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 ڰ ġؼ


˰ ־


־. ƿ




/ ݷζ Ű尡 ֳ?




"Ͱ ׸ ã"


ü ?


. ۾ü


 Ϸ ?


Į̶ ؿ. ڰ



ΰ 谡 ֳ׿


ũ Ϳ ã ֽϴ


ũĿ Ʈ ġ δ ų?


ֳϸ 츰 ʿ ״ϱ


- Ⱑ ־
- ?


ε, dz̿


27⿡ ѹ


羾 , Ͱ Ҿ 㿡





49 Ҿ




Һµ 󸶳 ɸ ž?


ڿ 9ñ




ȥ ι ٽ






 Ÿ...


, ׷


帮, ̿ ũ




ƴϸ ҷ?


Ϸ ؿ, ũ


- , ׷
- ƴ, ȵſ.


Ŀǿ, ޻쿡, ̺쿡 ..


ʿ ִµ


ְ ʾƿ, ũ


Ϸ ؿ. ſ


ƴ ̰...
ϰ ;



帮, ׳ ϰ


46 ˰ ȴٸ


׳ ɾƼ ٸ ſ


˾Ҿ, 翡 ٰԿ


лƮ Ѹ Ʈ ̽ Ծ ־?




帮, .


ž ѷ غ


⼭ ij ϴ ?




ƹ ϵ ϰ, ʵ ԰


׸ ƹ ڿ ̻ ϴ ο




, 뽺 Ե


Ѵٰ ſ




̵ ٸ ־





ٸ ־?



, 帮, ..



ϰ ̵̶ Ű ״ ſ


ߵ ̾ؿ, ũ








̾ؿ. ħ̳׿




̸ ׷ ʵ


Ҵ ϴٰ 鷶µ


5 Ŀ ȥడ ӿ ׾ ִ ߰߾




˽ð ̴ϴ


ī ڻ ǮŸ̿?


. п Ϻ ̴ϱ


ڱ ȯڰ ǹ Ⱦϰŵ


ã̳, ڻ




պ ġ ߷Ȱ




̰ ø


ʿ 迡


׷  ſ?


° ƴѰ ͳ׿


ĸ ´ٰ?


ƴϸ ־






ϵ ̿


ٵ ̽ ٸ ־


̰ ؿ?


ƴ, ̰


׸ װ ׷ ʵ


ڱ  Ŷ, ׳


"̾ "?


忡 ٴϴ




- ?


ƹ ã ̶ Ѵٸ


츮ڳ׿, ׷?


׷ Ⱓ Ŷ


Ȱ ſ








ī ϱ ־


ƴ, ̵







̰ dz̷


- ׷
- 27⿡ ѹ µ


װ ,






ϴ ׳..


羾 ϶ Ͼ


׷, ƿ


츮 ׳... - ƴ, ̵


46 ȿ ſ


46 ,


̰  ̴ϱ?


ũ ˾Ƴ¾


Ȥ ȥ׼




. ̵ Ϸ ̾


ǿ ̾


ȭż ϴ


ڴ ױ ߴµ


, ֳϸ ĸε


ִ ƴϾ


? װ ּ


ٸð ؼ ˼մϴ




׷ ޷ȳ?


, ̰ ٽ ڰ?


ٸ ߴµ


ٸ ?


- Haven -
- S03E03 -






θ ⸦ ¾


, 35, Ծ
ڱ⸦ ̶ ߴ


ó ̴ϴ






׷ٸ ƴ ̳׿


, ٷ ͺ ο


̶ ڿ 縦 ް




- ǹ 캼Կ
- , ׷


ž Ű澲̴ ȭ ޾ҽϴ


̺ ̴! !


ؿ, ؾ


Դϴ, ? ̿


׷? ׷  ϴ ˰ڱ




صȾ ߴµ


ָӴϿ ־.


"丶 ."


̽ö ?



ݺ¦ а ǹϴ


̺쿡 ϴ ̴ϱ?


ŵó, ڸ Ѱ ־



ڱ Ŷ ܵ ̿


츮 ̴ϱ?


װ ,


, ̶




ʿ Ʋ


 ڰ


, ڱ ̶ ü


츰 ģ ã ̴ϴ


׷ ׸ Ĵٺ ɱ?


̺, ̺, ü ϴ ſ, ?


- ̰


ִµ ⿡ äڴٰ?


- . ׷ϱ
- ؿ!




̸ ?



ȭ ̼?


Ʒ ־?


ũ ׿


츮 ƿ?


ڿԼ ڸ ȣߴµ


ħڴ ߾


Ȱ ؼ


װ ó 鸮׿





ٵ ̶ ؾ ?


Ʊ ̵̶ ִ° ôµ


Į ó õ


- Ŭ..
- ׸ Į  ſ


ʵ ־ϱ


Ȳ ٲ




ڱ ɸġ簡 "̷Ӵ" ϴ ϴ ?


