think she was lying
about her relationship with Granger.


Agreed and agreed.
Can't say for certain,


but given their cover,


I would guess some sort
of smuggling operation.


One can imagine
any number of scenarios


where Granger saw something
he shouldn't have,


got himself killed.


I'm also quite confident
there were concealed weapons


within reach of every
individual in there,


notable exceptions
being us.


Explains the hasty exit.


Normally, I'm a fan
of confirming if I'm right,


but I think it's best
to contact


Captain Gregson and
let him bring reinforcements.


(phone chimes)
It's Nicole Watkins' school.


They sent me the address of that
retired teacher-- Manny Rose.


(phone chimes)


We should go. The captain says
he'll get a search warrant,


but it might take a couple of
hours to find a friendly judge.


I'll contact you
when I hear from him.




I know it's a long shot,
Mr. Rose,


but it sounded like Nicole got
really close to you.


It looks like a lot
of your students do.


I try to help them when I can.


Sometimes it's just
believing in them.


Sometimes it's helping them
stay alive.


Is there any chance
that you've seen her


or been in touch with her?


She's here?


I'd avoid using
the words "police" or "testify."


At least at first.


Nicole? I'm Joan Watson.


I'm friends with Marcus Bell.


I was hoping
we could talk.


You promised.


I promised not to tell anyone
you were staying here,


and I didn't.


Miss Watson found you
all by herself.


I told the DA's Office
I don't want to talk anymore.


They're not the ones
who sent me. Marcus did.


He just wanted
to make sure you're okay.


I'm not.


There are people out there
that want to kill me.


If you're being threatened,
there are measures...


...that the department
can take to protect you.


Measures aren't good enough.


Not anymore.


You're pregnant.


(phone chimes)


(phone rings)




Are you sure you e-mailed me


the right address
of that travel agency?


Quite sure.


This place is empty.


Not just unoccupied.
I mean, cleared out.


I can't say I'm surprised.


I've continued my own search
for information on Ms. Zirin.


Over the last several years,


she's done an impressive job
of not existing.


(doorbell rings)


My apologies
for the inconvenience.


At least we've confirmed


that they were up
to something untoward.


I'll find out who owns
the building,


get the name on the lease.


If I find out anything


I'll give you a call.


Thank you.


Ms. Zirin.


At my home.


May I come in?


Depends on your intentions.


Well, obviously, you realized
I'm not a travel agent.


I'm Mossad.


And what is the
Israeli intelligence community's


interest in Barry Granger?


None, actually.


But let me in and I'll tell you
who I think killed him.


The part about me and Barry
meeting in college was true.




Barry was pre-med,
I was computer science.


Your citizenship?


I was raised here mostly,
but my parents are Israeli.




So why are you here?


I'm here because I care
about Barry.


He is my friend.


And because you left me
very little choice.




I know you're still prying.


Better that I just tell you


and get you to look for Barry's
killer in the right place.


Well, since you're obviously
in the mood for sharing,


Perhaps you'd like to tell me
what you and your colleagues


were up to
at the travel agency.


Nothing the American government
would frown on.


Nothing they're aware of,


So if it wasn't your affection
Barry was after, what was it?


Someone sent an e-mail
to a medical journal


accusing him of fraud.


Adam Peer.
That was a pseudonym.


Barry wanted me to find out
who really sent it.


He knew what I really did.


We were in a relationship
when I was first recruited.


But I told him no.


He was asking me
to break multiple laws.


So Dr. Granger spent his final
days looking for Adam Peer,


and you think Adam Peer killed
him for his troubles.


Well, whoever Peer is,


he may value his secrecy enough
to kill for it.


When I heard what happened
to Barry,


I felt terrible
about turning him away.


So I broke some laws after all.


I couldn't identify Peer,
but I did hack the servers


at some of the journals
he'd written to.


Those are all the
e-mails I could find.


You're giving them
to me because...?


Well, thanks to you,
my unit's being reassigned.


So you can take it from here.


You seem to know
what you're doing.


Maybe you can find


the person who killed Barry...


and see that they pay.


She know who the dad is?


Her boyfriend.


He's working two jobs,


he wants to support them...


well, it's gonna be tough.


You were right.
She's a good kid.


But when she promised
to testify,


she didn't know what
she was getting herself into.


Now that she's pregnant...


I mean, she wants to have a
future and not just for herself.


You said she was crashing
with some old teacher?


