Uzys SMI Merge Tool







음, 형사 생각은 이 남자가


도둑질을 하다가 방해받아서


불운한 장의사를 희생시키고


고객의 보석을 훔쳐도망갔다는 거죠


그럼 이 물린 상처는 어떻게 설명이 될까요?


이상한 공격 방법, 아닌가요?


특히 금전적인 동기만이라면 더욱 그렇죠


우리도 이상하다고 생각했어요


강도는 단순히 위장일까요?


사장이 지금 이 상태로 발견했다고 했죠


실례합니다. 형사


레슬리 로글린, 5-3번서에서 왔어요


아, 벨 형사입니다


이 분들은 홈즈, 왓슨,
저희 자문탐정입니다


브롱크스에서 여기까지 무슨 일로 오셨어요?


여기 사건을 들었어요


지난 2주간


어깨에 물린 자국이 있는 상태로


젊은 여자 2명이 사망했다면서요


05년에 매우 비슷했던 우리 사건이
종결됐다고 생각했지만


지금은 범인을 잘못 잡은 게 아닌가 하는 생각이 들어서요


저기, 어깨에 물린 자국이 있는 여자들 사건이 혹시


- 펠럼에서 있었던 일 말인가요?


아무튼, 같은 범인이 한 짓이라면


경찰에 뱀파이어 헌터가 필요하겠어요


이건 살인사건이 아닙니다




로버튼은 테이블 위에 서 있었고


떨어지면서 머리를 부딪혔어요


몇시간 후 강도가 침입했어요


이 ....냄새




솔직히 난 지금 숨을 안 쉬려고 하는 중이라서




희미한 냄새를 따라갈 수 있었겠죠


독한 술에 담긴 마리화나를


독성 보고서에는


이 젊은 장의사는 "쩔어서" 작업 중이었다고
나올 것이라고 확신해요


PCP같다고 들었어요


약에 취해있었군요


그럼 물린 상처는요?


이 젊은 여자


우리 장의사는 셔츠를 벗었어요


냄새가 묻어나는 걸 피하기 위해서


여자의 열린 입 옆으로 넘어지면서


무게 때문에 턱이 꽉 눌렸고



그 핀이 중요해요?




강도가 화장실 창문을 통해
들어왔다는 건 알지만


건물에서 나갔다는 증거는 없어요


내 생각엔 사장이 오기 전에 이 현장을 우연히 발견했다고 봐요


이 현장에 대해 기여한 바는 없지만


강도는 숨을 곳을 찾아야만했어요




시체인 줄 알았어요


좋은 소식은, 당신은 장의사의
사망사건에 아무 혐의가 없어요


하지만, 문제의 보석을
아직 갖고 있을 것 같군요




난 괜히 왔네요


시간 내줘서 고마워요


로글린 형사님


2005년 사건


애런 콜빌 사건인가요?


네, 맞아요. 기억해요?


사건 파일을 봐도 될까요?


콜빌은 당시 2건의 살인혐의를 받았지만


그해 말에 죽었어요


나에겐, 최근 두 사건의 물린 자국이
05년 당시 사건과 일치한 것 같았어요


콜빌은 10년 전에 죽었는데


논란이 될 수 있으니까요


이 파일 복사해도 될까요?




왜 관심을 갖는지 물어봐도 될까요?


원래 사건에 참여했었나요?


세상은 우리에게 엄숙함을 원하지


중요한 문제들을 다루고


외과의사이기 때문에 사람들은 우리가


바른 행동을 하면 기분이 좋아지겠지


잘해야지. 밖에서는 잘해야해


하지만 이 안에서는?


여긴 실력을 보여야하는 곳이야


외과의의 엄숙함을 이 방에서까지
굳이 따라야할 필요는 없어


그러면 너희가 먹힐 거야


그러니 업무 중 일부에서는


굳이 엄격하게 하지 않아도 돼, 알았어?


카틱 선생?


왓슨 선생


이런, 이게 얼마만이야



다시 만나니 반갑군


어디서 일하고 있지?


실은 2011년 이후엔 진료는 안해요


아, 그래?






애런 콜빌에 대해 얘기하러 왔어요


그래, 난...콜빌에 대해 할 말이 없는데


그날 밤 무슨 일이 있었어요?


아무 일 없었네


내 환자를 치료하던 중이었고...


저도 있었어요


그가 살인을 하지 않았을 수도 있어요


우린 무고한 사람이 죽도록 놔뒀나봐요


♪ Elementary 2x19 ♪
The Many Mouths of Andrew Colville
Original Air Date on April 3, 2


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응


라이커스에서 온 환자는 4개의 자상이 있으며


모두 가슴부위 상처입니다


제가 맡겠어요


혈압은 65/45


이송 중에 2 유닛을 줬지만


-출혈량이 많아요
- 내가 볼까?


라이커스의 의사가 차트를 줬어요


환자 이름은 애런 콜빌입니다


뉴스에 나온 그 사람이요?


뉴스에서 봤는지는 모르겠지만




좋아요, 셋에 옮겨요


1, 2, 3






간호사, 삽관이 필요해요


개흉을 합시다


뭐라고 했어요?


아무 것도 아냐


자, 시작합시다


심장이 멎었어요


그래, 나도 보고 있어


마사지 시작합니다. 린,


리드 선생 불러와


네? 린이 있어야해요


그가 없으면, 우린 다른 준비할 여력이 없어


린, 어서


리드 선생 데려와


플레밍 선생님, 에피가 필요해요


잠깐 있어봐


계속 해야할지 보고 나서


에피 줘야해요




1시 4분이야


에피네프린으로 살릴 수도 있었어요


우리가 그를 죽였어요


이미 지난 일이야


난 그 남자에게도 내 수술방에 들어오는


모든 환자들과 똑같은 치료를 했어


애론 콜빌이 누군지도 몰랐어


정신질환 살인자로, 여자들을 때리고 물었어요


선생님 댁과 병원에서 10블록 떨어진 곳에서요


그가 사망한 후에도 그런 줄 몰랐어


왜 우리가 지금 이 얘길 하고 있는 거지?


내 행동에 문제제기를 하고 싶었다면


정식으로 고소를 했었어야지


10년 전 일이잖아


전 지금 NYPD 자문탐정입니다


경찰이 새로 발생한 살인사건 2건을 조사 중인데


콜빌이 했던 것으로 의심받던


범행과 완전히 일치해요


모방범인 모양이군


그런 용어가 맞지?


모든 피해자가 물렸어요


공식 결과를 기다리는 중이지만


제가 보기엔 똑같은 치아 자국으로 보여요


알겠네. 자네가 말하고 싶은 게 그거라면


나에게 알려주려고 온 모양이로군


그날 밤 콜빌이 선생님께 한 말이 있었어요


그의 말이 결정적이었거나


모함을 당했다고 생각했다면.


플레밍 선생님


지금은 아무 걱정 말고 말해주세요


그런 말이 아니었어


그냥 횡설수설하더군, 됐나?



지금 여기서 일을 바로잡으려고 하나?


외과의는 회상을 하지, 조앤


그게 일이기도 하니까


나도 항상 하는 일이지


하지만 크게 걱정하진 않아


-당장 필요해요
-지금 전화해요


사다리를 옮기면 됐을텐데


여기 있네! 하!


허드슨 부인이 이걸 잘못 놔두도록 저주를 했었어요


기상학 카테고리로 재분류해놨군요


영리한 사람


1914년에 초판발행된 '무역풍과 해류'죠


믿을 수 없겠지만 절판됐어요




농담이군요, 하지만 이 지도는


곧 매우 유용해질 거예요


내 문자에 답장을 하지 않았길 바라요


내가 답장하지 않는 걸
기다리지 못했나봐요


고민할 문제가 있어요


마이크로프트가 대학에서
직접 조성한 신탁기금에서


보물찾기 같은 걸 진행한대요


침몰선 수색 탐험이죠


그리고 우리가 초대됐어요




우리가 갈 곳은 SS 와라타로


호주의 타이타닉이라고 불렸어요


의심할 여지 없이,


가장 유명한 실종 선박이죠


1909년에 211명의 사람들과 함께 실종됐고


그들의 귀금속들이 가득한 금고도 함께 사라졌어요


막대한 발굴 비용 때문이 아니라


17개월이나 연속되는 겨울과 작별을 고하고


일주일동안 따뜻한 나라로 나와 함께 가요






오직 재미만을 위해서가 맞아요


어디 갔었어요?