ƴ, ׷ ϴ




, .. ׳..
ϰ ;


̵翡 ϵ


װ ƴϾ


ƴ, ¾ƿ




 ޾Ƶ̴?






- ̷
- ?


׳ ̷ ̳ ƿ


Ͼ ȴٴ


װ  ŭ ƴ ſ


ڱ ģ ̶ °




ڱ ϰ پٴ ̾ݾƿ


߰ڴð ̸鼭


- ׷ݾƿ
- ׷


ʰڴٰ ϱ



ŵ ׷ ־


羾 .
׷. ȱ׷?


׷  Ҽ ִٴ ̿?


̾ؿ, 帮


- ſ


׷  ؾ 𸣰ڳ׿



ʿѰ ִٸ ϱ ȭؿ


ô, ũ. ȴٴ
̶ Ѹ ִ Ƴ





, Į ڻε


ں深 ã в ֽðھ?




- ׷
- ϴ





ʿ Ȯغþ?



ݵ ޴


ҿ ڴοϴ


Ȥ ܺΰ


̺ ٴ ֳ?



δ ΰ




츮 ִ ġ


θ鼭 Ʈ ׳ δٴϿ


ڻ Ÿ


󸶳 ־ ϳĿ ٸ


߾? /


ູ ġϴ


, 츮 谡


ھֶ غ̼?


Ѱ ƴ϶ ߰?


׷ ڼ󿡼 ܵǰڰ


׷ٰ ص "ұ ۿ Ҽ ִ " ܵǴ ƴ




ſ ؼ 𸣰ڼ




ο ؼ ƴ ͵ ֽðڽϱ


ϰ ޶


ƴ ó








̶, ̾


༮̾µ, ͼ


츰 ظ


 ̺ ̽ϱ?


ε δ  ڸ ôµ
üݿ ̾




׷ ԰ ִ Ȯ ô


̺ ο̳׿


׷ ڰ ִ 츮 ģ ſ



ŵ ͸ϰ ־ŵ


ŵ غߵ˴ϴ


ķ ׷̵ؾ ſ


, ʿ


ܿ ؼ дϱ?




ǿ ַ ϴ



 ι̰


׷ٴ FBI ̶ ſ. ŵ ƴ϶


ΰ, ƴϰŵ


׷ ʿ ȭ ̴ϴ


, 츮


ҷ? ؿ




- ! !
- ! !






׷ ʿ


, ? ?


ּ ؼ ߴµ,


׷ г ʳ׿


Ƹ PCP ߰.
װ ϸ ʾƿ


׷׿. Pcp


׿ ˰ڱ


׷ ġ


ٵ ߵ, ̴ ׾


ڰ ų׿


׸ Ѹ ۿ ְ




ǻ Ŷ Ȯ ϴ


ϳ Ȱ ߰ ְŵ


īð Ȯ. 츮 ã




׷ 츮 ι ְھ


Ƹ ڱ Ⱑ Ű


װ ǰ ɷ ٲ ϴ


Ⱑ ʿϴٸ


´ ƹ








⸦ Ϸ ģô Ѵٰ?




״ ⸦ ڴ װ


׷ ڰ ġ


׷ ó. ׷ ׵ ߹ؼ


Ⱑ ʿ Ű


׷ٴ ũ ģô̶ ?




, ø


ũ ?


û ޾Ƴ




Ȥ ũ ģô̾?


츮 δ ƴҰ̴ϴ


ũ ƺδ 𸣰, 츰




ڵ , 206ȣ


ũ ̿


- Կ


, . ׻ ڱⰡ


¥ ƺ ãƳ Ŷ ϰ ߾




װ ̳׿


, ׿


ΰ ִٰ? /


ȣ ִϴ


츮 ¾ ڵ̶


ٵ ƹ ޶ Ȯεdz׿


, и 谡 ̴ϴ


⼭ ã ִ ׿


Ƹ 쿬̰


Ӵϵ Ŭ ̿ߴٰ ߾




̰ 쿬ϸ


ķ긴 ̷ ʰ ־


ü ǻ簡 ڱ ڸ


û ̵ ƺ ƾ


åε ⿹


Ȯϰ, ׷ ʾҾ


׷, Ȥ ⼭ ߴ ̶?




ƹ ̵ ׻ ڽ̶ 𸣰


̰ ߴ ߰ڽϴ


25Ⱓ ̿. ֵ鵵


ص帱 , ȯڱ ȵſ


ǻ-ȯ Ư̿




ϵ ּ


󰡼 Ȥ




̰ ̶ ұ?


츮 Ϲ ڸ Ѵ´ٰ ϰ


ٲٱ⿡ װ ?




ڵ ƺ




Ŷ ˾ ſ


׸ ڰ ֱ⸦ ٶ


ֵ ü 󸶳 ?


ֵ ȣؾ ؿ


߿ ƹ ǥ ־


̵ ڱ ̵ ְ


̵ ߹Ѵٸ...