Yes. His name is Manny Rose.


Manny Rose?


What, you know him?


Personally, no.


But I know the legend.


When I was...
I don't know, ten or 11,


he was a history teacher
over at Rooker High.


Couple bangers showed up
one day, tried to drag


one of his kids
out of his class.


They didn't know
Mr. Rose also helped coach


the JV baseball team.


Chased 'em off with a bat.


He seemed like a good man.


Yeah, I didn't realize
Nicole knew him.


Guess there's a lot
I didn't know about her.


(sighs heavily)


Oh, you're still
going over those?


Mm. When an Israeli
intelligence operative


hands you a collection of
illegally obtained e-mails,


you don't just
skim them, Watson.


I don't understand why


you're just taking
her word for it.


I take no one
at their word.


But Adam Peer's gone to quite
extraordinary lengths


to conceal his
true identity.


A little murder hardly
seems out of bounds.


An Officer Mulgrew
called for you.


I assume you've
taken on


another investigative
side project?


Actually, no.


He's helping me
with a gift for Marcus.


Which reminds me:
We never finished talking...


Zirin and her team effectively
disappeared last night.


She didn't have to come here.


She could've been
on her merry way.


Why do you keep doing that?


Doing what?
Cutting me off


whenever I talk
about Marcus's party.


You did that to me
yesterday, too.


Because I'm not going
to the party.


(Holmes clears throat,


Why don't you want
to go to the party?


I'm sorry, sorry,
have we met?


Hi, hi. My name is Sherlock.
I'm a recovering drug addict.


You know, you bear a striking
resemblance to a sobriety


counselor I once knew.


What's that you say?
Triggers abound in bars? Hmm.


I'm sorry. I didn't realize
it was in a bar.


Mullane's-- I heard it
from the captain.


Is that really why
you don't want to go?


You know, there
are certain milestones--


an officer making detective,
a retirement, a wake,


an injured man returning
to full duty--


which belong
to the police, right?


It's their night.


It's their chance
to raise a glass


surrounded by their brethren.


It is a fraternity to which--


my countless contributions


I will always remain
an outsider.


And given my role in starting
Detective Bell down his detour,


it seems inappropriate


that I be part of
celebrating his return.


Okay, I get it.


Okay, so if Adam Peer is
so prolific,


why have they not been able to
track his writing location yet?


He employs a technique called
"onion routing."


A message passes through
multiple servers,


each one with encrypted


instructions for passing
it on to the next step.


Now, no single layer has any
knowledge of the other steps,


making it virtually impossible to trace
the letter back to its source.


This is the Toproxefin case.


You're familiar with it?


It's a painkiller that the FDA


rejected about four years ago,


after the drug company sank
millions of dollars into it.


That was Adam Peer.


It was his first.
Now you're impressed.


No, it was a big deal.


When it came out


that researchers cherry-picked
their data,


they only disclosed
positive results,


and they hid the fact they knew
it caused nerve damage.


This drug company,
Merrill-Grand, ended up


paying a huge fine.


Well, there was a researcher
who, who tried


to warn upper management


about the misconduct but...


You said
this was Adam Peer's first?


Don't serial anythings
usually start close to home?


Toproxefin was
an embarrassing chapter...


for me
and for the whole company.


But it was never
willful fraud,


not at the
corporate level.


Sometimes when there's that much
money at stake,


you develop a kind
of selective deafness.


Yes, well, you say tomato...


We're not here to judge you.


Miss Buckner,
you were in charge


of New Products
at the time?


We thought you could tell us
about the researcher


who first raised concerns
about the drug.


Because the police think
he killed someone.


We just want
to ask him some questions.




His name is Lawrence Cranford.


He was a neurochemist
on one of the study teams.


He quit after his
warnings were ignored.


Do you know how
we can find him?


He dropped out of sight
after that.


Did you or anyone else
at Merrill-Grand


ever consider that
he might be Adam Peer?


Of course we did.


When the whole thing happened,


our investigators
tried to find him.


But he'd moved.


It was like he'd
gone off the grid.


And then when
the FDA rejected it


and the drug was dead anyway,


we just dropped the whole thing.


I can get you
what we have on him.


MANNY: Nicole's
at the doctor's.


It's only a couple
of blocks away.


She should
be here soon.


I remember this park
when I was a kid.


You couldn't even
walk through it.


Looks nice now.


This dealer,


how bad?