애런 콜빌은 2005년 유죄인정을 했고


교도소에서 칼에 찔려 사망했어요


9년이 지난 지금


비슷한 2건의 살인사건이 다시 일어났어요


내가 항상 말했듯이


치아자국 분석은 닭뼈로 미래를 점치는
것보다는 약간은 과학적이긴 해요


하지만 두 용의자가 똑같은
치아를 가졌는지 모르겠어요


우린 이 4건의 살인사건이


모두 같은 사람에 의해 이루어졌다는


가정 하에 진행해야겠군요


애론 콜빌은 무죄였을까요?


이 사건들에서는, 아마도 그렇겠죠


하지만 그가 용의자였던 이유도 있어요


심란해보이네요. 왜죠?


난 콜빌이 죽는 걸 지켜봤어요


왓슨, 당신이 애론 콜빌을
라이커스에서 찌른 것도 아니고


에피네프린을 줄 시간을 놓친 것도 당신이 아니에요


당신 상사가 한 일이었어요




그럼 지도의를 상대로 소송을
제기한다면 무슨 일이 생겼을까요?


그게 현명했다고 생각해요?




그게 중요해요?


중요해요. 10년 전에 헛된 시도를
하지 않았다고 자신을 꾸짖고 있잖아요




우리가 살인범을 잡는데 있어서


당신 감정은 하찮을 뿐이죠


무는 행위는 항상 발기불능의 좌절감을 나타내죠


우리에게 있어선 다행이죠


범인이 DNA 샘플을 남기진 않았지만


자기 범행이라는 표식을 남겼어요


일치하는 사람을 찾으면


바로 해결할 수 있어요


그렇게 간단하지 않아요


치아기록 데이터베이스가 있는 기관은 없는걸요


없죠, 의료기록이 있지만




그래서 그들이 자문탐정을 쓰는 이유죠


최신기술의 컴퓨터 기술을 가진 사람이 필요해요




런던에 있는 내 연락책이


그만두겠다고 했어요


감옥에 가고 싶지 않다면서


그래서 '그들'과 연락해야해요


우린 '에브리원'과 사이가 좋다고 생각했어요


-주먹으로 절 때려서 살인자를 잡도록 도와주세요-
미성숙 해커들의 비밀집단과


-주먹으로 절 때려서 살인자를 잡도록 도와주세요-
사이가 좋을 수 있다면




여전히 미성숙 해커들의 비밀 집단이니까요


공손하게 의료기록을 요청하면


항상 댓가를 요구해요


이해가 안 되는군


이해하지 않아도 돼요


아직도 얼음 필요 없어요?




벌써 1시간이나 지났어요


이걸 얼마나 더 할 수 있을지 모르겠어요


미안하지만 하루에 한 번만 해요


내 친구들은 어쩌라고?


알았어요, 해요


잘 찾아봐요


이건 에브리원에서 준 치과기록 슬라이드예요


이 사진은, 범인이 남겨둔 치아자국이고


비슷하지만 앞쪽옆니가 다르군요


이제 몇천장만 더 하면 돼요




살인자들은 대부분


원래 거주지의 3마일 이내에서만 활동해요


사이코패스를 찾는 게 맞다면


다른 자치구까지 가서
치과치료를 받진 않았겠죠


브롱크스에서 치료를 받았을 가능성이 커요


먼저 쉴래요? 내가 할게요






이 슬라이드 봐요






이름은 앨런 비크너, 52세


올린빌 치과의 환자였고


최근 살인사건 발생지역에서 1마일 거리에 있어요


그의 주소도 마찬가지고


전과자로, 폭행혐의로 4년동안 수감됐어요


새 환자였나보군요


1번 방문에 X-ray도 없고


정기적 진료의 중요성을 가르쳐줘야겠어요


살인도 하지 말라고도 해야죠


날 데리러온 경찰이


살인현장에서 내 지문을 찾았다고 하던데


그럴 리가 없소


난 지금은 손 씻었어요


교회 집사이기도 하고


지문이 아닙니다


치아 자국입니다


오, 다행이군


사진을 보니까 안심이 됩니까?


사람을 잘못 잡았다고 했잖소


이 치아 자국을 가진 사람은 많아요


뉴게이트 교도소에서 싸우다가 내 이가 다 빠져버렸지


나에게 이걸 주더군


말도 안돼요.
애런 콜빌은


사망 당시 자기 치아 그대로였어요


다시 입에 넣어요


콜빌은 2001년부터 2004년까지
뉴게이트에 있었고


첫 살인사건 1년 전이었어요


비크너도 같은 시기에 수감되었겠죠


범인과 일치하는 틀니는 어디서 난 겁니까?


말해줄 수는 없지만, 문제가 되긴 하겠군요


콜빌이 모델이었어요


교도소 치과의사가 콜빌의 이를 본 떠


틀니를 만들었어요


콜빌의 이가 얼마나 더 있는지
신만이 알겠죠


전 여기에서 일한지 얼마 안 됐어요


하지만 교도소에서는 수감자에게 틀니를 제공하지 않아요


그럴 돈이 없어서요


정책으로는 치아를 뽑도록 되어 있어요


저흰 이 곳에서 만든 틀니를 봤습니다


저보다 먼저 근무하셨던 분이 있는데


콘래드 놀란이라고


그 분이...전 잘 모르겠지만, 성자였어요


직접 틀니를 만들었다고 하시더군요


그 분은 하나님의 사랑을 받으셨지만,


전 집에 애들이 있어서요


놀란 선생의 연락처 아세요?


몇년 전에 돌아가셨어요






-이리 와봐요


스탠 디박이라고


제 조수 중 한 명인데


저보다 여기 더 오래 있었고


놀란 선생님과도 근무했었어요


틀니 프로그램에 대해 말해주실래요?


프로그램이라고 할 정도는 아니고


놀란 선생님은 다 자란 성인들이 음식을
으깨먹어야한다는 걸 싫어하셔서


본인이 부담하실 정도의 싼 가격으로 만들 방법을 찾으셨어요


애런 콜빌이라는 재소자의 이를 본따 틀니를 만들었군요


아마도요. 치아 상태가 좋은 재소자를 고르셨어요


아마 그가 어떤 짓을 했는지도 모르셨을걸요


틀니를 만들기 좋은 치아만을 보셨겠죠


같은 모양의 틀니가 몇개나 만들어졌습니까?


아마 8개? 10개?


이 사람들이 모두 애런 콜빌의 치아를 가졌다고?


교도소장이 재소자 의무기록을 보여줬어요


전체 틀니를 한 재소자들을 찾았어요


8명의 용의자로군


4명으로 좁혀졌어요


앨런 비크너는 알리바이가 있고


태쉬는 사망했고


랄라야니스와 파커는 아직 수감 중이죠


나머지 4명은 출소 후 시 주위에서 살고 있어요




난 로글린 형사에게 05년 당시 잘못 짚었고,


우리가 다시 수사한다고 말해야겠어


국장님께 변호인단을 준비하는 게
좋겠단 말도 해야겠군




05년 당시 2건의 살인사건을 재수사하면


시내의 모든 소송 변호사들이


애런 콜빌의 가족에게 시를 상대로


고소하라고 줄을 설테니까




네, 폴루아씨


저희가 찾던 틀니로군요


이제 그만 웃으셔도 됩니다


나쁘지 않죠?


매우 좋아요


원하는 만큼 봐요


하지만 당신들이 찾는 틀니는


여기 있어요


틀니를 하나 더 만들었어요?


교도소에서 만든 건 잘 안 맞아서


여유가 되는대로 바로 만들었어요


하지만 이걸 간직하면서


당시에 내가 얼마나 형편없었는지 떠올리죠


지난달 12일과 16일에 어디 있었는지 말해주시겠어요?




옷을 벗어도 될까요?


감동적인 이야기로군요, 디어씨


불행하게도 알리바이가 맞지 않아요


틀니를 바꿀 수 있으니까요


그렇지 않아요


이 상자를 샀을 때


틀니가 너무 컸어요




상자 크기에 맞추려고 다듬었어요


틀니를 쓰고 싶어도 못 써요




대상포진은 짜증나요


하지만 입원 때문에 당신들의 용의선상에서


벗어난다면, 나쁘지 않네요


가셔도 좋습니다. 폴루아씨


당신 취향이 나에겐 혐오감이 들긴 하지만


무죄인 것 같군요


나도 알아요


댁은 그걸 어떻게 알지?