׷ ڱ ģô ⸦ ϱ ϰ


ȯ ؿ



츮 ¾ҳ׿




ҿ ߾ ؿ


ٲġؾ ϴϱ


25 ⼭ ʸ


̳ ӽ ־


29 ̵ Ʈ


̰ ̺쿡 ̰


׸ ʸ




ٵ  ۿ?





Ƹ 츮 񿡼 ô


ũ Դ


 Ʃ갰 ͼ Ƶ̴ ƴұ?


׸ 


װ ӳ׿


ŵ Ҹ ϴ ̴ϱ?



ī󸶳 Ƹ Ŷ ؿ?


ذ ִٴ


Ÿ̹ ҳ?






ȳ, ̵


ݰ, ׷


帮 ҷ ԰ŵ




ʿؼ, ̵


ϴ ̴ϱ?


츰 ãƾ 29 ־


׵ ã ̿


׷ ο ִ ġݾƿ


ũ ʿ


ã ִ ̿ؾ


. ũ ̿ ִ ,


ƴϸ ߴ Ƶ 츰 ĥ ־


׷ ſ


̵ ̳ ּ


, ̵


.. Ŀ


׳.. . ؿ


, ٰԿ


׸ ̶


̷ ġä


ٷ FBI ȸ TMZ(*Ź) ɴϴ


˾ƾ ־






ؼ ˼մϴ


޴ µ, ҷ ؼ


˼ؿ, ؿ


, ȵǰ


̻ ȭ ٰ ϴ


˰ھ. ˼մϴ


Ƶ鳻 ļ ̰ڳ










ݾƿ, شٰ


, Ŷ ߰ŵ


, ϸ ͵ ؼ


ϱ Ŷ...


. ݾƿ


ĸ, 帮


̵ ϴ °


ſ̶ κ̿


װ ̿?


ܿ ̸  ־?


̰ °
ٵ ߰ڳ׿


츰 ̸ ũƸ ã ־


17̰ Ӹ...





















׵, ̳ ٴϱ ߴµ, ׷ ̰..


̰ ְ׿


츰 ġ ʾҾ


׷. ƴٰ ʾƿ


ģ ִµ ؿԴµ




° Ǹ̰ Ÿ Ծ


ƴ ٸ


׷ ϰų ԰ų ϴµ


̶ Ʈʴ


ڿ ִٰ Ͼ ϳ ׿




ʴ° ſ




Ŀ, ؿ




. ȣ ôٳ׿


ظ н


׳ ̺ 2232




ظ н, 48


6 ߳׿


̿. ϸ ֵμ




⼭ ۾ ´ Կ





ʵ .. ؿ


μ ȳ׿




츮 ڵ鿡 Ǹ ؼ


ǰ ãҾ?


踦 ؼ ֱ ʿϰŵ





ֵ鵵 ְڱ


ɻϰ ϱ


׵ ʿ ſ




ģ ?




ڱ ?




̷ﵵ Ǵµ




ݹ ž





ž, ڳ






н װ 21춧





- ŵϱ?
- ̰ŵ.




ϴ ߱ ϸ.


ü ã ָ ̴ϴ


̶ ִ ڸ ãھ


׷ ڱ Ǹ ƳŶ










׻  ٷ . 츰 дϴ


׸ ⼭ ̷ ο ð ҺҼ


н ָ ſ


׷ ٶϱ?






װͻӸ ƴϰ ״ϱ




ٵ ö ݾ


Ű ִ ڽĺ ġ


ؾ Ѵٸ


ֵ ̿


ȱ׷ ׿״


ƿ, ׷ ؾ߰ڳ׿


ũ, ̶ 巹 ƮƮ


츮 Ŀ . ô


ݴ, Ҿƹ åϴ ϼ̴ܴ


װ ġ ־


- ׷?
- ߴܴ


ٲȾ. ׷ ؾ߸




⸦ ļ ̾ϱ, ڳ


ƿ. ·ų ŵ







ƺ ž


̵, 츮 巹 Դµ


- ̴Ϲ ־
-ݹ Կ


ٸ ð


̺ Դϴ




α ã ֽϴ


̴ Ƴ? н


Ƶ. Ƶ ?


׳ Һٰ


װ ҹ ƴݾƿ, ׷?






ƺ, ϴ ſ!




, ?


ֵ ٸ ó ũ ž



װ ʾ


̶ ̶




ũ ſ






ϰ ݾƿ


̰ ߿  ݾƿ


ҰŶ ˾ƿ, ̵


׸ ִ ٸ







츮 ˾Ƽ ſ.



"츮 ˾Ƽ ſ"?


"츮 ˾Ƽ ſ"°?


̾ؿ, ũ




ãµ ʿ ƴϾ


̱ ߾


̵ ־



׵ ϰ ſ


װ ִ ̰


̷ Ǹ


߱ ſ


츮 ¿ ִ


ױ ָ ŵ ־


̰ ?