He's pretty bad.


Deals crack, heroin...


works in
Cypress Hills.


He uses kids
as go-betweens,


so it's tougher
to pin him down.


Sorry, I have
to ask...


is that the bat?




I'm not that proud.


That's a gift from
a kid I used to coach.


He's in the minors now.


Arm like a cannon.


Nicole'll come
around, Detective.


I'll see to it.


Actually, Mr. Rose...


that's not why I came.
I, uh...


I wanted to tell her it's okay.
I understand.


She doesn't have to do anything
she doesn't want to do.


The DA's Office
has their guy,


and there's
other evidence.


They'll just have to make
the best case they can.


And who knows,
maybe Martenz'll plead out,


do a little time.


Doesn't feel right


to try to talk her
into testifying.


Martenz killed a boy.


A good boy.


She can explain to a jury
exactly what happened.


(phone blips)


I'm sorry;
I'm getting called away.


It's another case.


Would you tell her
what I said?


Thanks for the water.


(door closes)


No luck finding
Lawrence Cranford?


Worse luck.
Did find him.


Lawrence Cranford was
apparently so disgusted


by his experience
with Big Pharma--


and I quote fr his resignation
letter to Merrill-Grand:


"...a company
so poisoned by profits


"that even the few
good souls who remember


why they got into health care
are silenced"--


that he drove
to Mexico,


took up surfing,
and settled in Baja,


where he was killed


by a rash of unseasonably
rough waves in 2012...


placing my degree of certainty


that he is not Adam Peer
at around 100%.


Bullet-riddled man.


Is the decor in here not
American enough for you?


We could get
some Rockwells,


deep fat fryer...


No, this is the gift


I was telling you about,
for Marcus.


It's the target from
his requalification test.


Officer Mulgrew is
a firearms instructor.


He pulled it for me.


It's a nice grouping.




Other potential
Adam Peers?


Each of them,
at some point today.


Other researchers,
executives at Merrill-Grand


involved in the development
of Toproxefin.


So you think Adam Peer was
someone else inside the company.


Unfortunately, I've also already
eliminated each of them,


as either a coconspirator
in the fraud


or unaware of it
until after the scandal broke.


Lawrence Cranford
is the only individual


who knew that his teammates
were concealing negative data,


but was not himself


part of the deceit.


Well, it has to be
someone else he told.


According to
his own e-mails,


he only told a
handful of higher-ups


who rejected his warnings.


Unless, of course,
one of them didn't.


"...even the few good souls


who remember why they
got into health care..."


He wasn't talking about himself.


One of the higher-ups
tried to do the right thing


and Cranford knew it.


Ms. Buckner!


Oh, I'm sorry,


I'm actually late
for an appointment...


No, no, I'm sure you
can spare us a moment.


Alternatively, we could
head up to your superiors


and share with them
our suspicions


that you're Adam Peer.


In 2008,
you headed a panel


examining the
corrosive effect


of profit margins on
American health care.


And you must have known
this would go over poorly


with your new bosses,


'cause you left it off
your resume


when you applied here.
How did you...?


When Lawrence Cranford shared
his concerns about Toproxefin,


you wanted to stop the drug.
But you couldn't.


Not without losing your job.
You created


Adam Peer as a way to blow
the whistle anonymously.


And when your bosses
still thought


it was someone
inside the company,


you were able
to deflect suspicion,


because you were the one
in charge of finding him.


According to the files
you gave us,


you sent your investigators
looking for Cranford.


He looked the part, but you only
needed to run out the clock.


As soon as the FDA
rejected the drug,


you were also the person
who called off the search.


I'm quite certain a thorough
scan of your computer


would reveal some of
Adam Peer's footprints.


We don't have a warrant, but...


we're betting
that your employers


will cooperate without one.


You're only half right.


Because I'm only
half of "Adam Peer."


You have a partner.






The two of us were
Adam Peer together.


The murder victim
Barry Granger.


I would never have hurt him.


And you already know
he didn't hurt himself.


I'm sorry, but...


if you thought
Adam Peer killed him...


you were wrong.


KAREN: I already told
your consultants


this e-mail didn't
come from us.


I didn't send it,


and Barry obviously
didn't discredit himself.


Someone hijacked our pseudonym


and used it to attack
Barry's study.


That's quite a hobby
you two had going.


How did it start?


(clears throat)


Barry and I met at a conference


about a year before
the Toproxefin scandal.