틀니에 빠진 자국이 있네요


왼앞어금니를 보면


이미 깨진 지 오래 됐지만


커피를 계속 마시는 것 같군요




가셔도 됩니다


용의자 3명 심문했고


3명이 제외됐어요


우리가 못 찾은 사람이 누구죠?


대니얼 에스칼란테


성폭행 전과 3범이죠


가석방 서류에 적힌 주소에서 살고 있지 않았어요


가석방 담당자와의 만남도 빼먹었다고 하더군요


마지막 남은 사람이고


이제 주요 용의자가 됐어요


당신 의료기록이 도착했어요


왜 조나단 플레밍 선생님의
최근 진료기록을 보려고 해요?


다시 한 번, 짐을 정리하려고요


우리에겐 적이 있어요, 왓슨
난 여기에 아무 위험이 없다는 걸


확인해야 했어요


어제 플레밍 선생님을 만나러 갔을 때


"언제든 전화해"라고 했어요


그런 말을 한 이유가 있겠죠


그럼 플레밍 선생이 부적절한 사람에겐


치료를 거부해왔다고 생각해요?




옳지 않은 일이 있었어요


예전 동료에게 기록을 복사해달라고 했어요


당신이 목격했지만 입증할 수 없는 일에
대해 할 수 있는 건 없지만


전혀 관련없는 일의 바닥까지
뒤져보겠다 이거군요


우린 "콜빌 살인사건"을 수사 중이군요


경찰이 대니엘 에스칼란테를 추적하면


진짜 범인을 확보하게 돼요


왜 그걸로 만족하지 않아요?


구급대원들이 콜빌을 수술실로 옮길 때,
무슨 생각을 했어요?


그는 장기기증자였어요


그래요, 잠깐동안은


세상에 조금이나마 기여를 하겠구나 싶었어요


콜빌이 죽으면요


플레밍선생도 같은 생각을 하고


실행했을 가능성도 있군요


진실을 말했을 수도 있어요.


콜빌이 누군지 몰랐고


당신이 그저 플레밍선생을
의심하고 있을 뿐일지도 모르죠


그 당시의 일은 우린 절대 모르겠죠, 안 그래요?


그 의료기록에서 플레밍이 다중 살인을
했다는 증거를 찾을 수 있을까요?


아, 그래요. 있겠죠


하지만 플레밍 선생을 잡는 게


이 사건의 핵심은 아니라고 생각해요


당신 스스로를 용서할 수 있는지에 대한 문제죠


완전히 정상적인 생각이라면


굳이 상기시켜주자면


당신은 행동하지 않았어요




-자고 있어요?


"그레이트풀 데드"의 남은 멤버들이 가끔


"Further"라는 이름으로 함께 공연하는 거 알았어요?




켄 케시의 악명높은 버스 위에 걸려 있던


플래카드에서 이름을 가져왔어요


어쨌든, 벨 형사에게 전화가 왔어요


대니엘 에스칼란테는 그 밴드의 팬이고


지난 몇 달동안 공연을 따라다녔다고 해요


그래서 서류상의 주소에 부재 중이었고


가석방 담당자와도 만나지 않았다고 해요


그럼 에스칼란테가 시외에 있었다면


난 개인적으로 테네시의 주차장에서


그릴 치즈 샌드위치를 파는


사진을 찾기도 했어요


우리가 찾는 사람이 아니었어요


이제 찾을 사람이 없다는 뜻이기도 하죠


이젠 없죠


근데 왜 옷을 갈아입으라고 그래요?


뉴게이트 교도소에 다시 가야해요


콜빌과 일치하는 틀니는
오직 그곳에서만 만들어졌어요


그러니 시간을 들여서 파일을 찾아봐야겠어요


서류가 꽤 많아요


뭘 찾고 있는지 말해주시면 제가...어...


좁혀드릴 수 있을텐데요


우리가 할 수 있는 일은 우리가 해요


불행하게도, 이건 조사가 아니라


우리가 찾아낼 때까지도
뭘 찾을지 모르는 일이라서요


알겠어요. 알파벳 순으로 되어 있어요






이렇게 나눠서 맡아요




나 좀 쉴게요


그만해도 되겠어요. 이걸 봐요


스태니슬라브 디박의 수감기록이에요


스탠이 재소자였어요?


한 번이요


아직 수감 중일 때 일을 시작했고


출소 후에도 계속 했어요


달리 누가 성폭행전과자를 고용하겠어요?


치과 기록에 특별한 내용은 없지만


2000년 교도소 내에서 폭행당한 후 치료를 받았다고 하네요


기록에 따르면 거의 모든 치아가 다 빠졌다는군요


놀란 선생이 스탠의 틀니를 해줬다고 생각하는군요


공식 기록은 없지만


소중한 조수의 치료를 미루진 않았겠죠


당신이 교도소내 다툼으로 이가 다 빠지면


나도 똑같이 할 걸요


조수를 만나러 왔습니다


스탠은 아까 집에 갔어요


두 분이 오신 다음에 바로


급한 일이라고 했어요


문제 없는 거죠?


네, 별일 아닙니다


아마 그동안 살인자를 고용하고 있으셨던 것 같고


이제는 도망자가 된 것 같아요




디박이 스스로 거세를 했어요


잘 봐요


록랜드 경찰이 디박의 집에서 찍어온 사진들이죠


그 말을 어떻게 믿어요?


아니. 너무 곧이곧대로 받지 말고,
약으로 거세를 했어요


스탠의 집에 들어간 경관은 특이한 점을 못 알아챘지만


약장을 잘 보면


MPA가 있을 거예요


아세트산 메드록시프로게스테론이죠




성폭행 전과자들이 먹어야하는 약이군요


오랫동안 범행이 없었던 이유를 알겠어요


2005년 사건들로 콜빌이 처벌을 받을 때


자기 운을 믿을 수 없어서


자신의 욕구를 누르기로 결정했나봐요


많은 양의 합성 프로게스테론을 복용하면


보통은 효과가 있죠


자가 처방으로 보여요


약병에 메디스 RX 라벨이 붙어있는데


영국 통신판매 회사죠


의사의 처방전이 필요 없어요


날짜를 봐요. 병은 반만 차있어요


2달 전부터 복용을 중단했어요


60일 전부터 중단했다면


다시 몸에 반응을 일으키기에 충분한 시간이에요


록랜드 카운티 보안관과 연락했는데


디박은 사라졌대


소셜미디어 계정도 삭제됐고


교도소 근처 현금인출기를 사용했다는군


검문에도 걸리지 않았대


운이 좋으면


아직 근처에 숨어있겠지만


이미 멀리 도망갔을 가능성도 있어


교통안전청에 크로아티아를
주의하라고 이미 알려놨어요


디박이 어릴 때 거기서 건너왔었어요


비송환국에서 이민왔다면


곤란해졌을 때 다시 돌아가겠지


처음이 아니었어요


교도소에서 급히 빠져나왔는데


세면도구는 그냥 놔두고 갔고


여행가방은 없어요


위험하다는 걸 알면서도 확실히 집으로 돌아갔어요


내 생각엔 집에 가서 개를 데리고 나온 것 같아요


록랜드 경찰에서 동물에 대한 얘긴 없었어요?


그릇이 있던 자국이 남아있어요


잘 찾았어요, 왓슨


수배를 다시 내려야겠군


개를 데리고 도주 중이라고 덧붙여야겠어


아뇨, 난 애런의 입으로 틀니를 만들었는지 몰랐어요


우리 모두 몰랐어요




어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어요


모두들 고소하라고 하지만
루스 콜빌: 사망한 용의자의 어머니


그렇다고 아들이 돌아오는 건 아니니까요
루스 콜빌: 사망한 용의자의 어머니


콜빌의 어머니를 보고 있으면 힘이 나나 보군요


앞으로 20분동안 죄책감에 젖어 있으려면


서재 밖으로 나가서


운동이나 하는 게 어때요


그게 아니라 우리가 수사 중인 사건에 대한


뉴스를 보고 있었어요


그거 무도회 드레스잖아요?


스탠이 도망가기 전에 소셜미디어
계정을 삭제한 이유가 있겠죠


그 안에 중요한 게 있어요


그래서 "에브리원"에 있는 친구에게


복사본을 찾아달라고 했어요


그럼 대신에 당신은...


"겨울왕국"에 나오는 노래를
부르는 모습을 녹화해야해요


오. 행운을 빌어요


왜 클라이드에게 상어 옷을 입혀놨어요?