Դ ð


̷ ȹ̾ ſ


ƴ, ó ƴϾ



ִ ̵


װų, ƴ Ȳ ־


׸.. ׿ ش̶ ˾Ҿ


׷ ,




׷ ɰŶ ߾?


̰ ƴϾ





ܵ ˾Ƽ ҰԿ


׷, ׷ð



̰ н ڿ?


׵ ٻھ


ڽĵ ã ߰߾


 ãƾ ϴ ƴ


״ ̴ϱ?


⼭ ųİ?






ʿ ߽ϴ




ؼ Ҽ




̵ ̳׿


ϴ ͼ Դϴ


濡 ȭؿ


׻ ʿϴϱ


, ׷





ظ ? / ƴϿ



׳ ڴ ܰ ŵ Ű


װ ظ ϰ ʾƿ










ó׿. ?






ġ ڿ?


Ÿٷ ˾Ҵµ


߷ ߴ ƿ


ġ ڰ ̷






, ν, ݷζ Ű, ׸ ..




ϴ ɱ?


ãƳ ſ, մϴ


Ŀ, ƿ?


ƴ, ׳..


Ŀ, ٷ




׵ ܵ ȸ ٷȾ


ϰ ʾƿ


˰ , ؾ ؿ


̵, ε ؿ. ...




ϰ ִ 𸣰ڴٰ


46ϵڸ Ű


׷ ƹ͵ Ѵٰ?


׷ Ŀ ũ ̶ ûϰ


׷̶ ⵵ ߰


ϰڽϴ. ...




ſ ؿ?


涧 ?


ũ ̶ ߾?


ȣϷ ſ




, Ŀ


׸ ׷ ɾȾ


ȭ, ȥ....




 ̰ ̳?




Ϻϰ.. ׷


Ƿ ׸ о¾


̵ Ϸ ʾ ſ


׸ ׸ ȣϷ ϰ



羾 ݷζ Ű带 ߴµ,  ƴ


װ η ŷα


ڰ ׷ 𸥴ٰ










ҽ ־


ī ȸƴ


ڳʵ ׷




˰ ְ


ũ, ־?


ڳ, ? ƾ?


ƺ ־?



, ں深 ʿؿ


ƴ, ƴϿ





, ̷  ´


׷ ھ




̶ ߾


׻ ڸ Ǹ ޾Ƶ ſ


ü̶ ִ ̿ ְڼ


Previously, on Haven...


I was abducted,
I was tied up by a man


who knows me better
than I know myself.


There's someone there.
I think he's coming.




Roslyn, is the Colorado kid
still alive?




There's something else.
"Find him before the hunter."


Who the hell wrote it?


I did.
That's my handwriting.


Can I help you?


I'm Dr. Callahan.
I'm a psychiatrist.


There's another relationship


that I would
encourage you to address.


Duke's looking
for info on the hunter.


Why are you letting Crocker
and Dwight figure things out?


Because we may need them.


- I need to talk to you.
- What?


The hunter,
it's a meteor storm.


It hits every 27 years.


When you were Lucy, the night
of the hunter meteor storm


is the night
that you disappear.


When's the next one?


49 days.




How long does it take to pee?


We've got
the caterer at 9:00.




When this wedding's over,
I'm so done running.






If this is a joke...


Oh, my God. Greg.


Audrey, it is your neighbor
Duke, so please don't shoot me.


I brought you coffee.


One shot or two?


I got to go to work, Duke.


- A triple, then.
- No. No, thanks.


Coffee, sunrise,
best view in heaven...


It's exactly what you need.


I don't wanna
be here, Duke, okay?


I wanna go to work.
I wanna help the troubled.


It's the one thing I know...
I know I want to do.


Car keys.


Audrey, look, I'm just saying,


if I knew that I were
going to vanish in 46 days,


I probably wouldn't be
heading off to the grind.


Okay, I will take you
to my secret oyster field.


Have you ever had blue point
oysters drizzled in absinthe?


Not today, thanks.


Audrey, come on, I mean,


don't you just look around this
madhouse sometimes and think,


I am gonna grab
the first flight out of here?


I'll go to some secret island


where nobody does anything,
wears anything.


And nobody turns into
anything unnatural.




You know, you'd think
even chief Wuornos


would want you to take
a little vacation time.


Yeah, I gotta go.


Nathan's waiting for me.


You Haven't told him.




What are you waiting for?


The right time.


Okay. Audrey, I...


I really couldn't handle
living in this town with Nathan


if you disappeared
and he didn't know why.


I'm sorry it's going to be
so hard on you, Duke.


Excuse me.


What do we have?


Good morning.


Good morning.


What do we have?


Victim's name is Greg Winfield.


Went for his daily jog,
stopped for a pit stop.


Five minutes later his fiancee
finds him dead in the woods.