We shared a lot of
the same concerns...


including the influence
of money on good science.


So you came up with the idea
of Adam Peer together.


At first, it was just a way
to expose Toproxefin.


And it worked.
We got away with it.


And then,
a few months later,


Barry was reading an article
in another journal


and he noticed
that some pictures


of tissue samples
were duplicates.


Adam Peer already existed,


so we used him again.


And then we started
looking for things.




data that was
too perfect...


Before we knew it,
Adam Peer had become


something bigger
than either of us.


Why didn't you say something


when Dr. Granger was killed?


WATSON: Because it
would have meant


undoing all the good
that Adam Peer had done.


If it came out
that you were


an exec at a big drug company,


it would've looked like any
rival study you'd debunked


was motivated by greed.


Barry and I talked
about coming forward


after he was accused of fraud.


He refused,


even to clear his own name.


He knew that eventually


his work would
defend itself.


So when he died, I...


I did what I thought
he would have wanted.


Which was nothing.


Can you account
for your whereabouts


Wednesday morning
about 6:00 a.m.?


Uh, I was just
coming off


of a red-eye from
San Francisco


with about a half-dozen
of my colleagues.


Their numbers
are in my phone;


they'll confirm it.


You're gonna tell them,
aren't you?


You're gonna tell everyone


the truth about Adam Peer.


The device that
Dr. Granger was testing


could save countless lives.


And the person
who attempted to decry it


was an imposter, so...


how could we not?


So why go to the trouble
of discrediting Barry Granger


when you're going
to kill him anyway?


To explain the suicide?


Perhaps the target
wasn't Dr. Granger,


but his work.


Consider the combined effect


of the killer's plan:


You lob an accusation of fraud


and then stage it to look like


Granger killed himself
in shame.


So you think this is
corporate espionage?


Loathe as I am to admit it,


Granger's benefactor Hank Prince


may be right
when he sees himself


as the victim
in all this.


I can't believe it.


Barry was Adam Peer.


Just not the one who called
your invention into question.


We've notified the journal
his study appeared in


the e-mail
accusing fraud


was, in fact,
fraud itself.


Might not be
the same as having


Dr. Granger back
to clear his name,


but it should reassure
your investors


and expedite the vetting
of the good doctor's work.


Thank you.


You have no idea how much time
you've just saved me.


But... what now?


Obviously, "Adam Peer"
didn't kill Barry, so who did?


We believe it was
someone who had motive


to attack you
and your work.


Is it safe to assume


The Hound has


Well, of course.


Any particular rivals
spring to mind?


I'll write you a list.


Mr. Rose.


all right?


I had a talk with
Nicole this morning.


I told her
that I thought


that testifying was
the right thing to do.


It did not go well.


She left.


Went to stay with
family of hers upstate.


Sorry to hear that.


But, you know, like I told you
the other day...


she needs to do
what she needs to do.


I want to take her place.




I want to testify in her place.


Nicole and I must've
talked a thousand times.


about what she saw that night.


I know every detail,
inside and out.


You understand
that's perjury, right?


You could go to jail,


I could lose my shield...


And do you really think
Martenz's attorney


wouldn't see
right through it?


You coming forward,
months after the shooting,


just as Nicole backs out?


He'd eat you alive on the stand


and Martenz would still go free.


Mr. Rose, I'm confused.


I-I know you.


I know how
much you did


for your school,
your community...


How much?


How much have I done?


Would you want your child
to go to Rooker High?


Would you want to raise them
in my neighborhood?


You really don't think
you made a difference?


Quame Martenz shot that boy


right in front of Nicole.


Didn't care that he had
a family that loved him.


Didn't care what that
would do to Nicole.


I have poured my life's blood


into this neighborhood.


Never did anything
but the right thing.


You know, I stood up
to 'bangers, too, once.


I was 12.


They tried to get me
to join up.


They beat me half to death.


But you know what?


I didn't end up in any gang.


And neither did a lot of kids.


It's because of you.


Look, go home, okay?


Let me worry about Martenz.


We don't get him this time,


we will get him the next.


You have my word.


Well, from what I can tell,
the company closest


to getting another
cancer-detection device


on the market is called


Radner Science.
They're one of the biggest


medical device companies
in the world.


Who's winning?


I'm having second thoughts.


Tomorrow night's festivities.


I'm pleased
for Detective Bell.