허드슨부인이 겨울이 그에게 너무 가혹하다고 걱정해서


옷을 직접 만들어서 보냈어요


보기에 재밌어보여서


깨우기 좋은 방법이라고 생각했어요


록랜드 카운티의 동물병원에 가야해요




내 공연이 대단했어요


"에브리원"은 원작을 뛰어넘을 정도는 아니어도


견줄만은 하다고 봤나봐요


그래서 디박의 자료를 보내줬군요?


범죄자들은 보통 소셜미디어를 쓰지
않아야한다는 게 증명된 날이지만


난 별로 알고 싶진 않았어요


에브리원은 스탠의 계정에서


많은 양의 사진들을 찾아냈어요


수백장의 사진은 전혀 위험하지 않고


대부분은 '맥스'라는 이름의
예쁜 위튼 테리어의 사진이었어요






자막에는 전립선암을 이겨내는 맥스의


용감한 투병기를 설명하고 있어요


항암제 치료를 받고 있어요


좋은 소식은 처음 두 번의 치료에 효과를 보이고 있다는 점이고


더 좋은 소식은 세번째 치료가 오늘 아침으로 잡혀있다는 거죠


다들 초조해하는데


여기 얼마나 더 오래 있을려고요?


얼마든지 있어야죠


날짜만 있지, 시간은 안 적혀있었어요


안녕하세요. 10시 30분 예약인데요


저 강아지 같은데


모르는 사람인데요


난 본 적 있어요


디박의 계정에 있던 사진에 같이 있었어요


강아지 공원 친구였어요


그렇군요. 그럼 디박이 개를 맡기고 도망갔을까요?




실례합니다. 스탠 디박과 함께 지냅니까?




이런. 다시 말해요?


당신 친구 스탠은 곤란한 일이 생겼다고 말했겠죠


살인사건에 연루되어 있기 때문에


당신도 도와준 게 알려지면


공범이 될 거라고도 말했죠?


제발 이것 좀 풀어주세요


손이 너무 아파요


그래. 지난달 12일과 16일의 알리바이를 말해주면


말했잖아요. 집에 있었어요


대부분 난 집에만 있어요


그날 밤도 집에서...




네. 혼자 살아요.
그게 범죄인 줄 깜빡했네요


죄송해요. 손이 너무 아파요


제발 저에게 ...


스탠, MPA에 대해 알고 있어


중단한 사실도 알고 있어


어릴 때 실수를 했지만


처벌도 받았어요


출소했을 때, 난 다시 실수하고 싶지 않아서


약의 도움을 받았지만, 끔찍했어요


콩팥에 문제가 생겼고 몸무게도 늘었어요




그 예전의...


섬광이 돌아오면 어쩌나


지금은 더 현명해졌다


난 조절할 수 있어


근데 약을 끊었더니


아무 변화가 없었어요


모르겠어요. 오랫동안 복용해서 그런건지


단지 내가 나이를 먹어서 그런건지


하지만 이제 난 아무도 해치고 싶지 않아요


이젠 우리 강아지만 있으면 돼요




넌 경찰을 피해 달아났어


어떻게 보이는지 알아요


틀니에 대해 물어봤을 때 말했어야했지만


"이게 어떻게 비춰질까" 생각했어요


난 등록된 성범죄자이고


이 남자와 같은 이를 가졌으니


아무도 날 믿어주지 않을 거라고 생각했어요


실제로도 그렇잖아요. 난 아무 짓도..


아, 아파! 손이


정말 아프다니까요




왓슨은 의사야, 스탠










두번째 중수골 골절 같아요


언제 다쳤어요?


날 차에 태울 때 다쳤어요


오는 동안 점점 더 아팠어요


경찰이 내 손 위에 앉아있었다니까요


알았어, 알았어.
병원으로 데려가지


치명적인 상처도 아니고


법이 그래


이번 주는 변호사들이 바쁘겠군




살인혐의로 체포상태는 계속됩니다


이쪽으로 가요




아닌 것 같아요


그가 한 짓이 아니에요


스탠이 살인을 했다고 생각하지 않아요


마지막 희생자의 이름은
알렉산드라 스타인이죠


시체 발견 당시


몸통에는 상처나 멍이 없었어요


이 거울이 깨진 건 스타인 때문이 아니었어요


범인과 맞서 싸웠고


범인이 거울에 가서 부딪혔어요


만약 스탠이었다면


아직도 온몸에 깁스를 하고 있었을걸요


무슨 소리야


스탠은 골다공증이 있어요




스탠의 몸은 거세약물 때문에 망가졌어요


뼈 손실이 흔한 부작용이죠


작년에 왼쪽 다리에 깁스를 했을 때


13명의 팔로워들에게
"길에서 넘어졌어"라고 했어요


깨지기 쉬운 남자네요


머레이 선생 말로는 올해 하루도
근무를 빠진 적이 없다고 했어요


그러니 스탠은 지난 달에
이 벽에 부딪힌 적도 없단 뜻이죠


다시 복습해보지


이 사람의 치아는 4건의 살인사건과 일치해


알리바이도 없고


성폭력 전과가 있으며


약도 중단했고


거짓말도 하고


도망도 갔어


둘이 저 상자들을 모두 확인해보고


다른 용의자를 찾아와


누가 계속 문자를 보내요?


반장님을 설득시켜야해요


집에서 재분류해요


난 가봐야겠어요


캐롤 패튼에게 내 기록을 복사해달라고 했어?


캐롤 잘못이 아니에요


아니. 캐롤은 공식 수사에 협조하고 있다고 생각했어


이건 여러가지로 위법이야


왜 그런 짓을 했어?


선생님이 ..


항상 전화하라고 하셨잖아요


그래서 내가 살인을 인정했다고 생각했어?


며칠전 저에게 그렇게 말하셨을 때


전 선생님 기록을 봐야겠다고 생각했어요


법원에서도 동의할지 모르겠구나


그럼 물어보마


내가 연쇄살인범이라고 생각해?


말해줄 수 있어, 자신이 있으니까


하지만 그날 밤 일에 대해 알게되면


넌 평화를 얻겠지만


글쎄, 이 의심도 끝나겠지


난 이 말은 절대 하지 않으려고 했어


콜빌이 누군지 알고 있었어


그리고 나에게 한 말이 있지


마지막 유언이었어


약에 중독이 됐는지


날 목사라고 생각했는지


고해성사를 하고 싶다고 했어


여자 2명을 죽였다고 했어




내가 치료를 중단했냐고?


솔직히 나도 모르겠어


애런 콜빌이 유언으로 살인을 자백했군요?


플레밍 선생님이 자백했다고 했어요


그 말을 그대로 받아들여야할지 모르겠어요


왜요? 거짓말할 이유가 따로 있어요?


이제와서 얘길 바꿀 필요가 없잖아요


그의 말대로, 플레밍선생만이 알고 있었어요


자신의 말을 지키기 위해 최선을 다했잖아요


그럼 플레밍 선생님이 사실대로


나에게 말했다고 생각해요?


고민할 가치가 있어요?


우린 사건의 새 용의자를 찾아야해요


난 서류더미를 다 불태워버리고 싶은데


이건 멜로드라마만도 못해요


애런 콜빌은 이미 오래 전에 죽었는데


그의 이를 가진 사람이
한달 전에 여자 2명을 살해했어요


그래요, 하지만 콜빌이 2005년에 살인을 했다면


동기가 됐을 수도 있어요


현재 살인을 한 사람이 누구든지


틀니가 알려지길 원했어요


원래 살인 사건 범인에 의혹을 갖길 원했어요


누가 왜 그런 짓을 하죠?






질문: 애런 콜빌의 면죄로
가장 이득을 보는 사람은 누구일까요?


TV에서 봤어요?


우린 아무도 몰랐어요. 악몽같아요


어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어요


모두들 고소하라고 하지만


그렇다고 아들이 돌아오는 건 아니잖아요


콜빌의 어머니군요


시를 상대로 억대 소송을 제기했어요


자기 나이 반밖에 안되는 여자들을 죽였을까요?


루스 콜빌은 사이코패스 살인자를 키웠어요


애런이 어릴 때 집에서 행복했을까요?


더 대단한 어머니였다고 생각해요


궁금한 게 생겼죠. 나도 그래요


루스의 집을 철저히 수색하면 해결할 수 있어요


자신의 권리를 찾기 위해 소송을 제기한 곳에


영장을 발부해 줄 판사는 없어요


영장 필요 없어요


매우 자비롭게도 우릴 초대할테니까


그게 전부였어요


형사들, 그 형사들 책임이에요


저희와 대화를 해주셔서 감사합니다. 콜빌 부인


난 아직 아무 말 안했어요


문 앞에 세워두고 싶지 않았을 뿐이지


부인께서 대화를 원한다고 생각했어요


아드님에 대해서요


- 변호사를 불러야겠어요


변호사에게 전화하세요.
제안이 있습니다


거실에서 기다리세요


제가 화장실을 쓰면 엄청 불편하실까요?