Cause of death?


I'll let the coroner take that.


Dr. Lucassi's
full-time now?


it's a perfect job for him.


He hates it when
his patients talk back.


Show her what you found, doc.


Human lungs.


Severed centimeters
above the bronchial joint


into the trachea
and removed from the body.


But look...


There's no incision,
dorsal or ventral.


How did the lungs come out?


I'm thinking through his mouth.


He expelled his lungs
through his mouth?


Or somebody reached down
his throat and ripped 'em out.


Come on,
I want a bigger perimeter.


Let's see what else
we can find in these woods.


Here's everyone
in the northeast


waiting for a lung transplant.


You really think
that this is an organ theft?


No. It's a trouble.


And if it's Greg Winfield's,


and he just coughed up
his own lung, then we're done.


"The Shire Theatre"?


I didn't know
you were a theater guy.


Just give me that.


Murder mystery.
Who are you taking?


Thought if anybody
has a shot at figuring it out,


it'd be us, right?


It's not for
a couple of months though.


We don't have to go
if you don't want to.


I wan - I want to.


I-I can't.


No problem.


Got the tickets on my card.
I can get a refund.


No, Nathan...


I can't.


What's wrong?


The hunter.


It's a meteor storm.


- Okay.
- It comes every 27 years,


and when it does, I go.


Go where?


I don't know.


Apparently I just...


It happened when I was Lucy
and Sarah, too.


Okay. It's okay.


Um, we can all...
No, Nathan.


It's coming in 46 days.


In 46 days, I'm gone.


How do you know all this?


Duke figured it out.


Have you guys
gotten a statement


from the fiancee yet?


No, actually, Nathan
was just about to do that.


Well, I got the labs
back on those lungs.


Diseased, sclerotic,
barely functional.


But the victim was jogging
minutes before he died.


Yeah, that's because the lungs


that we found on the ground
next to him weren't his.


What? Let...
Let me see that.


Sorry to keep you waiting.


This shouldn't take long.


Do you and Greg
always run on that trail?


Please, do we have to
go through it all again?


I already told
the other guy everything.


What other guy?


Haven 03x03
The Farmer




What's wrong?


Someone already
questioned Sherri.


Black male, 35, leather jacket,
called himself Tommy.


He could still be around here.


That ballsy.


You think it was the killer?


Well, if he was,
now we know what he looks like.


Hey, I need you to go to the
witness in the interview room,


get a detailed description
of a man named "Tommy,"


put an APB out.


- I'm going to check the building.
- Yes, sir. But chief,


we just got a disturbance call
that you should hear.


- Haven PD! Hands up!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.


Easy, easy,
easy with the triggers people.


I'm a cop, okay?
I'm a cop.


Yeah? Then you know
how to get on the wall.


He's dead.


Oh, I could've told you that.


Badge is in my pocket.
You wanna grab it for me?


"Thomas Bowen."


Boston Police Department?


That's detective.


That's what
the gold shield means.


What are you doing in Haven?


Same as you, tracking a killer.


The one who snatched
this guy's kidney


and left him
with trade-ins.


Why didn't you
check in with us?


Oh, you know, I didn't, uh,
I didn't want to get in the way.


Listen, I'm checking in
now, though.




Look, two days ago
on the north side,


some psycho reaches down
a guy's throat,


grabs his liver,
and leaves him with a bad one.


We are after the same lunatic.


Can I please
stop kissing this corner?


Hey, hey, hey, what the hell
are you doing, man?


- Shh.
- Oh, this is great.


The perp is upstairs,
and I'm down here handcuffed?


- Yeah. So, shh.
- No "shh."




What's your name?




Did you call the police?


What happened downstairs?


Looks like she's in shock.


Is my brother okay?


Her brother saved her
from her attacker,


and then the guy
removed her brother's kidneys.


Through his throat.


sounds like a trouble.




I'll talk to her.


But what do I have to do
to talk to you?


I saw you with Nathan
when I came in earlier.


You know, there's some tension
you can cut with a knife.


- Claire...
- And others you can't even


get a knife through,
'cause it's too thick.


Things have changed.




Does anybody like it when
their shrink says "interesting"?


It's half the fun in saying it.




Look, I just... I just...
I want to apologize.


What you tell Nathan...


It's honestly
none of my business.


No, you were right.


I told him.


How did he take it?


He's confused.


Guess that makes two of us.


- Don't do this.
- What?


Don't just blindly accept


what's supposed to
happen to you.


Nobody knows better than me
what it's like


to have some crazy destiny
dropped on you.


I mean, hell, I...


I'm supposed to be out
running around all silver-eyed,


killing people,
ending their families' troubles.


- But you're not.
- No.


Because I choose
not to give in to my fate.


I choose the life I live.


And you can too.


Lucy didn't have a choice.
And Sarah either, all right?


So what makes you
think that I do?


I'm sorry, Audrey.