He's accomplished quite a lot
in these last few months.


He deserves to be feted.


Okay, first things first.


Are you worried
about being in a bar?


I'm not worried about triggers.


I'm worried I'll distract.


As I said...
He would not have invited you


if he didn't want you there.




Misanthropy was so easy, Watson.




I miss it sometimes.


(phone rings)




I thought you'd want to know


that guy that was working
with Barry Granger,


Hank Prince,
he's at the station.


Did something happen?


You could say that.


His estranged wife was shot dead


a few hours ago, in her home,


with a gun registered to him.


He's under arrest for murder.


I didn't hurt my wife, okay?


I would never hurt my wife.


That why she took out
a restraining order


against you three months ago?


PRINCE: Her lawyer
put her up to that.


We had an argument
on the phone, okay?


That was it.
Well, according to her statement,


the argument got heated,
you argued about the divorce,


and you told her you weren't
gonna let her take a dime.


She was being


Look, for the last time,


I was in a cab
with my girlfriend


when Andrea was shot.


Her name is Sloan Teller.


We were going from her place
to my place.


You got a medallion number,
driver's name,


anything at all we can use
to confirm your story?


'Cause the whole "my girlfriend
is my alibi" thing


is starting to wear
a little thin.


I got a receipt, I think.


I-I-I would've left it on
my counter when I got home.


Are you two seriously
just gonna stand there?


Tell him what


you told me today.
We went to see Mr. Prince


because we believe someone was
targeting him and his work.


You hear that?


Someone is after me.


Someone who wants
my device to fail.


First they wrote that letter
to discredit Barry's study.


Then they killed him.


But your people saw
through all that,


so now they're framing me
for Andrea's murder.


She was killed with your gun.


Which must've
been stolen


from my home.


They found it on
the coffee table


a few feet
from Andrea's body, right?


Tell me, what kind of idiot
would I have to be


to kill my wife
with my own gun


and then just
leave it behind?


You know what?


I'm done talking.


I-I want my lawyer.


Either this guy did the
dumbest job shooting his ex


I've ever seen, or someone's
doing a really good job


ruining his life.


The man developed a machine
for detecting cancer


via exhalations--
I don't think he's dumb.


You think he's telling
the truth?


Someone's setting him up?


He had motive
to kill his wife,


there were no signs
of forced entry,


so she probably knew
her attacker,


his gun was the murder weapon.


But there were no prints on it,
and he does have a point.


He'd have to be an idiot
to kill her this way.


Well, I'm gonna send a team
to his house


to find that receipt.
We don't find it,


he better pray
you two figure out


who's gunning for him.


I'm dreaming this, right?


You're not seriously
waking me up again.


The detectives who searched
Hank Prince's home


found the taxi receipt,
just like he said they would.


They identified the cab driver;
they showed him photographs


of Prince and his girlfriend,
Sloan Teller.


He I.D.'d the both of them.


Remembered them vividly,
mostly Ms. Teller, vividly.


I haven't even met her,
and I can picture her vividly.


But so what?
The guy has an alibi.


He could've hired anyone
to shoot his wife.


Would you hire someone
to kill someone for you,


go to the trouble
of establishing an alibi,


and then hand that person
your gun to commit the crime?


For the time being, Mr. Prince
has been released from custody.


And until a better theory
presents itself,


I believe we must
continue operating


under our previous assumption
that someone is targeting Prince


in an effort
to undermine The Hound.


I get that framing the head
of a company for murder


could throw a hitch
in his business plan,


but it's a hell
of a long way to go.


Precisely the
reason that I think


we need to focus our
attention on an individual


disposed to going
to such lengths.


Last night, you mentioned


a likely home for
our corporate saboteur,


a company called
Radner Science.


I wasn't even sure
you heard that.


Well, not only
did I hear it,


I spent most of the night
considering it,


and I have concluded
that I agree.


I read the autobiography
of its CEO,


Charles "Call me Chuck"


and he's just the kind
of Sun Tzu-quoting,


take no prisoners
corporate executive


that one might expect to ignore
all boundaries of moral decency.


Plus, the company
is developing a device


in direct competition
to The Hound.


However, from what I can infer
from the Internet,


they may be as much as one year
behind in the race. Come on.


Are you okay?
You seem hyper.


I may have had a coffee or three
with my tea this morning.


Are you joking about this?


Two lives have been taken,


a third is on the
verge of ruination.