건강이 안 좋아서요


저기 끝에 있어요




변호사 말이 일반적이지 않다는군요


제안이 너무 빠르다고


특수한 사건이죠


하지만 확실히 잘못된 일이었으니까요


변호사가 곧 오기로 했어요


그 때까지 아무 말도 하지 않겠어요


다른 사람은 어디 있어요?


여기 있어요. 늦을 뻔 했어요


이 그로테스크한 것은 없앨 시간이 충분했지 않나요?


이게 뭐죠?


당신의 실패원인이죠


알렉산드라 스타인과 베로니카 서터를


무는데 사용한 탈착형 틀니입니다


난 본 적도 없어요


DNA 검사로 반박할 수 있지만,
필요 없을 겁니다


이건 당신 입에 맞춰졌어요


오른 윗앞어금니가 매우 독특하네요


보세요. 완벽하게 일치해요


당신은 그럴 권리 없어. 내 침대 밑 상자 안에 있었던 거야


본 적 없다면서요


욕실 싱크대에서 찾았어요


초대된 손님으로, 난 노출된 곳 어디든 볼 수 있어요


아, 변호사가 왔나봐요


형사사건에 경험이 있는 변호사를 찾아야할 겁니다




아들의 치아와 일치하는 틀니의
존재를 어떻게 알았습니까?


내가 그것만은 도통 모르겠어서요




서에 가서 물어보지


루스 콜빌이 유죄협상을 했어요


반장님 말로는 자백서가 24장이나 된다네요


뉴게이트에서 애런 콜빌의 치아로


틀니를 만들었던 치과의사 놀란 선생이


투병중 살인 사건의 치아자국을 알아봤다고 해요


루스에게 용기를 내라는 편지를 썼는데


아들은 전혀 괴물이 아니라고 했대요


아들의 치과기록을 이용해서 틀니를 만들었고


젊은 여자들에게 식품이 담긴 봉지를


들어달라고 하면서 접근했어요


봉지를 들어주면, 망치로 쳤대요


오. 콜빌. 참 사랑스런 가족이네요


플레밍 선생의 기록이네요



충분히 알았어요


당신 문제는 어떻게 됐어요?


애런 콜빌은 유죄였어요


그래서 바뀐 건?


난 죽어가는 환자를 지켜보고 있었고


정의에 대해 생각하고 있었어요


의사는 그러면 안 됐어요


자문탐정다운 말이군요


== sync, corrected by elderman ==


한글자막 이응이응








Well, your working theory
is obviously that


this man was interrupted


in the performance
of his duties by the thief,


who then brained
the unfortunate mortician


and made off with
all of his clients' jewelry.


So how, then,
do we explain these


bite marks?


It's an oddly personal
means of attack,


is it not?


Especially for
a transaction conducted


solely in the name of
the profit motive.


Yeah, we thought it was weird.


Maybe the robbery
was just a cover?


You said the owner
found his body


exactly like this, right?




Excuse me,


Leslie Loughlin,
from the 5-3 squad.


Oh, I'm Detective Bell.


This is Holmes, Watson,
our consultants.


What brings you down
from the Bronx?


The M.O.
you got here.


In the last
couple of weeks,


we've had two young
women turn up dead


with bite marks
on their shoulders.


Looks a lot like a pair of
killings we thought we closed


back in '05, but...


now I'm starting to think
we got the wrong guy.


Excuse me, you said
young women with


bite marks on
their shoulders?


Was this in Pelham?


Anyway, I figured
if my guy


did this,
maybe the NYPD


only needs one
vampire hunter.


This is not a murder.


It's an accidental death.


Mr. Robertson was


standing on the table,


and he fell off


and hit his head.


The robber broke in
several hours later.


This... scent.


Do you smell that?


Honestly, I've been
trying not to breathe.


Well, if you did,


you might detect
the faintest trace of...




...marijuana laced
with embalming fluid.


When your toxicology report
comes back,


I'm quite certain
it will confirm


that our young mortician here


was experimenting with "wet."


The kick is something
like, uh, PCP.


So I'm told.


So he was high.


How, uh, how do you
explain the biting?


This young lady here.


Our mortician


has his shirt off as quite a...


quite a sensible precaution


against the stink.


He fell against her open mouth,


the weight caused
her mandible to clamp...




Is the pin important?


Oh, crucially so.


We know that


our robber gained access


via bathroom window,


but there's no evidence


that he gained egress
from the building.


I think
he stumbled


upon this scene
just moments before the owner.


Not wishing to have
to explain his role in this...


the burglar sought
a place to hide.




I mistook you
for a corpse.


The good news is,
you won't be charged


with the murder
of the mortician.


But I'm guessing that
the jewels in question


are still in
your possession.






Guess I wasted
a trip.


Thank you
for your time.


This way. This way.


Detective Loughlin.


That case in 2005...


did it involve someone
named Aaron Colville?




yeah, it did.
Do you remember it?


Can I take a look
at your files?


copped a plea


to the two homicides
back in '05.


He died later that year.


Now, to me it looks like
the bite marks


in these two most
recent cases


match the marks from '05.


Which, considering


Colville's been dead
going on ten years,


argues against him
being the doer.


Can I make a copy
of these files?




Uh, do you mind if I
ask your interest here?


Were you involved in
the original case?


MAN: the world wants us
to be solemn.


Right? We tackle big problems,


we're surgeons,
and so people feel better


if we have just
the right demeanor.


And that's fine,
that's fine out there.


But in here?


This is where
the rubber meets the road.


Now, the solemnity of
the surgeon's work


follows us into this room
no matter what we do.


And it'll eat you up
if you let it.


So part of your job is...


not to let it, okay?


Dr. Karthik?



Dr. Watson.


My gosh, it's
been years.




So... it's nice to see you.


Uh... how's your practice?


Uh, actually, I haven't
practiced medicine since 2011.


Oh, really?
Well, um...


I'm sorry to hear that.




Um, I'm here to talk
about Aaron Colville.


Okay, I... I am...
not discussing Colville.


What happened
that night?


Nothing happened that night.


What happened
that I treated my patient.


I was there.


He might not have
killed those women.


We may have let
an innocent man die.


♪ Elementary 2x19 ♪
The Many Mouths of Andrew Colville
Original Air Date on April 3, 2


== sync, corrected by elderman ==



Patient's coming out of Rikers
with four stab wounds,


all punctures
to the thoracic region.


Give me the stats.


BP's 65/45.


We hung two units
on the way over,


but he's losing a lot of blood.
Can I see that?


The doc at Rikers
gave me his chart.


Guy's name's
Aaron Colville.


From the news?


Don't know if you saw
on there or not,


but he's an
organ donor.


Okay, on three.


One, two, three.






Now, nurse,
I need him intubated.


And let's get his chest open.


What did he say?


Uh, nothing.


Come on, let's go.


(monitor beeping steadily)


(monitor flatlines)


He's arresting.


DOCTOR: Yeah, I'm looking
right at it.


Starting massage.


go get Dr. Reed,


We might need her.


If we can't bring
him back, we're


definitely going to need
an extra set of hands.


Lynn, please.


Go get Dr. Reed.


Dr. Fleming,
he needs the epi.


Just hold on.


Let me see if I can't
get this going.


He needs the epi.


All right,
I'm calling it.


It's 1:04.


WATSON: That epinephrine
could've saved his life.


We let him die.


We've been
over this.


I gave that man
the same standard of care


I provide anyone who comes
through the doors of my O.R.


I didn't even know
who Aaron Colville was.


A psychotic murderer,
bludgeoning and biting women


ten blocks from the neighborhood
where you lived and worked.


I... I didn't make
the connection


till after he passed.


Why are we talking
about this?


If you had an issue
with my behavior,


you should have
filed a complaint.


We're talking about a decade ago.


I am consulting
with the NYPD now.


Police are investigating
two new murders,


and everything about them
looks like the crimes


that Colville
was charged with.


Then it was a copycat.


I mean, that's the term, right?
All the victims


were bitten.


We are waiting for
official confirmation,


but it looks like
the same bite marks to me.


Okay, well,


if that's what you
came here to say,


you know, consider
me informed.