I mean,
I-I want to help you.


But I honestly just don't
have any idea how to do that.




You call me
if you need anything.


See, Mark, being a cop?
It's not just lights and guns.


Still interested
in your Uncle's job?


Not so much.


I'm Dr. Callahan.


Can you get her a blanket
while I find an ambulance?


She's not well.


- No problem.
- Thank you.


Let's go get that blanket.


Did Detective Bowen
check out with the Boston PD?




His boss wasn't exactly
shocked he was up here.


Sounds like Bowen
goes his own way.


Have you ever had outside cops


poking around
Haven's troubles before?




Sometimes we keep them.


And the other times?


We get rid of them
any way we can.


You left me in here
with my laces and my belt.


Didn't seem like the kind
of guy who's gonna kill himself.


Depends how long
I'm in this town.


- You talk to my boss yet?
- Yeah.


He seemed happy
to have you out of Boston.


Yeah. We're in a difficult
place in our relationship.


You spoke to the girl?


She said I didn't
attack her, right?


So that takes me off
your suspect list.


But not the "working outside
your jurisdiction" list.


You're funny.
I like you.


Not so sure about you yet.


I'll live.


Tell us what you know
about the killings.


I'll be expecting a little
consideration when I'm done.


Like what you know.


We'll see.


The victim in Boston,


one who had his
liver ripped out...


He was my trainee, Paul.


He was a good kid,
came up the hard way,


we really understood
each other.


What led you to Haven?


Witnesses, they saw a man,
medium build, leaving the scene.


Only saw him from behind,


but they did see
the jacket he was wearing.


East Haven Sea Dogs.


Doesn't explain how you
beat us to the victims here.


I've been monitoring
your dispatch


ever since I got into town.


Look, you guys
should really consider


to a higher frequency.


So, your turn.


Tell me, what do you know
about this sick puppy?


Look, I can appreciate


you have a personal stake
in this case.




He is now a multi-state
serial killer,


which means he belongs
to the FBI, not you.


Fortunately, I'm not
a big fan of the "feeb,"


so I'm not going to
call 'em either.


That's, of course,
if we can be partners.


So what do you say?
It's your call.




- Help! Get her off me!
- Zoe! Stop!




I'll get help!


Okay, you didn't have to...


Oh, really? Really?


Looked like she was
getting best of you, Chief.


I don't feel bad though.


She's probably on PCP.
Makes them unstoppable.


Yeah. PCP.


Well, I think we know
who killed her brother.


Her brother, maybe.


But like I said,
my trainee was killed by a man.


We have two killers.


And one of them
is still out there.


Any idea when Zoe
might wake up?


Doctors aren't sure
that she will.


One by one,
her organs keep on failing.


Lucassi confirmed
the diseased lungs and kidneys


we found came
from the same person.


So maybe they're
one of our killer's organs.


Maybe his trouble
makes his organs fail,


and then he has to
have healthy ones.


Well, if you need an organ,


the best match
comes from family.


The closer the better,


and the troubles
run in families.


So, what?


He's hunting family members
to harvest their organs?


If the attack succeeds,


he gets the organ
and the victim dies.


But if the victim gets away,


like Zoe did, then their
trouble is triggered...


And they need new organs.


So does this mean
that Mark and Zoe are related?


Let's find out.


Stan, you got a second?


How's Mark?


They got him hooked up
to a lot of machines.


His kidneys are failing.


Is there any family connection
between Mark and Zoe?


Not on our side.


I mean, on his dad's side,
maybe, but we'll never know.


My sister used a sperm donor.


Code blue, room 206.


That's Mark's room.
Sorry, Chief.


- Go.
- I'll go with him.


Hey, you know,
Paul used to go on all the time


about how he was gonna find
his real father someday.


His mom used a sperm donor too.


- That's the link.
- Mm-hmm.


Wait, you guys
have a fertility clinic


in this little town?


We even got a few
traffic lights, too.


All of your victims
were conceived with our help,


but they were all
fathered by different donors.


Well, there must be
some connection.


Well, nothing I can see here.


Maybe it's a coincidence.


Paul's mother confirmed
that she used this clinic


when she lived in Portland.


No way that's a coincidence.
Maybe your records are wrong.


There's this case in Cambridge.
Fertility doctor.


He substituted
his own sperm for his donors.


Fathered an insane amount
of kids that way,


all off the books.


Well, clearly,
I Haven't done that.


No, but maybe
someone who worked here?


If he doctored the records,


no one would ever know
the kids were his.


We're gonna need to see
your employee files


over the last 25 years.
Children, too.


I can give you the employee
records, but not the patients.


Doctor-patient privilege,
I know.


I will get you a court order.


Start packing up
the files, please.


Go with her and make sure
she's not holding back.


Yes, sir.


What does he think
about all of this?


That we're just
chasing some normal sicko.


Wouldn't that be nice
for a change?