It's not really
a joking matter.


You do admit you know


about Hank Prince
and the two murders.


Of course I do.
It's my job to know.


Because your cancer-detecting
products are in competition.


I don't know what sort of
weird cloak and dagger world


you live in, but in mine,


we don't go around
killing our competition.


We don't have to because
there is and always has been


a pretty damn effective


And what might that be?


Buying them.


I have a whole floor
full of analysts


whose job is to do nothing more
than pay attention


to start-ups like Hank Prince.


We watch, we wait,
we prepare a bid,


and then when
all this dust settles,


if his device is any good,


we pay him handsomely
for his company.


We put the words Radner Science
on the side of his Hound,


and nobody's happier than me.


Make sense?




Yes, our apologies for
interrupting your breakfast.


You've been most helpful.




Are you crashing?
You look like you're crashing.


No, I'm ascending, actually.


I believe I've determined
who has the strongest motive


to hurt Hank Prince.


Hank Prince.


(door opens)




Care to explain
why photographs


of my client
and his girlfriend


have been taped
to those chairs?


What's this?
HOLMES: We met Chuck Hammond


this morning.
Colorful chap.


He was kind enough
to give us this.


It is Radner Science's


financial analysis of your company,
complete with a handy graph


plotting its projected value over time.


If The Hound proves
to be as successful


as Barry Granger's research
suggested it would be,


you stand to become
a very wealthy man.


WATSON: Your problem is that you
were in the middle of a divorce.


Your wife's lawyers were busy
trying to figure out


how much you would be worth
in the future


so they would know how much
you would have to share.


You wanted your future
to disappear,


but only temporarily.


HOLMES: You came up
with a tidy plan.


Impersonate Adam Peer
to suggest


that Dr. Granger
falsified his results.


Then murder him,
stage it as a suicide,


simultaneously removing
the one man


who could defend his work


and legitimizing
the accusations of fraud.


Once the divorce
was finalized


and the company
was out of your wife's reach,


well, Barry's work
would be vindicated.


The company's value
would skyrocket,


and you would be able
to keep your millions.


GREGSON: Your company's
value was gonna rebound


too quickly.


You were still dead set
against sharing


anything with your wife,


so you went to plan B--


you killed her.


HOLMES: Realizing that
as the estranged husband,


you would inevitably be
the prime suspect,


you hatched
another devious plan.


You framed yourself for a murder
you actually committed.


The other day,


we told you that we thought
someone was targeting you.


You took that idea
and ran with it.


You murdered your wife


because you thought it fit


with the narrative
of our case.


You were being framed by someone
who wanted to destroy you.


You're forgetting my client
has an alibi for both murders.


You interviewed Sloan Teller
and the cab driver yourselves.


Ms. Teller wouldn't be


the first girlfriend
to falsely alibi


a guy for his wife's murder.


And as far
as the cab driver goes...


This is the actual partition
from the cab in question.


Have a look through it.


Would it surprise you
to learn


that upon being reinterviewed,
the cab driver


admitted that he barely saw


the gentleman in the backseat.


His attention was far more


on the provocatively dressed
Ms. Teller.


As you intended.


We got a warrant
for Ms. Teller's apartment.


Turns out, she spent most
of the day yesterday




specifically searching for guys


about your height,
build and hair color


who might be interested in going
on a date with her last night.


Once we discovered that,


she flipped on you pretty quick.


(phone rings)




Hey, man.


Yeah, that was mine.




HAWES: The way it
was described to me,


Mr. Rose walked
up to Mr. Martenz


on Euclid Avenue and...


no warning,
just emptied his weapon.


A couple of Martenz's
friends returned fire.


Both were declared
dead at the scene.


Did you know him?


Only the legend.


♪ ♪


(laughter, crowd chatter)


And there was me thinking
the party would be inside.




I wasn't sure you'd come.


Well, neither was I.


Had I known this would be
the extent of the revelry,


I might have committed
much sooner.


You ever have
one of those nights?


My fair share.


I worked my ass
off to get back,


really back.


Harder than I've worked
at anything my whole life.


Everyone in there


is expecting me to be
happy tonight, but...




The work we do...


There's often a price.


I don't know.


I guess I'm just...


not ready to go inside yet.


Well, don't.


Not yet.


There's a coffee shop
on the corner.


That an invitation?


Well, they'll still be here
when you're ready.


♪ ♪


== sync, corrected by elderman ==