He said something
to you that night.


If there was any clue
as to what he said,


if he thought
he was being framed...


Dr. Fleming,


There's nothing anyone
can do to you now.


It wasn't anything like that.


It was gibberish. Okay?


He was coding, for God's sakes.


What do you think, you're
gonna set things right here?


Surgeons make
calls, Joan.


It's part of the job.


I-I do it all the time.


I don't lose sleep over it.


(phone chiming)


You know, you could just
move the ladder, too, right?


Here we are! Ha!


You know, I've been cursing
Ms. Hudson for misplacing this.


Turns out she's
recategorized it


under historical meteorology.




Tradewinds and Ocean Currents,
first published in 1914.


Out of print,
if you can believe it.


That's a travesty.


You jest, but this atlas


may soon come in very handy.


I do wish you wouldn't leave
my texts unanswered.


Well, I do wish that
you wouldn't keep writing


when I don't respond.


We have an offer to consider.


Several of the trust fund brats


that Mycroft aligned
himself with at university


are underwriting
a treasure hunt of sorts.


An expedition in search
of a sunken ship.


And we've
been invited.


Are you serious?


Our quarry, the S.S. Waratah,


has been called
Australia's Titanic.


It is, unquestionably,


the most famous
missing shipwreck.


It disappeared
in 1909


carrying 211 souls


and a safe stuffed full
of their valuables.


Now, I'm not suggesting
we be motivated


by anything as vulgar
as an enormous finder's fee,


but I just thought
you might like to bid adieu


to our 17th straight
month of winter


and join me in sunnier climes
for a week.


That sounds fun.


You should go.


It's only fun
in the right company.


Where did you disappear to?


So, Aaron Colville took
a plea bargain in 2005


and was then stabbed
to death in prison.


He we are nine years later.


Two new murders appear
to have been committed.




Well, you know,
as I always say,


bite-mark analysis
is only slightly more scientific


than casting chicken bones about
to see the future.


But I'm unaware of any case
where two suspects have


identical teeth.


I suppose we should proceed


under the assumption
that the same party


is responsible
for both sets of murders.


So, Aaron Colville was innocent?


Of these particular crimes,


But there is a reason
he was a suspect.


You seem distressed. Why?


Well, I just stood there
and watched him die.


You... Watson, you didn't
stab Aaron Colville


on Rikers Island.
Nor did you fail to administer


the epinephrine shot
in what you judged to be


a timely fashion.


That was your colleague,
your superior.


So what would've happened


if you had filed a complaint
against your attending surgeon?


Do you think
that would've been wise?




Does that matter?


Of course it matters.
You're chastising yourself


for failing to make
a futile gesture a decade ago.




your feelings are trivial


'cause we have
a murderer to catch.


The bite mark,
timeless expression


of the frustration of impotence.


And for us,
a stroke of luck.


Our man did not leave
a suitable DNA sample,


but he did sign his work.


And as soon as we match these
to a person,


we can put this behind us.


Well, it's not that easy.


There's no
law enforcement agency


that keeps a database
of dental records.


No, they're medical records,


and that would be illegal.


And that's
why they use consultants.


We'll need someone
with state-of-the-art


computing skills.




My regular contact in London


has forsworn the practice.


Something about not wanting
to go to jail.


So we'll have


to contact them.


I thought we left
on good terms with Everyone.


Well, as far as you
can be on good terms


with an anonymous collective
of immature hackers,


we did.


They are still an anonymous
collective of immature hackers.


If we come to them, cap in hand,
asking for medical records,


they're always
gonna have their price.


I don't get it.


You don't have to get it.




Do you need ice yet?




They're already an hour late.


I don't know how much more
of this you can take.




Sorry, sorry,
one go a day. Sorry.


What about my boys?


All right, come on.


Happy hunting.


These are transparencies taken
from the dental records


provided by Everyone.
The photograph,


of course, depicts bite marks


left by our killer.


This one's close, but
the lateral incisor is crooked.


Just a few thousand more to go.




An overwhelming
majority of killers


strike within three miles
of their primary residence.


While it's true that we're
looking for a psychopath,


it's unlikely that he commuted
to the next borough


for his dental care.


One of the hundreds
in the Bronx


most likely flosses our madman.


Why don't you rest?
I'll take the first shift.


As you wish.




(birds chirping)


Hey, wake up!


Take a look
at this slide.


We got him.


It appears we do.


His name is Alan Vikner, 52.
He is a patient


at Olinville Dentistry,
which happens to be


within a mile
of both recent murders.


As is his mailing address.


He's an ex-con,
served four years


for aggravated assault.


Must be a new patient.


One visit, no X-rays.


Someone should teach him
the importance


of regular checkups.


And not killing people.


The officer
who brought meid


you found my prints
at the scene of a murder.


That isn't possible.


I'm living clean now.


I'm a deacon at my church.


Not your prints, Alan.


Your bite marks.


Oh, thank God.


You relieved to see
these pictures?


ALAN VIKNER: I told you,
you had the wrong guy.


Lots of people make
these bite marks.


I got my teeth knocked out


in a fight in the yard
at Newgate Correctional.


They gave me these.


This doesn't make any sense.
Aaron Colville had


all of his own teeth
when he died.


You can put those
back in your mouth.


Colville was
in Newgate from 2001


to 2004-- that's one year


before the first murders.


And it also coincides
with Mr. Vikner's stay.


How did you wind up


with a set of dentures
that match a killer's?


I can't tell you that, but these
are standard issue up there.


Colville was the model.


The prison dentist
used his teeth


to make a model
set of dentures.


God only knows how many sets


of Colville's teeth
are out there.


MAN: I've only been the dentist here
for a few years.


But the prison system doesn't
provide inmates with dentures.


It just...
We don't have the funds.


Official policy is
to pull problem teeth.


We've just seen
a set of dentures


which originated in this office.


Uh, the guy who had
the job before me,


his name was Conrad Nolan.


And he was-- I don't...
I don't know-- a saint.


He took it on himself


to manufacture dentures
on his own.


God love him, but I have kids


to go home to
at the end of the day.


Do you have Dr. Nolan's
contact information?


Uh, he died
a few years ago.


Pancreatic cancer.
Hold on a second.




Come here a second.


This is Stan Divac,


and he's one of my assistants.


He's been here a lot
longer than I have.


Used to work for Dr. Nolan.


Can you tell us


about your denture program?


Wouldn't really call it
a "program."


Uh, Dr. Nolan
didn't like the idea


of grown men gumming their food,


and he figured out
a way to make them


cheap enough so he could
foot the bill himself.


And they modeled the dentures


after an inmate named
Aaron Colville?


Uh, Dr. Nolan picked someone


with a good set of teeth.


I don't think Doc Nolan
even told the guy he did it.


He just made the dentures
based on an impression he took.


How many sets of dentures


did you distribute
based on the model?


Maybe eight?




All these guys


have Aaron Colville's teeth?


The warden let us
sift through


the inmate medical records.
We pulled every prisoner


who had been fitted
for a full set of dentures.


Eight suspects?


Actually we are down to four.


Alan Vikner has an alibi.


Tash is dead.


And Lalayanis and Parker


have been locked up
the whole time.


The remaining four settled


near the city
after their release.


Bring them in.


I'll tell Detective Loughlin


that she whiffed in '05


and we've brought in
a set of fresh eyes.


I'll also let
the commissioner know


he'd better warm up to lawyers.




We're about
to re-open


a couple of homicide cases
from '05.


Every plaintiff's
attorney in the city


is gonna be lining up to sue


on behalf
of Aaron Colville's family.


This good?


Yes, Mr. Pohlua.


Those are the dentures
we're looking for.


You can stop smiling now.


Not bad, huh?


Very nice.


You can look
as long as you want.


But I think the dentures
you're looking for


are right here.


You maintain more
than one set of dentures?


The set I got in prison
never fit very well.


I replaced them
as soon as I could.


But I held on to them


to remind myself how bad
it got when I was using.


Can you tell us where you were


on the 12th and the 16th
of last month?


You said the 16th, right?


Is it okay if I take
my shirt off?


HOLMES: That's an inspiring
story, Mr. Deer.


Unfortunately, it's
not a suitable alibi.


You could've
switched dentures.


Not really, though.


When I bought the case,
I realized


that the dentures
was too tall for it.




I had to sand them down


just to get them
to fit in there.


I couldn't wear them
if I wanted to.




shingles was no fun.


But if the hospital stay
takes me out of the running


in your manhunt, uh,
it was worth it.