So if our guy fathered
all of the victims,


he must've known
that his organs


would fail
when the troubles returned.


And he wanted to have
a supply of matching donors.


How many kids
could he have fathered?


We got to protect them.


Any one of them could be next.


These kids could
have kids of their own.


If their troubles trigger...


They'll start harvesting
the organs of their relatives.


We've got to break this cycle.


So we were right.


All the victims
came from the same clinic.


Our guy had to have
access to the lab


to swap the sperm samples.


It's 25 years' worth


of custodial staff,
handymen, temp workers.


I got a list of 29 kids here,


all conceived at the clinic,
still living in Haven.


And dozens of others
scattered around the country.


All of whom could have been
fathered by our guy.


But how does his trouble work?


How does he get the organs


out of the victims' bodies
without damaging them?


Maybe that thing
we saw in Zoe's throat


when she attacked Mark
was like...


Some kind of tube he uses
to suck out the organs?


And then he spits out
the diseased ones.


That's new.


The hell are you two
talking about?


Do you seriously
think that this guy


is some kind of
chupacabra organ-sucker?


It's a wonder
you solve any crimes.


Is this a bad time?


'Cause I'm feeling
some awkward cop tension.


Not now.


Hi, Nathan.


It's nice to see
you, too, but, uh,


I'm actually here
'cause Audrey called.




I need his help, Nathan.


What are you doing?


We got 29 people
we got to track down


before this guy gets to them.


And I have every cop
in the department on his way in.


We don't need him.


We need all the help
we can get.


Listen, I don't know what's
going on with you and Duke,


or what he said to you,
but whatever it is we'll fix it.


We will, without him.


Just give me the list of kids.


Please, Nathan,
we are running out of time.


Ilisten... Park...


Just... okay.
Well, be careful.


Okay. I'm all ears.


And if I get
the slightest sense


that you're snowing me,


I'm bringing in the FBI,
the Staties, and TMZ.


There are some things you need
to know about this town.


Excuse me?




I'm sorry to bother you, um,


my phone died,
and I need to call a tow truck.


I'm sorry, I can't.


No, of course not.


Some weirdo
asking to use your phone.


I get it. Sorry.


My wife's gonna kill me
for missing my son's game.






Really? Oh.






You know, when I said
that I would help you,


I was thinking, in my mind,
something fun.


Maybe involving, like,
fruity mixed blender drinks.


If you don't want to do this...


Hey, I'm here.


You know, the freaky thing
about you, Audrey,


is finding some guy
who's hunting his kids


is your idea of fun.


That's the freaky thing
about me?


How many names on that list?


This is the third one,
but we've got a ways to go.


We're looking
for a Miriam Lacroix.


She's 17, brown hair...


Is that her?


Sea dogs.


Let's go.


I should go.






Can you hear me?


Are you okay?


She's not gonna be.




I've seen a hell of a lot,
I really have, but this...


This is a first.


We are not crazy.


No, I don't think you're crazy.


Been doing this long enough
where I can spot the crazies.




I've seen all kinds of evil and
depraved things that people do.


Got some other cops
that I know,


they reach for the bottle
or for drugs or even God.


You and your partner


need to believe there's
something supernatural going on.


Hey, whatever.


But it better not
get in my way.




Parker, slow down.


"XNZ 231."


Got it.
She got a plate.


Harry Nix.


It's, uh, 2232 Magnolia Drive.


Got him.


Harry Nix, 48.


Worked at the clinic
up until six years ago.


He's our guy.
Try and seal him in.


I'll put out an APB.


We'll get what we can here
and meet you there.




There's no sign of Nix in here.


It's all...
All clear in the back.


He's packed up and gone.


He's probably planning ahead,


in case we tipped
to one of his victims.


Find a souvenir?


Need a current photo
for the APB.




This guy has a family?


And he's taking his kids
with him.


His organs are failing.


He might need 'em.


For parts.


Your friend's not there?




Damn it.


Are you all right, sweetheart?


You look terrible.


We can postpone this trip.


No, we need to leave now.


I'll be okay.


I love you, Marjean.


I love you too, honey.


Long trip, Connor.


Maybe we should, uh,
make a pit stop.




Nix's whole family
disappeared when he was 21.




Last time
the troubles were here.


- You too, huh?
- It's contagious.


And he probably killed them.


One of his organs is failing.


He's not going to get far
without getting another one.


If I'm him,
I go for my nearest donor.


So he can suck out their
organs with his demon tongue?


That's it.


I'm calling the Feds.


Tell 'em to put a net
around this guy.




Feds wouldn't know
how to handle this. We do.


And every second we stand here
arguing about it,


Nix gets further away.


You want that on your head?


You're lucky I hate the feds.


If this guy gets away,


it will be the least
of your worries.


Closest offspring
are here and here.


I mean, the guy
packed a damn lunch.


I don't think he's gonna
go after his own kids first,


not unless he has to.


They're his last resort.


Otherwise he would have
killed them already.


All right,
so, we play our odds.


Duke, you and I,
we're gonna take Draper Street.


We got Curry.
Let's go.


You know, my father loved
to go for walks in the woods.


He tried to hurt me once.


- He did?
- I didn't let him.


But it changed me.
I did some things.


The will to survive
is a powerful thing.


I'm sorry I missed
your last game, Connor.


It's okay.
We lost anyway.


Are you okay?


Do you want me
to go get some help?


Mm... mm.


Your father's
gonna be just fine.


Nathan, we're here
at the draper house.


His minivan's here.
We'll be right there.


We can't wait for them.


Haven police department.


Is everything all right?


We're actually
looking for your husband.


Do you know
where he is, Mrs. Nix?


Your son.
Where is your son?


They just went
for a pit stop in the woods.


That's not illegal, is it?


He's in the woods!




Daddy, what are you doing?!




You okay, kid?


This kid's going into shock,
just like the others.




I-I don't want to die.


Get Tommy and the boy
out of here, please.




I only need Duke.




You should have told me.


You would've tried to stop me.


You don't know where this ends.


I know that it saves lives
today, Nathan.


And countless others
down the line.


Please, just take them and go.


Give me a hand.


What- - what about that?


We'll handle this.




"We'll handle this"?


What do you mean,
"we'll handle this"?


I'm sorry, Duke.


I really am.


You didn't need me
to help find him.


You needed me to kill him.


There are scores
of other kids out there


that aren't just going to die,


but they are going to kill
their families, too,


and you are the only one
that can stop that.


You have no right
to put this on me.


His organs are failing.
He's going to die.


There's nothing
that we can do about that.


But you can kill
his curse before he goes.


What is that?




The entire time
that I was helping you,


you were planning this.


No, not at first.


But then I saw those photos


of all of those kids
at the fertility clinic,


all of those kids
that would die, or worse,


and I knew... I knew
that you were the only answer.


So I thought if you could
see the kind of monster


that we were dealing with...


That I would
want to become one, too?


This wasn't
your decision to make.


You're right.


Walk away.


Whatever happens,
I'll deal with it.


you're damn right you will.


Are all of these
all Nix's victims?


Yeah, he's been busy.


Teams we sent to search
for his offspring found them.


At least now we know
what to look for.


What are you going to
tell your captain?


Am I going to tell him
what I saw up here?


Be better for us if you didn't.


Better for me, too.


I make enough waves at home.


No upside in trying
to explain all this.


Hey, good working with you.


You too.


It's a cool little town
you got here,


you know,
once you get used to it.


If you ever get tired
of Boston, give me a call.


We could always use a good cop.


Yeah, I'll do that.


There's more.




Did Harry do that?


She's not missing
any of her internal organs,


and her nose has been
surgically removed.


That doesn't fit
Harry's M.O.


The way she was killed
doesn't match either.


What caused that?


A bolt gun.


Normally used
to put down livestock.


An identical wound.
What... who's that?






The woman who was killed
by my abductor?


But I thought she was burned.


To try and hide
how she died, I think.


Whoever abducted you
is doing this.


He's still here.


But why?


Me, Roslyn,
the Colorado Kid, and now...


Facial mutilation?


What is he after?


We'll find out, I promise.


Parker, are you okay?


No, just...


Parker, hold up.


I've been...


I've been wanting for a chance
to talk to you alone.


I really don't
want to talk right now.


And I get that, but we need to.


Nathan, you need
to understand that I...


But I don't understand.


I don't have any idea
where your head's at.


You're going away in 46 days,


but you don't want to fight it?


And instead, you ask Duke
to start killing people,


and you don't even
talk to me about it.


That's what I don't understand.


Why won't you talk to me?


Talk to you?


Like you told me
about the tattoo that you got


just so that
you could kill Duke.


I was trying to protect you.


Well, don't.


I'll see you around
the office, Parker.


And then he just walked away.






Do you feel like you could
have handled it any better?




It went...


You pushed him away on purpose.


Nathan would never have
stopped trying to save me.


And you're trying
to protect him.




Lucy loved the Colorado kid,
and it cost him everything.


You're afraid that


that's what's going to happen
to every man that you love.


Not if I don't let it.


What's wrong?


I got to go.


Can I get one of those?


Got some good news.


Stan's nephew recovered,


and so did Connor,


and Zoe, and Miriam.


But I bet you
already knew that.


Duke, what happened back there?


Connor, what happened?
Are you hurt?


Where's your father?


It's okay.


Laverne, I need an ambulance.


No, it's... it's not a rush.


I'm done. I'm done.


Yeah, Donovan sent
a guy up here to kill me,


so I'm out.


Yeah, I'm sure.


Yeah, listen,
I talked to the local chief.


I'm gonna accept his job offer.


Hey, I'd rather be
in the sticks than a body bag.