You can go now, Mr. Pohlua.


(door opens)


Aside from the fact I find
your taste abhorrent,


it does appears you are,
in fact, innocent.


I know that.


How do you know that?


Your dentures are chipped.


By the looks
of your left bicuspid,


you broke it several years ago,


and you haven't stopped
drinking coffee since.




You can go.


(door opens)


(door closes)


Three suspects interviewed,


three suspects exonerated.


So, who's the guy
we can't find?


Daniel Escalante.


Three arrests for
aggravated sexual assault.


he's no longer


at the address
parole has on file.


Missed the last couple
of meetings


with his PO, too.


He's the only one left,


so I guess he's
our new lead suspect.



(thud nearby)


Your medical records
have arrived.


Why are you looking


into the recent case history
of Dr. Jonathan Fleming?


Once again, opening my packages.


We have enemies, Watson.
I needed to make sure


there was
nothing dangerous in here.


Well, when I went to see
Dr. Fleming yesterday,


he said me he "makes
calls all the time""


There was just something
about the way he said it.


So you think he routinely
denies adequate care


to people he deems unworthy?


I don't know.


Something just wasn't right.


I asked an old friend to
copy some records for me.


So, unable to do anything
about the unprovable incident


that you witnessed personally,
you thought you'd get


to the bottom of some
that you weren't


involved in at all.


We're investigating
the so-called


"Colville murders."


Once the police track down
Daniel Escalante,


we'll most likely have
the person responsible.


Why is that not enough for you?


What were you thinking


when the paramedics
brought Aaron Colville


into the operating room?




He was an organ donor.


And yes, for a second,
I wondered


if the world would be
better off if...


if we just let him die.


Hmm. So it's possible that your
colleague had exactly the same


thought process that you did


but decided
to go through with it.


It's also possible
that he's saying


the truth; that he had no idea
who Colville was,


and that you're
just projecting


your hesitation
onto Dr. Fleming.


As it stands at the moment,
we'll never know, will we?


Now, is it possible


that you'll find a piece
of evidence in there


which suggests
that he's a multiple offender?


Well, yes,
I suppose it is.


But I don't think
that catching Dr. Fleming


is at the heart
of this particular matter.


I think it's about you
forgiving yourself


for a less than noble,


if entirely understandable,


Which, I'll remind you,


you didn't act on.




Have you slept?


Did you know the surviving
members of the Grateful Dead


occasionally tour together
under the name Furthur?




The name derives
from the placard


atop Ken Kesey's infamous bus,
of course.


Anyway, just got off the phone
with Detective Bell.


Apparently, Daniel Escalante
is a major fan of the band


and he's following them on tour
for the past several months.


It's why he wasn't at the
address we have on file for him


and why he hasn't checked in
with his parole officer.


So, if Escalante
has been out of town...


I personally have seen
an undoctored image


of the man selling
grilled cheese sandwiches


from a parking lot in Tennessee.


He's not the man
we're looking for.


Which means there's no man


we're looking for.
Not at the moment, no.


So why do I have to get dressed?


We're going back
to Newgate Correctional.


The dentures which match
Aaron Colville


were only made
and manufactured there.


So we're going to spend some
quality time with their files.


(keys jingle)


Uh, this is pretty much
everything we've got.


If you could tell me


what you're looking for,
maybe I could, uh,


I don't know,
narrow it down for you.


Would that we could, Stan.
Would that we could.


Unfortunately, it's not
that kind of search.


We won't know what we're
looking for until we find it.


Okay. Well, everything's alphabetical.


Pretty much.


Right. I suppose
I'll take, uh...


this half.




I'm taking a break.


Actually, we're finished here.
Have a look.


It's the inmate file
of one Stanislav Divac.


Stan was an inmate here?


For a time.
He started working here


while he was incarcerated.


When he was freed,
he held onto his job.


Who else was gonna hire
a convicted sex offender?


absolutely nothing


in his dental records,


but his file says he was treated
in the infirmary


for a savage beating he received
in the yard in 2000.


According to the report,


he lost virtually all
of his teeth.


So you think Dr. Nolan replaced
all of Stan's teeth for him.


He did it with no
official record


so that his valued assistant


would not have
to wait for treatment.


I'd do the same for you
if you lost


all your teeth
in a prison fight.




I need to see
your assistant.


Oh, uh, Stan went home
a while ago...


right when
you guys got here.


He said it was
an emergency.


Is everything all right?


No, not really, no.


I think you may have been
employing a murderer,


and in all likelihood,
he just became a fugitive.


That's interesting.


Our Mr. Divac castrated himself.


Have a look. It's right
here in the photographs


the Rockland
County Police took


when they raided
his home.


How about I take
your word for it?


No, no, no,
don't be squeamish.


He did it chemically.


The officers who invaded
Stan's place didn't take


special notice, but if you
look at the medicine cabinet,


he has a prescription
for MPA.


That's medroxyprogesterone




That's the drug they force
sex offenders to take.


Could explain how he went
dormant for so long.


He probably couldn't believe his
luck when Colville took the rap


for the first
two murders in 2005.


Decided to do everything
he could to suppress his urges.


Mmm, ingesting
mass quantities


of synthesized progesterone
will generally do the trick.


Looks like it was


The bottle has
a Medis RX label,


which is a British
mail-order company.


No doctor's
signature required.


Have a look at the date.
The bottle is half full.


He should have run out
two months ago.


Well, if he stopped
taking the drug 60 days ago,


it'd take about that long
for his body to flush it.


I just got off with
the Rockland County sheriff.


Divac is in the wind.


His social media accounts
have been deleted,


and he hit up an ATM
near the prison.


Sheriff says


her roadblocks
are quiet.


I mean, maybe
we're lucky,


and he's laying low
inside the radius,


but chances are
he's long gone.


We already put it out


to the TSA.


Spotlight on Croatia.


Divac came over from there
when he was a kid.


You emigrate from a
non-extradition country,


probably where you head
when it hits the fan.


WATSON: Well, that wasn't
his first stop.


He left the prison in a hurry,


but his toiletries were missing
from his house,


and there was
no suitcase there.


He obviously went back
to his home


even though he knew
he was taking a risk.


I think that he might have
gone back to pick up his dog.


Did Rockland PD mention


anything about animals
at the residence?


Rings where the bowls
would have been.


That's well-spotted,


I'll revise the BOLO.


Advise them the suspect


may be traveling with his pet.


No, I did not know they made
a model for dentures


based on Aaron's mouth.
None of us did.


This has all been
such a nightmare.


I don't know
what I'm going to do.


Everybody's telling me to sue,


but that's not going
to give me my son back.


(footsteps approach)


I'm sure time spent
with Aaron Colville's mother


is just the thing
to cheer you up.


Actually, if you are
going to be wallowing


in your own guilty feelings
for the next 20 minutes or so,


it's going to work out nicely
if you'd just


stay out of the library
while you're doing it.


I'm not wallowing.
I'm watching a news report


on the case we're working.


Is that a giant prom dress?


It seems to me that
Stan Divac must have deleted


his social media pages
for a reason


before he went
on the run.


There must be
something in the.


So I reached out to
our friends at Everyone


to see if they could
unearth some cached copies.


And in return,
you're going to...?


I meant to record myself
performing the songs


from something called Frozen.


Oh. Break a leg.


Why did you dress Clyde up
like a shark?


Ms. Hudson
is concerned the winter


has been unduly harsh on him,


so she knitted him
several turtle cozies.


I find them amusing to look at.


Thought it would be
a nice way to wake up.


We need to get
to a veterinarian's office


in Rockland County.
Excuse me?


My performance
was extraordinary.


Everyone concerned seemed
to agree that it rivaled,


if not surpassed, the original.


So everyone sent you copies
of Divac's stuff?


Mmm. There will come a
day when criminals realize


that they shouldn't
use social media,


but I just hope
I don't live to see it.


Everyone was able to uncover
a rather large album


of cached images
from Stan's page.


Hundreds of photographs,
all perfectly innocuous,


most of them featuring


a rather charming
Wheaton terrier called Max.


Mmm. He's cute.


Is he sick?


The captions tell


the rather harrowing tale


of Max's brave battle with
canine prostate cancer.


He's been undergoing


Now, the good news is
he's responded rather well


to the first two treatments.


The even better news is his
third treatment is scheduled


for this morning.


My guys are getting antsy.


How much longer
you want to stay here?


As long as it takes.


His Web page didn't specify
the time of the appointment.


Good morning. My friend here
has an appointment at 10:30.


The dog looks familiar,


but I don't
recognize the guy.


I've seen him before.


There were a bunch of pictures
of him on Divac's profile.


They're friends
from the dog park.


Okay, so Divac gave his dog
away and then skipped town?


Let's find out.


Excuse me.
Are you housing one Stan Divac?


Uh, who?


That was terrible.
Do you want another go?


Your friend Stan


may have told you
he's in trouble.


Did he also tell you
it has to do with murder


and that you're exposing


to felony charges
by helping him?


Please, can you take these off?


My hand really hurts.


Sure... if you can give us
an alibi


for the 12th and the 16th
of last month.


I told you. I was home.


I'm home most nights.


BELL: You were home
those nights...




Yes. I live alone.
I forgot it was a crime.


I'm sorry.
My hand really hurts.


Is there something
you can give me for...?


Stan, we know
about the MPA.


We know you
stopped taking it.


I made some mistakes
when I was young,


but I did my time.


When I got out,
I didn't want to slip.


The medicine helped,
but it is terrible stuff.


I've had kidney problems.
I gained some weight.


I thought, you know,


if the old...


spark came back,


I'm smarter now.


I could control it.


But then I quit the stuff...


and there was nothing.


I don't know if being on it
all those years changed me


or if I just got old.


But I don't want
to hurt anybody anymore.


I just want to play
with my dog, you know?




You ran from the police.


I know how it looks.


I should have just told them


when they asked about
the dentures, but I...


I thought,
"How's it gonna look?" You know?


I'm registered.


I've got the same
teeth as this guy.


I thought,
"Nobody's gonna believe me."


Now nobody does.
I didn't do...


Oh, God!
God, my hand...


really wrong.


Just hold on.




(Stan moaning)


She was a
doctor, Stan.


Let her
look at it.


Be careful.




Yeah, uh,
uh... okay.


Looks like he might
have fractured


his second metacarpal.
When did this happen?


Uh, it hurt when they
put me in the car.


Got worse as we drove over.


I mean, you kind of have
to sit on your hands, you know?


All right, all right.
Let's get him to the hospital.


It's hardly a mortal wound.


have Weles.


And our lawyers
are already busy this week.


(Stan signs in relief)




You're still under
arrest for murder.


This way. Come on.


(Stan moans)


Come on,
turn here.


He was gonna crack.


Actually, I don't think he was.


I don't think he did it.


I don't think he killed
any of those women.


WATSON: The most recent victim's
name was Alexandra Stine.


When her body
was found,


her torso wasn't
scratched or bruised.


It wasn't her body that
shattered this glass.


She fought back
against her killer


and slammed him
into that mirror.


If that was Stan Divac,


he would still be in
a full body cast.


I don't follow.


He has osteoporosis.


The MPA.


Stan's system was ravaged


by the chemical
castration drugs.


Bone loss is
a common side effect.


(phone chiming)


When his left leg


was in a cast last year,


he told his 13 followers


that he'd "stepped awkwardly
on the curb."


He's a brittle man.


Dr. Murray said


he hasn't missed one day
of work this year.


So there is no way


that he was rammed
into this wall last month.


Let's just review.


The guy's teeth
match all four murders.


He's got no alibi,


he's got a history
of violent sexual assault,


he's off his meds,


he lied to you,


and he went on the run.


You two find someone else
that checks all those boxes,


come find me.


(phone chiming)


Who keeps texting you?


The captain can
be brought round.


We'll regroup at home.


Actually, I have to go.


Did you have Carol Patton


send copies of
my records to you?


It wasn't her fault.


No. She thought
she was complying


with an official


That's illegal
in so many different ways.


Why would you do that?


You said that you...


you "make calls" all the time.


So you thought I was
admitting to killing people?


Given what you said to me
a few days ago,


I-I thought it was reasonable
to review your history.


I don't know
that a court will agree.


So let me
ask you something:


Do you think
that I'm a serial killer?


So I'm going to tell you
something, Joan,


because I hold
all the cards here.


But maybe if you hear
what really happened that night,


it'll give you some peace


and, uh, I don't know,
let you end this.


I will not ever admit
to saying this.


I knew who Colville was.


And he did say something to me.


It was his last words.


I mean,
he was doped up.


I don't know if
he thought I was a priest,


but he said
that he wanted to confess.


He'd murdered two women.




did I withhold treatment?


I honestly don't know.


So Aaron Colville
confessed to the murders


with his dying words?


Dr. Fleming said he confessed.


I would take that
with a heaping pile of salt.


Why? Does he have a particular
reason to lie to you?


There's no need


for him to change his story now.


As he said,
he holds all the cards.


He'd be best served


by hewing to what
he's said all along.


So you think
Dr. Fleming


really wanted to tell me
what happened?


I think it's worth


May I remind you
we're looking for


fresh perspective on this case?


I had been considering
burning the files,


but this is less melodramatic.


Aaron Colville
has been dead for years,


but someone with his teeth
killed two women a month ago.


Yes, but if Colville
killed those women in 2005,


this may
suggest motive.


Whoever's committing
the murders in the present day


wants us to know
about the dentures.


They want to cast doubt


on who killed those women
all those years ago.


Why would anybody do that?


I don't know.


Not yet.


The question becomes:
Who stands to benefit most


from Aaron Colville's


(birds twittering)




...based on Aaron's mouth.


None of us did.
This has all been


such a nightmare.


I don't know
what I'm going to do.


Everybody's telling me to sue,


but that's not going
to give me my son back.


Colville's mother.


She's just filed a nine-figure
lawsuit against the city.


And she bludgeoned
two women half her age?


Ruth Colville raised
a psychopathic killer.


Do you think Aaron's
childhood home was a happy one?


I'm sure she's more
than capable.


You have questions.
So do I.


I'm sure a thorough search
of her residence


will clear them up.


No judge is gonna issue a
warrant based on a lawsuit


she has every
right to file.


We don't need a warrant.


She's going to invite us
in quite graciously.


That's all it was.


The detectives.
I blame the detectives.




Thank you for speaking
to us, Mrs. Colville.


I didn't say
I'd talk to you.


I just didn't leave you
standing at the door.


(chuckles) Well, I think
it's a conversation


that you'll
want to have.


It's about
your son.


I should have my lawyer here.


you should call your lawyer.
We have an offer for you.


I guess you can wait
in the living room.


Would it be a terrible
inconvenience for me


to use your facilities?


Not a well man.


It's just
down the hall.




My lawyer said this is unusual.


An offer so early.


It's a... unusual case.


But it's obvious that there
was a... wrong committed here.


Well, she'll be here
in a couple of minutes.


I'm not supposed
to talk until then.


Where's the other one?


I'm here. Not a moment too soon.


This grotesquerie's
gone on long enough,


don't you think?


What is this?


It's your undoing.


These are the snap-on dentures
she used


to bite Alexandra Stine
and Veronica Sutter.


I've never
seen those before.


A DNA test will contradict you,
but I don't think


that's going to be necessary.


They're form-fitted
to your mouth.


Your upper right bicuspid
is quite distinctive.


Oh, look. A perfect match.


You have no right. Those were
in a locked box under my bed.


I thought you never
saw them before.


I found these resting
on your bathroom sink.


And as an invited guest,
I'm perfectly entitled


to inspect any items
in plain view.


(doorbell rings) Oh, that must
be your attorney.


You might want to find someone
with experience in criminal law.


Tell me,


how did you learn
of the existence


of dentures
that match your son's teeth?


It's the only thing
I can't piece together.


That's fine.


You can tell us about it
at the station.


Ruth Colville
took a plea deal.


Captain Gregson said
the transcript


of her confession came in
at 24 pages.


Apparently, Dr. Nolan,


the dentist at Newgate
who fashioned the dentures


based on Aaron Colville's teeth,


only found out
about the bite-mark murders


in his dying days.


He wrote to Ruth
and he told her to take heart--


her son may not be a monster
after all.


She made these snap-on dentures
using her son's dental records.


Apparently, she approached
the young women


by asking for help
with her groceries.


Once they took her bags,
she pulled a hammer out.


Oh. The Colvilles,
such a lovely family.


Those are your files
on Fleming.




I know as much
as I ever will.


And your role
in the matter?


Aaron Colville was guilty.


Does that change things?
I don't know.


I do know


that I was standing
over a dying patient


and I was thinking
about justice.


A doctor's not supposed
to do that.


That sounds more
like a consulting detective.




== sync, corrected by elderman ==